Rain Fall

When the men arrived at the base of the castle, nothing has changed much regarding the newly developed lake, it's still burning, the flames still very much alive.

The men watched the lake with awe and fascination.

"I wonder when the flame will fade away?" Agran asked.

"It could take days, weeks, or maybe months?" Jegun answered.

Zemeth looked at Jegun. "Who do you think made all this? Why is this even possible when we didn't see anyone transforming the castle into a lake in a literal sense?" he asked.

Jegun smiled. "I think, all these changes are part of the formation that the girls' father had created before he died. Maybe... he designed the remains of the castle to turn into a lake after it was destroyed. Just my wild guess, I could be wrong. I stand to be corrected anytime. What we saw with our own eyes are open to different interpretations," Jegun answered.

Their attention remained fixated on the newly created mysterious lake.