
The following day.

Kate and Ivy went to the island, they were fetched by Zemeth and Ramza from the mountain.

Ella stayed firm with her decision.

She was sitting on the wooden bench outside the door when Aspen arrived.

"Why are you sitting here alone? Where's everybody?" asked Aspen.

"Sister Kate and Ivy went to the island together with Zemeth and Ramza," she replied.

"And what are you doing here, sulking alone?" Aspen asked, he just came from the island two hours ago. He already knew everything based on Grandpa Jegun's narration.

"I don't want to see Agran!" Ella blurted out.

Aspen sighed. "I know. I understand. So...will you be okay here?" he asked patting her shoulder firmly. He grinned.

Before Ella knows it, she and Aspen were already teleported into the island.

Ella glared at Aspen. "This is not good! You are forcing me to come here even if against my will!" she protested.