The fifth retainer joins the hero

"Are... are you planning to kill... kill me here?" Vincent asked. He became conflicted about this situation. Did she accept him or not?

Sakura let go of Vincent and backed away. Unlike what she just did and what her action could mean, a saddened look appeared on her face. She looked like she was the one who suffered from this one-sided exchange.

"That... that was my first hug. I am hard, right?... no one wants a hard woman..." Sakura was saying before Vincent interrupted, "That isn't how people hug each other. Everyone will die if that is the norm."

[Well, she said it was her first romantic hug, hehe. Don't be so mean on her because it looks like it took a lot of courage...]

[Opps, I forgot Sakura could hear me ~ehe~]

Vincent stopped being on guard for another surprise bear hug and asked, "You suffered through a lot these past few days, but can I show you how a real warm hug is? Can this human touch you?"