The morning of a fresh start

"Wow! I want to ride one." Leah gasped in awe at the flying fabric with Teresa on it.

"It looks like an invisible horse. " Clara said.

"Missis angel looks like a fairy now. " Beth added.

Leonis looked at the three little girls and felt the same way his wife felt. "Next time, I will give you girls a ride. I promise." He said with a smile.

"Thank you, mister." The three of them thanked with a cute beaming smile. It almost gave Leonis and Teresa diabetes with their cuteness.

And like that, the two heads of the Lionheart family, Leonis the acting head in the eyes of the people and Teresa, the acting head in the eyes of the business partners, were booked to visit not only for their daughter's sake but for the three little girls sake as well.