A day relaxing under a tree

Plow saw the kids looking at Lupa with a beaming smile.* Pho* Plow barked cutely to attract attention. 

'Bad wolf will not beat Plow.' Plow thought.

Vincent lowered on his knee and brushed Lupa's smooth fur. "I am ready. What does best girl Lupa wish to do?" He asked.

Lupa turned her gaze on Plow. The eyes of both attention competitors soon met. Soon, Lupa thought of a date she would love, and Plow would become jealous of.

[We don't need to go out today. My mate can do this for me.] Lupa then proceeded by telling Vincent about what she considered a good day is. It was mainly to spend a day petting and cuddling with Lupa in her white wolf form in an open area for Plow to peek at them from time to time.