The situation escalates


[Name] Sakura

[Condition] Minor Injuries, Frightened


Vincent checked her condition and asked, "The injuries are minor, but how are you feeling? What happened?"

Sakura looked at the hammer with blood still dripping from it. "... I..."

"I know you are scared, Sakura. Not only you met people with bad intentions, but they were humans as well." Vincent embraced Sakura and rubbed her back. "I know it is difficult to forget what happened to you, but remember that we are here for you."

"My mate is right, sister Sakura. I ran to help when I heard a voice I never heard shouting, "attack the demon" I ran to help with my claws itching for a fight." Lupa tried to comfort Sakura.

Ester, Lenn, and Renn arrived next. They saw the man with a hole in his chest lying on the ground, and Sakura was covered in blood splatters.