Waiting for the predator to return

Vincent wasn't confident of what could happen next. If they left for Okan Village right now, they might not make it in time. There was a chance of meeting the monstrous wolf midway, and an unprepared fight would ensue.

Their surroundings were slowly becoming dark, yet they were in front of the cave the wolf used as a den, but they didn't have a shelter. Not finding the wolf in the den and having the need to wait made him doubt his choice. 

Vincent frowned and became angry at himself for calling this a honeymoon. This was the second time he made a mistake after becoming overconfident and placing those he wanted to protect in danger.

It would be fortunate if the wolf didn't return so soon and force them to fight in the dark. They had to cover their tracks and wait for the wolf without lighting a campfire in a safe area as the smoke would announce their presence.