The beginning of every goal always has a rough start

The ice held by the warm gauntlets melted quicker than usual because of the heat. Furthermore, as the mana inside the ice was being depleted and its composition of mana was disappearing rapidly, the melting process advanced.

Ester noticed the ice being held by Vincent was melting quickly. She knew Vincent had to keep holding the ice lance to absorb mana. Suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind, and she decided to use her Frost Sigils to slow the melting process. 

When Ester touched the ice and controlled the output of coldness her Frost Sigils provided, the ice began to melt slower than before. 

"Vincent, it works. " Ester said with a smile.


[The Host refined and assimilated 1 mana. Mana stat is now 53.]


The notification window finally appeared. One mana was assimilated into his body with Ester's support to keep the ice from melting too quickly.