In a heated contest betting is prevalent

Vincent was enjoying eating the delicious salad. He was already on the fourth plate after not eating anything in the morning. But a telepathic message from Kazumi halted his enjoyment of the food. 

Vincent turned his head and saw Kilo eating like a person starved for days. No one would guess Kilo is noble from afar because a noble would be ashamed to eat in this manner.

Not to mention Kilo was grabbing the vegetables with his hands, crushing the food, and eating as if he wanted to murder the poor delicious and well-presented salad.

On Kilo's table were six empty plates, and one of the maids was signaling another maid standing near the slope to bring the next food cart. 

On the maids' faces were no traces of confusion or shock. They acted professionally and unbothered while serving Kilo. As if they knew beforehand what was going to happen in probably paid extra to help Kilo while in this strange state.