Let's cultivate

[The effects are beneficial. I highly suggest getting ten if it doesn't cost too much. I wonder how much stat boost you can gain.]

-I like the effect too. I hope I can grow stronger in a short time with the potion.-

"I want the Bloody Heart Pump. How many points does it cost?" Vincent asked.

"Really, Sexy boy?" Honey became surprised. She thought Vincent didn't know the catch, so she explained, "Only ten can be taken in a lifetime because the effects lose potency by one-tenth every time. The eleventh potion will give no benefits."

[Ten times is still valuable, I say. As the saying goes, every drop counts. ]

"I still want one. " Vincent said.

"Could you also tell me the point price of the vigor potion as well? I have twenty-one points on this card." Vincent believed combining both potions could provide maximum benefit.

"I have eighteen points if it is not enough." Lilith offered.