Vincent vs Russo. The final round begins.

"Serious?" Russo smirked. "I will start getting serious if you want to make things fun."

"Fun it is." Vincent agreed. *Clang, clang* He hit the metal gauntlets with one another and took a combat stance.

Vincent threw a strike, but Russo sidestepped, causing the strike to miss the target by a wide margin. A breeze of wind followed Russo, making Vincent believe Russo started using his spells without his notice. 

[Vincent. I can see mana faintly swirling around Russo. He is boosting his speed. It looks like he is becoming serious gradually.]

[On the other hand, the gap between the two of you is becoming wider. So how about I assist?]

-Yes.- Vincent accepted. 

Vincent clenched his toes to stop the momentum of his body from moving forward. He cleared his mind and trusted Kazumi to guide him like a game character being controlled by the player.

Russo grinned when he swiftly stood behind Vincent.