Watch my dance of war

In a moment of shock, the assassins temporarily stopped and looked at each other to determine if their eyes were working correctly. They never imagined there wasn't going to be a tiny flame from so many Molotovs thrown. 

"What the hell is happening?"

"How can plan B not work too?"

"Did you see the green light, or are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

Three assassins questioned as their eyes couldn't believe what they saw.

The sure way plan to kill Vincent didn't work. Not even the slightest.

Plan A and Plan B were two plans made to assassinate their target with over ninety percent success rate. But both of them mysteriously failed. 

Plan C was their only choice now because they didn't have any more traps or plans prepared in advance remaining. 

Plan C consisted of using their strength in numbers to overwhelm their target and kill him. It was to fight and kill their target at all costs.