The insistent Lupa takes my day

Now, Vincent's Lionheart branch family was possibly receiving the support of two families. There was going to be an increase in soldier patrols. 

Additionally, when some of the non-sponsored soldiers and sponsored soldiers from the royal faction see the Lionheart insignia on their clothes, they will possibly offer assistance, such as escorting or acting like a temporary bodyguard.

Vincent went to rest from the long and eventful Sunday. He leaned on the bed beside Ester and closed his eyes. He fell asleep instantly.

*Day 154 - 09 November - Monday*

Vincent woke up in the early morning of Monday. His right arm was used as a body pillow by Lupa and his belly as a bed by Plow.

"Good morning." Said a voice from his left.

Vincent moved his head and saw Ester smiling warmly at him. She looked better than yesterday, but Vincent wanted to be certain.