Anger overcomes fear and doubt

Ester rushed in front of Lupa to block her from attacking the two men, who were possibly nobles. "Leave us alone. We are already taken." She said while showing a bothered expression.

*Sigh* Lilith shook her head after hearing Lupa show no restraints like usual. She also felt Ester couldn't solve this matter by telling the two men to leave peacefully.

Lilith believed she was an expert when it came to flirting in public from the thousands of romance books she read. She understood the only way to shoo the two men was to use authority to scare them away instead of force.

Lilith gulped and clenched her fists to muster her courage. She had heard from Vincent how he tried to use the knowledge he read in books when meeting Ester just to epically fail. It was then Vincent learned real life was far different than a predetermined event written in a book.