Crimson and gold watches from the dark corridor

Ester shook her head and whispered, "When a person is consumed by greed, not even if they are the last people living in the world, their words can not be trusted."

*Sigh* "I can never understand humans who are not part of my mate's pack." Lupa said in a low voice before extending her hand and pointing in front of them.

"They are gathered in front of us." She continued with a low voice.

Ester now knew the location of the eight people. The three thugs must have ignored their words and returned to the five victims after only giving them a breather instead of the time promised.

Ester started walking slowly without making a sound while Lupa followed on the soft pads of her wolf feet silently.

Lupa's racing heart made more sound than her steps. She was angry to suffer the bad smell after already suffering from the slave trader's place.