A race against time begins

"But I am at my limits, as you are seeing. I need more time to win the fight against my old, weak self." Lilith continued in a low voice.

Jun Ye Rim could now understand how Lilith was thinking. 

Lilith was giving it her all to become courageous and act as a Baroness. To become a person others can depend on, instead of the other way around.

Jun Ye Rim saw others change, yet she still couldn't figure out what to do to begin her change. She wasn't going to participate in the judgment by combat. This made her increasingly even doubtful that she could ever change because of her low power and unique personality.

However, Jun Ye Rim didn't want to feel like a spectator or inconvenience the people who accepted her for who she was. A faint spark of change was lit inside her body at this moment. How long it was going to take to burn brightly was a thing only the future could tell.