The overspeeding ride

"Thank you, your highness. Even if we became mothers out of the blue, it didn't mean we weren't prepared to become mothers one day." Ester said.

"I want a furry wolf pup next. " Lupa said while raising her hand.

"I don't mind becoming a mother of more. " Iris said while fiddling with her hair, and her cheeks blushed.

"After the life I lived, I never imagined becoming a mother of my child or an adopted child. It still feels like a dream to me." Lilith honestly said.

Sakura looked at Shana suckling on her thumb while looking back at her. Sakura smiled and said, "I am an Oni, and Shana is a lizardman, but she will be my daughter nonetheless."

"I applaud the conviction of taking calling a child you did not bear as your own. I, Princess of Luster fall, Anna Lusterfall, think many more people can follow your example."

"I agree, your highness. " Lucas said while nodding. "It means fewer orphanages being built secretly by shady people."