
Vincent was starting to believe the figure of light could be the sole reason for his unexplainable bouts of excessive anger. 

[You could be right. Overload skill's name was corrupted after all.] Kazumi said. She had a similar thought about Vincent's excessive behavior.

*Step. step* Are you going to keep ignoring me?" Questioned Vlad after he became annoyed. Wolfie and Freerie glared at him while Vincent and Kazumi ignored their surroundings and conversed as if they were the only ones in the Soul Domain.

Vincent moved his gaze onto Vlad. "You are acting friendly all of a sudden. And here I thought you hated me because I come from the same world as the one who brought you suffering." 

Vincent sarcastically said before noticing Vlad was wounded. His hands were scratched, bruised, and cut. From his chest, shining white blood could be seen.

"Are those wounds? But you shouldn't have wounds on your body since your soul forms your current body. It..."