Generosity, resolve, and sacrifice

Vincent was starting to become confused as to why Awa chose to risk her life to gather food. Vincent thought the risk was understandable at first, even if it was crazy to travel alone and without the power to protect her life.

However, the story became different now. Awa was going to become the wife of the man who should have the most food in the clan. In other words, Awa was going to have enough food for herself and her parents.

"My family had no food and no food income. My parents didn't want me to become the next clan chieftain, but I disobeyed them in order to bring food to my home."

"My parents didn't want me to become p-pre... pregnant." Awa stuttered at the word pregnant. *Gulp* "My parents do not want me to risk my life because many pregnant women have died because of pregnancy recently."

Vincent and Kazumi understood the death of the mother and the child was most likely the food problem the Dullahans were suffering from.