You will be warned once

The soldiers finished packing, and the person leading them ordered them to gather into groups from their respective divisions. 

After the person leading and the people assisting him saw everyone was ready to leave, they ordered to move out. Step after the other, the large group left at a hurried pace.

"Good thing I have exercised after losing weight, or I might need to be carried." Said Lilith while walking and glancing at her legs.

"Talk to me if you ever become interested in dancing." Ester offered with a beaming smile.

Lilith promptly shook her head. "N-no need, hehe..."

Lupa became interested. She looked at Lilith with a pair of puppy eyes and offered, "I could teach sister Lilith how to run fast."

"Is it because you want to win?" Lilith questioned with a sly smirk.

*Gasp* Lupa averted her gaze while her tail dropped after her intentions were discovered.