I can finally see you standing

Lucas chuckled after hearing multiple comments the Dullahans had passed. He looked at everyone around him and thought, 'I wonder if I should do want I want to do. I wonder if I should support the rise of a new power till these old bones expire.' 

"Vincent. Girls. Good luck with the judgment by combat." *Sigh* Lucas gently shook his head out of disappointment. "It sucks. I will not be able to watch what interesting things you will do next."

The royal mages and soldier approached Lucas. "What are your next orders?" They respectfully asked.

"Good. Good." Lucas nodded and rubbed his chin. "Clear one of the shelters. I will need your help to speak to each of the Dullahans one on one now that Karta isn't breathing behind my neck."

"We accept the order."

"One moment!" Lucas interrupted them.

"Afterwards, I want you three to find at least one Cefeye who understands most of our words. I want to interrogate them one by one too."