Young lady, I came to see you perform a blade dance

Lupa, Mimi, and Awa moved their gazes on Ester. They saw her look at the old man with a shocked expression.

"Do you need something?" Mimi quickly intervened. She went beside the old man and examined him from head to toe.

The old man had what resembled a staff as his cane. Hanging from his face was a long white beard, and a warm beanie on his head. His clothes didn't give the impression of nobility, yet Mimi could feel a mysterious presence extruding from him.

"Ho ho. What an interesting young woman." The old man joked. "Can this old man's question be answered? I worry my curiosity might kill me. Ho ho."

"Hmm... What is with this human?" Lupa questioned while crossing her arms.

"I have never seen a person this old, but now I can see that humans can live a longer life than us."

"Ho ho. Do you know how we humans live long, young lady?" The old man asked.

"Do you know how?" Awa curiously asked.