The old man's real identity is revealed

"Ladies and gentlemen, please find a place to sit as the event will begin shortly. The seats of the most favored to win are already almost full, so please sit on the other side."

"However, ladies and gentlemen, please remember that we are here to be present and witness the two sides with different truths. We here are to decide on who is the most honorable and the side the dragon gods watching over us want to believe."

"Thus, until we have a victor, no one can be labeled as a perpetrator or as a victim."

"Now, with that out of the way, joined beside me to help me comment on what is happening are two important guests."

"On my left side is the headmaster of the Lusterfall noble academy, Marquis Darwin Griffinheart. He is a noble of great standing, and with his help, we will all be able to understand what is happening."