Amusing introductions

"Ladies and gentlemen. The second team member on the Lionheart team's side is a beastman of the wolf race, Lupa Lionheart."

"Hmm... what is this? On the registration form is a note that tells me to read it for the audience to hear."

"Lupa Lionheart is like a blank canvas. When she fights, the canvas becomes painted red with her claws as her brush."

Darwin snickered after hearing Maria telling him about an overly energetic wolf girl constantly bothering Nick's servant to spar. 

"I wonder if we are going to see a lot of blood then." He joked.

"Really? I didn't expect such a high-ranking noble to pass a joke like this. Now I wonder if there is more to the story than what is written in the registration form." The commentator said while trying to fish for extra information.

"HAH! Jokes like that are for kids." The representative of the five noble families sneered.