The time of a declared winner is nigh

As Ester descended to the ground, she contorted her body to spin. She performed a few back handsprings the moment she touched the ground. After a couple of back handsprings, she jumped and landed on her feet.

Ester spun her swords with her fingers and raised her gaze to look at the towering bear in front of her. She swung her arms in a cross pattern and said in a confident tone, "It is time to dance." 

Wind sigils appeared under her feet. When they became brighter, Ester jumped high in the air and started stepping upward, lifting her body one step higher every time. 

Ester moved freely, yet that didn't mean she could be safe as well. 

At the view of dozens of projectiles shot toward her, Ester didn't flinch. She swung her swords at the projectiles fired at her without an ounce of hesitation or indecisiveness.