City of Totem

Lyolis stood on the balcony, looking down at the City of Totem, marveling at its ancient beauty.

"I will never leave this place again," she spoke the same words every morning.

From the south, thousands of triangular, wooden structures extended for as far as the falls' mists carried. A giant wall marked with symbols shielded the city, while tall, animal-faced totems stood between ramparts; extending from the earth, three times larger than any treetrunk known to the world.

Lyolis took a breath, tongue swirling at the crisp air: cold and fresh as the hundreds of streams that split and forked, curving between the tiny islands where the tented structures resided; and splashing beneath the many bridges that connected each one together.

Behind her, the temple she called home echoed from the crash of the falls while vibrant colored birds sang and twirled, swooping and perching on the many totems that surrounded the inner city: totems of the great bears who protected the Cyoakian Chiefs of the Grizzly Clan.

"Lyolis!" Her mother's voice was sharp as cougar claws. "Lyolis - oh, there you are."

The girl leaned her face into her palms, hoping the falls' mist would sweep her mother away. Not forever. Just until she could bear her presence.

"Yes, mother ..."

Lyseria stood proud, dressed in a fine hide gown covered in dazzling sapphires and sparkling emeralds. "Why are you not ready? She sipped on wine that smelled as sweet as the southern grapes it was made from. "They will be here shortly."

"I have no interest in being a part of this," her tone grew sharp, "mockery!"

Lyseria's eyes narrowed like a cougar. "Don't use that tone with me. Since we've left Sundown you've been ..."

"What, mother? Different?" Lyolis whipped her head, her black braided hair swinging to her left shoulder. She spun and faced the east, watching the sunlight reach for the city. A beautiful morning soon to be ruined by a nightmarish evening. "I wonder why."

"What happened to Zoar was not your fault-"

"No. It was the fault of you and father - banishing him - never to be Chief of our territory." Lyolis felt her body tremble, and the beast blood push throughout her veins. "He did not deserve such a fate."

"And neither did I when I married your father." She took a drink for the both of them. "We've all made sacrifices for our Territory. One's we'd like to forget. And now, this is the only way to keep our peace."

Lyolis walked to the other end of the balcony, giving herself distance. That didn't stop her mother from creeping over, stalking her like a cat.

Listeria swirled her wine. "What would you propose we do?"

"Allow me to marry Zoar as was planned. He won the last trial for my hand. He deserves this much."

"Won?" Her mother chuckled, silencing herself with another sip. "Hardly. His Chief - his father schemed it - one of the many reasons why I was not thrilled of the arrangement-" She caught herself before slipping further.

"So you admit it?"

Lyseria kept her lips on the glass.

"I think you've had enough to drink."

Lyolis swiped the air and caught the crystal. With a quick tip, the contents washed the air red. She closed her eyes, reminded of the blood that filled the arena.

"I would rather you not make a fool of yourself tonight."

Her mother pulled the glass away, eyeing its emptiness. "And I'd rather you never do that again ... you best get that temper under control."

"Or what? You'll banish me as well?"

"We never banished him," Lyseria said, eyebrows furrowed, making her face seem more narrow. "We simply expelled him from taking your hand - and it's for the best - now you have a chance to marry a golden claw - "

"I'd rather marry a toad!"

Lyseria didn't seem bothered by her response, eyeing her with intrigue. "At this point, you'd be lucky to have even that." She sighed. "I came to give you news, but I'm certain your ears may take too kindly to the idea."

Lyolis crossed her arms, leaning her tush against the balcony. "If its an idea from your mind, I doubt I'd have the willingness to listen."

Her mother shrugged, spinning the glass in her palm. "Then I guess you wouldn't be interested in what your father has proposed."

"And what did father purpose?"

Lyseria watched the crystal sparkle in her hand.

"Are you going to tell me or just stand there?"

"I thought you weren't interested-"

"Fine!" Lyolis waved a hand, walking towards her room. "I'll just ask him myself-"

"He wants Zoar to compete for your hand once more."

Lyolis stopped and spun on a heel, facing her mother. Half angered, half in shock. "You mean -"

"If he wins, then yes, you can marry ... It'll show the other tribes he is still fit for the bear bonnet."

A light hit her chestnut eyes displaying her frustration. "Why does he need to prove himself once more? He's already done that ... he was victorious in the trial."

"Because some believe he cheated ... Others want to best him ... but most of the Cyoakians, myself included, believe he's lost his heart."

Lyolis's nose wrinkled. "Why do you hate him, mother? Why have you always hated him?"

Her words made her mother watch the sunrise.

"Tell me!"

"You've always had me wrong, Lyolis. I never hated the boy. I've hated the lies that built his name." She held onto the balcony watching two blue birds twirl freely; unaware of the obligations the Chieftess and the Princess had. "He was a grand warrior tangled up in the politics of tribes."

Lylois brushed fingers down her braids. "What's this you speak of?"

"Think about it, my child." Lyseria wobbled, the drink giving her too much courage. "He was the one who defeated the Howl Chief, like your father had before him. It only made sense to have you two paired together."

Lyolis took advantage of her vulnerability. "And how do you know this to be true? Who've filled your head with these lies?"

There was a clash; glass shards sprinkled the air and Lyseria threw the crystal stem.

"Because, my child, these are the same political maneuvers that made me Chieftess ... and the same lies that made your father Chief." Lyseria shook her head. "The difference is, now we can't hide from it."

"What are you saying?" Lyolis rubbed her cheek nervously. "That father lied to be Chief?"

"Yes. And I'm afraid his lies may be our undoing ..."