I Am Andrew

I heave a sighed while walking down the sidewalk where there's a few lamp posts lit the road. It's quite late when I clock out my attendance card because I forgot to check the time. I was too immersed in my work as I want everything to be done before tomorrow. The last thing that I know it's already passed at twelve o'clock.

There's no single buses nor taxi in the middle of the night. Not in this small town but I bet there's still plenty in the big city where it has more population. I wonder, what it'll look like living in a big city and I heard they have a lot of bars where people can get pleasure and it also open until dawn.

I never leave my small town so, I was like a frog who lives under the glass. All I see and learn is from the television and never been actually there, not once. My father said that going to the city will only worsen my creed. Some people live only thinking about money and they turned into a selfish person.

He said the world is cruel. The better place for me is to live here and never go outside of this town since I am a woman. As a woman I need to always protect my chastity from being taken by someone who's not my husband. To my father, a woman's crown is her chastity, and if someone lost it, then.. she's not worthy to be called a woman.

I had different thinking than him, but I can never say it out loud. When I was in deep thought of what the big city looks likes, I didn't notice that I've arrived at my apartment building. I saw a foreign car parked at the parking lot when I walk pass by it. From looking at it, I could guess that the car is quite expensive. But, who in this building rich enough to buy such an expensive car?

I ignore it as I know I can't get an answer tonight. I press the button to my floor and lean on the cold steel elevator wall. It is a tiring day and tomorrow I still need to go to work again.


I walk out from the elevator and I was at lost for a second. "Hmm, why the door look so different?" I mutter as I try to hook my key on the keyhole before the door is opened by someone from inside the house.

Startled, I blink my eyes a few times before I ask, "umm..who are you? Why you're at my house?"

The man who's standing at the door frame folds his hands to his chest and looks at me from top to toes. He's the same guy from this morning.

"Ah, darling...I'll comes back later~ thanks...I really love it." A woman's voice coming from behind his back which then the man moves his body to the side to let the woman walkout from the house.

The woman seems a bit shocked to see me as I am too, shocked by all of the things that's happening to me right now.

"Eeuww..who is she? So ugly." The woman in front of me comments on my appearance and I could only clench my fingers at the hem of my blouse.

"You should go now." The man said without looking at the woman as he still staring at me. I don't know why he keeps staring at me. Did I grow a mustache? Or did I have two noses?

I peeked at the woman who walks to the elevator, her hair is a bit messy, her dress is also crooked a little and she looks like she just..huh? I gasp a little before I avert my eyes to the floor. Did they just have...have...have...sex??

I know I'm a bit introvert but I'm not that dumb to not know when people do such a thing. I watch on the television and learn it somehow when my parents are away.

Oh God..what just I witness? I monologue on my mind before the man clearing his throat a little. "Uh... I guess I was on the wrong floor, then.." I shyly said and went to the staircase which is at the side of his apartment's door.

"Hey, I can't help but notice your...um...sense of fashion." He said while turning his body to face me who's at the first step on the stairs.

I look at my baggy blouse which reaches my knees and my black slacks. Then I look at my shoes, which is a striking color of yellow.

"I think you better not wear your pants inside. Just wearing the blouse is nice on you." He said. Totally caught me off guard. It's the first time someone said something like this to me. I mean, people always say a harsh word to me but he...he just corrects me directly without being prejudice.

"Thanks, but my parents wouldn't allow it," I said with a low voice. I never really talk to anyone before unless it's about work. So, having a conversation with him..make me a little shy and afraid.

"Then, find something less baggy as your top. You can decide whether to wear a dress or pants. But you can't mix it together or it'll look weird. By the way, maybe you should just let your hair down. I think it's better that way."

Again, he gives me a good idea. "Thanks. It's late...I should...I should get going now."

"Goodnight, neighbor." He said with a little smile on his face.

"Uh...my name is Sha Sha Lin. You can just call me Sha Sha." I said back. I don't know but I like to keep the conversation going on. Maybe he had a vibe of someone who I can feel comfortable talking to?

"I am Andrew." He replied to me and I nodded my head but just when I want to open my mouth, he continues again. "I was born and raised up in another country, so I prefer if people call me with my own name. Andrew."

So I thought that he thought I was curious about his last name? Well, actually I don't mind that. Having to know his name is good enough for me. A good improvement for an introvert person as I am.

"An... Andrew is a nice name. Well, good night Andrew. Sorry..sorry to bother your night." I still stuttering. I am never good at talking to people after all.

"Goodnight Sha Sha." He replied and went inside his house while I climb the stairs to one floor above. My face feels warm and my heartbeat beat faster than normally it should. I wonder why.



It finally Saturday. My brother already went out since morning while my parents attending to my neighbor tea party at the community hall. I told them that I had a stomach ache and I want to go to the pharmacy but the truth is, I just wanted to feel the breeze of the ocean sea on my face.

I went to the dock which is one of the tourism attraction and sit on the bench. Holding out a can of wet food for stray cats and not long after, two of the kitten who I always fed come to me.

I open the can and they both eat it so scrumptiously. I pat on the cat's head. "You must be lonely aren't you?" I talk to the cat. Yes... it's kind of my therapy to talk to these stray cats.

My parents never allow me to raise a cat. Even though my brother is a vet, I guess he never really likes the animal. For him, his job is only his career to live on. He never really like it.

The cats meowing back at me. Hearing it makes me suddenly smile before I heard a shutter sound. I lift up my head and I saw Andrew was holding his camera and taking a picture of me without asking me first.

I'm mad but at the same time, I don't know why my heart feels a little flutter inside. And when he walked towards me, I can feel my face is burning.

"Is it your cat?" He asked and take a seat at the side of the bench I was sitting. Again, without asking me. He's so not a gentleman at all. I said inwardly.

"No, it's the stray cats around here." And I still reply to his questions. The last time we talk is when I return home so late at night and after that, I never saw him..but I always notice a few different types of an expensive car parked at our apartment parking lot.

"Hm..but it seems like they know you."

"I always fed them whenever I had free time."

"Do you like cats?"

I look at him, his expression never changes. He had a gentle and deep voice but his expression is more like...stoic? I don't know and I can't read his face at all. But I once saw him smiling and it was mesmerizing. I hope I could see it more often.

"I guess?" When our eyes met for a few seconds I immediately turn my head down. I know my face is still burning. And I'm shy.

"Should we feed stray cats around the neighborhood too?"

"Hmm?" I was startled by his questions. What does he mean by that?

"I saw two or three different cats around our neighborhood, I think they don't have an owner..so, maybe..we could help feed them? in our free time?"

"Oh..oh..sure," I reply before I look at my wristwatch. "Ah! I'm late, I should get going..um, see you later.." I took my pharmacy's plastic bag and run back to the apartment building.

Oh no..if either my family or our neighbors see us, they surely report it back to my parents. And it's not good when a woman and a man sitting close together like that.