Are You Afraid Of Me?

Andrew's POV

I return to my own apartment when those liars run back in shame after I give them a lesson. How dare they lied to everyone that his son works at A.X company as one of the directors and even..befriend with me? Who wants to befriend with a stupid person like that?

But then when I think how they insult Sha Sha in front of everyone, it'll only make me angry and it's gonna be bad for my health too. Just when I sat on my couch, I got a call from none other than my dad.

I sighed before I glance out of my apartment window, seeing how many men he send for me just to ensure my safety. Geez, this old man never let me live in peace! I hissed and pick up the call.


"Did you cause trouble again?" my father soft voice makes me squeeze my eyes shut and bit my lips. I know that voice. It's his sad voice. Hearing that voice is one of my weaknesses. I swear to god, I never meant to hurt that old man.

"Nothing serious. You should stop sending your men to guard me. I know how to live, so dad…please.." I try to make him understand that I don't need his men to guard me. I'm not a kid anymore. Today was just a minor misunderstanding. One punch, two punch? I can do ten more. It's nothing to me.

"I'm not sending them there to guard you. I just want you to take your medicine. Until you take it regularly I will keep sending my men to you." I sighed while rubbing my face with my left palm. Why bother to take the medicine if I know the ending of it? Nothing will change.

"Son…I didn't ask much from you. You can abandon me, you can hate me until the end..but please, don't kill yourself. That's all I want you to do. You refuse everything I do for you. Am I not a good father to you after all these years I have sacrificed everything to you? Can't you just listen to me for this once?" his voice start to tremble a little which make me hard to breathe.

"Just stay healthy, dad," I said and ended the call. I couldn't bear to hear those words anymore. I know how much my father has sacrificed for me. I know. But, I really can't find any solution even if I took those medicine. I can't prolong my life anymore.

Those medicines won't work on me anymore. So, I chose this place as my last destination. This place is actually a place where my mom and dad met for the first time. When my mother was still alive, she always told me the stories of how they both met.

My mom is from an Asian country, but she studies here and my father also a transfer student. They always spent their time at the seashores and enjoying the view together. When I was a child, I always wonder, what so great about this old town with this old view?

And now, after I experience it myself, I think I know what she likes the most. The scenery here is superb. It's a quiet place and the building reminds me of the Roman era. The cobblestone building, the old-fashion people, the taste of original and delicious food, and everything seems perfect for me. Perfect for my last journey I guess?

"Gonzales," I said to my personal butler which is hiding in the shadow of my window. I know he was there the whole time. I also know he was with me almost every day and every time. He's good at hiding and blends so well with people so that I didn't notice him.

"Bring the medicine to me. I'll take it and you can report it back to my father." I said again before I went to my bedroom and take a bath. It's such an exhausting day and I think I sweat so much today. However, it's also a fun day for me.

Traveling to another city just to make someone happy and seeing how beautiful she be, I'm glad I can be a help for a girl like her. She had a gentle expression and soft personality, I guess whoever marries her will be blessed.

When I walk out of my bathroom, I saw a tray of medicine on my bedside table, there also a few other medicines for the bruise on my face. I scoffed a little. Gonzales really knows how to jokes around. Did he think I'm in pain with just a little punch from an old man?

Heh..all my lives have been always with medicine and somehow I grow a hatred toward the medicine smell. I hate hospital and I even hate anyone who wants to feed me with those smelly meds. Because of that too, my father let me return home and live only within the inside of my house. I never go to school and I never had a friend.

Until I turn sixteen, I got a new life. I can go out, enjoying my youth, and went to high school for only one and a half years. I even got a girlfriend back then. However, it did not last long as my expired date will come to an end soon. I feel frustrated and I put all the blame on my father. I know it's wrong to put the blame on him just because he was the one who finds me this new life, nurtures me with hope... but then it's all facade. It's only momentarily.

I want to live, but I had to give up on that thought. I can't even find another person who can match mine. This life sucks and I become a desperate person. I just want to do everything that I never try before I really leave this world.

And I think I might need a friend to do all of that. A friend whom I think is the best friend I can make. And oddly, I found one. One hella companion.

I wake up when the sun already high in the sky. These few days I never met with the girl from upstairs. I wonder if she's been busy as I too only go out to find some food to fill my stomach and do my part-time job at night.

I went to my kitchen window and flip open my curtain. But what I see after that makes me smile and happy at the same time. I run to my bathroom and wash my face before I put on some clothes and run downstairs.

I went behind the apartment building and saw a girl who crouches down while staring at the cats who scrumptiously eat the food she gave them. "Ahem." I cleared my throat a little and I saw she flinched.

She tied up her hair again. I said inwardly while glancing at her clothes. Well, at least she wears something normal today. Just a pastel pink sweater with white jogger pants.

"What are you doing here?" I squatted down beside her and she turned her face to the side. I wonder why. Did she feel shy?

"I..I'm sorry. I should go now." She said as she hurriedly stands up and ready to leave me there. Just before she could run away from me, I pull her hand. Not too rough as I always remind myself that she is a fragile girl.

"Wait!" I said and stand up before I walk to her. I try to look at her face, but she once again turns her face from me. "Are you avoiding me, Sha Sha? Did I do something wrong to you?" I asked.

I don't know what I've become whenever I'm with her. I just don't want her to hate me. Everything that she thought of me matters to me? Why though?

She didn't reply to my question and I softly touch her hair. Pull the hair tie and let her hair down. "Didn't I told you before? That you look more beautiful with your hair down."

"An...Andrew...I really need to go." she said. I know her voice sound a little scared. Did I scare her? But, when? I did my best to not scare her last time. I even control my temper just so that she didn't see my bad side.

If I want to, I could hit her father and make all of them stop speaking ill about her, but I know I can't do that to earn her trust. I put a lot of effort so that she can trust me and be close to me. So, what makes her scared of me?

"Sha Sha, are you afraid of me?" I asked her and I was a bit surprised to see how she jolt her body. Did I hit it right on spot?

Knowing that she might be scared of me, I become restless and anxious. I pull her hand so that she could see me and I cornered her in the wall so that she can't escape from me.

Again, she hides her face by looking down on the ground. "Sha Sha, look at me..and answer me honestly. Are you…afraid of me?" I ask as I gentle as I can. I seriously don't want to scare her.

She shakes her head and I feel so relieved. But she still didn't look at my face. "So, why are you avoiding me?" I asked again. I know I probably a little bit pusher, but I need an answer from her.

"I…" she looks hesitant and keeps glancing around us. I think I could guess it.

"Is it because of your father?" I try to guess it and once again I hit it right on the spot. She didn't answer me but she jolts her body.

I took a deep breath. Well, I can solve that matter, but I don't know how long that old man would take his time to trust me because in his eyes, I just a scumbag who bring bad influence on her daughter.

I reach her chin and lift her face up. But, I frowned upon seeing her face. I didn't expect that...

"Who did this?" I asked and touch on the bruise on her lips. Even her forehead?! Now, I really am mad.

"An...Andrew..please…don't cause any more trouble." she begs me and once again I could roughly guess who the culprit is. I seethed my teeth and clench my fist to hold back my anger.

"Let's treat this first," I said as pull her hand. I want to bring her to the clinic in town but then she pulls her hands from me softly.

"It's okay Andrew. It's been a few days so I think it'll heal later," she said and I couldn't force her anymore. I pull her in my arm and hug her gently.

"Please tell me if something like this happens again, okay? I'll barge in and put your father behind the bar." I know I sounded like I threatening her family but I can't just let it go. How could they hurt her own daughter?

She only laughed when I said that. See? I know she's a weird fella.