Tower of Mariuk part-3

"A million per 10 seconds, huh? I guess I worry for nothing."

As the lava erupted from the volcano and engulfed Kallius for a second before disappearing, his hp started to drop by 1 million per each second. But, realizing that his total hp is only decreased by 20%, Wil sighed in relief and spoke, "Dromeus, heal him. Kallius… continue your job but don't go closer than 20 meters."

Kallius nodded and shot a Fireball towards golem before he quickly dashed towards the second one while Dromeus quickly brought back him to full health with ease. 

"I thought he would die for sure as players rarely survive this ambush before. I forgot that it's damage over time and is only 10 million max damage. With 75% of my stats, He has more than 50 million hp. Still, I should have warned him before since five of such attacks can kill him."