Rebellion part-10

Imperial palace grounds, Llyne kingdom;

"C'mon, guys. Don't hesitate and worry about death. We aren't receiving any penalty. I told you that I'll pay the teleportation fees, later," yelled the leader of the Evernight guild, as he cut down an enemy player, feeling frustrated about seeing how their strength is decreasing rapidly.

HeavenlyKing, the leader of Heaven guild commented, "Maybe, it is because the word was out that Time Traveler ordered his guild to pull back, and he intends to support the throne."

Upon hearing his words, Supreme Master paused for a second before letting out a snort, "nonsense. Don't believe any words unless you hear directly from ShadowBlade or Time Traveler."

HeavenlyKing stared at Supreme Master in silence before asking him slowly, "are you betraying our alliance?"

"Huh! What are you talking about?"