Wil goes to Wular city

The interview didn't take too much of his time. After finishing it, Wil logged out of the game. As he has nothing to do for the next two days, he decided to take some vacation for a day.

However, a call from an unknown mobile phone number.

"Hey, Wil."

"Trainer Hyo?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"Is this your new number?" Wil asked her.

"No, it belongs to the nurse." She replied to him. Wil noticed her tone appeared strange. It's as if she was in some kind of hurry.

"Nurse?" Wil was taken aback, "where are you, right now?" He asked her.

Instead of answering, his question, Hyori said, "Wil, I need your favor."

Upon hearing her tone, Wil frowned. He wondered what happened. Hyori never asked him for a favor before. He knew she was a prideful girl.

Combined with the nurse and her tone of restlessness, he wondered whether she made an accident or something…