Three capital cities

In the imperial palace of the Llyne kingdom, every important official is summoned to the courtroom while the citizens are celebrating outside.

The ministers who stood with Rikilda for various reasons started to worry about their life. 

"As you all probably know by now, I defeated Rikilda Llyne and claimed my rightful position. I annihilated the Zuweth's forces and took control of Zuweth and Evelon, thereby, expanding the kingdom to three times bigger than before."

"Long live the King" "Long live the King"  "Long live the King"

The ministers cheered him for a while before he raised his hand as a gesture to stop it.

Whether they were on the side of Rikilda or whether they are on the side of Wil, everyone was happy about one thing. It is that monarchy still hasn't been dead in the kingdom.

"Now, I summoned all of you here to announce a few important things."