Iphi Draconus

Wil wouldn't have been disappointed even if Min would reject the party invitation. After all, it isn't his love life that wasn't on the line.

However, Wil told everyone that an expert will soon arrive and with Min being late, he felt humiliated. So, he was angry at Min.

So, when Min arrived right before they were leaving, Wil didn't welcome with a smile either. "You are late, Mr. Chu."

"Eh?" Min was taken aback while the twins were surprised to see him, especially Jiwon. "Min-Oppa, what are you doing here?"

Before Min replied to her, Wil opened his mouth, "I invited him. He also plays the game."

As his expression appeared cold, Jiwon and the others wondered whether Wil doesn't like him or something.

Meanwhile, Min said, "Faced a trouble with the vehicle on the way."

Wil shrugged his shoulders, "well, it doesn't matter. It's late and we are leaving either way. You can go and mingle with fellow guild members."