Hyori's rapid fire

Soccer stadium, University of Wular;

As the announcement has been public, one by one, the locals started to arrive at the university to watch the competition.

Several media channels are already up there and started to record.

Scouts from several Archery Teams also made their way to the soccer stadium where the goalposts were removed and filled with target boards. Robots were safely placed inside and being guarded by tight security as they are the highlight of this tournament.

One more specialty of this competition is that the format and rules aren't set until the last moment. The distance of the target can vary from 40-60 meters. The diameter of the target also can vary.

They can be divided into groups or they can be battled one on one. There can be knockouts with a second chance or there might be given two to three chances.

Arrows can be anywhere between 50 and 100 per game.