Different lifestyles

Watching the video that was circulating on the internet with over 500 thousand views, Wil became speechless. Just like Silver told him, Wil saw the Mayor announced his name to the public and praised him for his work.

Wil didn't expect there's so much of bu**s**t went on while he was busy with searching for Dragon Island. Just a minute ago, he claimed that he will seek compensation from the Mayor for his employees.

Now that he knew that the Mayor announced him as the Hero of the city, Wil became clueless. He doesn't know what to do as the compensation was already given…

After all, Wil beat up his son. Even if it is the police department that used his poster for their movie, and even if the City Council is the one that took the decision of the announcement, still, the Mayor was the one that said it with his own mouth.

There's nothing more shameful to the Mayor.