Liberation of Reverie province part-2

At one of the palace grounds, Bran and a human were locked in a sword battle against each other. Neither of them is getting an upper hand over the other.

The crown princess was busy fending off all the surrounding ambushes on Bran. 

Of the remaining two princes who were still alive, one who was freed from the Citadel of Searvale is also acting as a support to Bran and his sister.

As for the other, his location is not known. Bran suspects they were either held at Uflenor kingdom or missing but didn't have the time to look for him as his concentration was on freeing Reverie. He thought of searching for the third prince after winning this war.

*Cling* Cling*

Sparks were generated every time they clashed with the swords. While Bran looks calm on the surface, the current ruler is getting agitated as the battle getting prolonged further than he expected.

Spiridon Moliades was a level-453 Arch Duke, served under the previous king.