Picking up the sister at school

A couple of hours passed.

Wil was now watching the dungeon gameplay of B-division where Death King (Min) was guiding everyone.

*Ring* Ring*

"Hmm, mom?" He frowned as soon as he saw the number. He was conflicted about whether to lift it or not. But, after seeing her for a week, Wil also knew that she'll call the office if he ignores the call. So, he picked it up reluctantly, "Hello."

"Where are you, Wil?" She asked him.

"Office at SGC. Had important work." Wil answered her as he prepared the excuse beforehand. "I will return by evening."

"Ah, I see…" Her tone turned slightly dull but then, she asked, "you had lunch, yet?"


"Then, I'm sending the lunch with someone. I made eastern dishes as you asked. Be sure to eat all." Without giving him a chance to reject it, Scarlet quickly disconnected the call after informing him.

After a while, a bodyguard brought the lunchbox or more like a five-layer bento box.