The four factions in War Online

At first, Wil was angry at her, blaming her that she fooled him by acting like she was abducted when she has the strength to escape by herself. He felt like he unnecessarily acted by borrowing his future father-in-law's army and made a hell of a commotion in the city.

He was even prepared to leave the house and return to his apartment, firmly cutting his relations with his mom. 

But then, Scarlet reasoned with him that she cannot showcase her power publicly as it would draw the attention of the media. The existence of superhumans like her needed to be kept secret from society.

To prevent that, she will have to kill everyone that knows her secret. Not to mention, she has a family to protect. She emphasized that Wil's siblings live in a completely different world from him and she planned to keep it that way. It is why she didn't fight back against her abductors.