
Regardless of what kind of turmoil that arose in the capital, or whatever undercurrent that was forming, from the surface there would always be singing and dancing… The annual Chrysanthemum Banquet was approaching and since Guang Wen Tang's academy examination was very close to the Chrysanthemum Banquet, both events were done together.

Unlike previous years, with this, the academy examination had become a big event as all the noble families would attend the banquet.

Early in the morning, Old Shen Fūrén sent her maid, Xi-er, to the Western Courtyard saying that she had invited the tailor for the Chrysanthemum Banquet clothes and also invited Shen Miao to take a pick.

Shen Miao nodded her head in agreement.

In previous academy examinations, Shen Miao would wear normally as she usually ends up at the bottom so others would laugh if she were to wear something prominent. Now with the combination of the academy examinations and the Chrysanthemum Banquet, it would not be logical not to make new clothes.

During the Chrysanthemum Banquet, many officials and their Fūréns would be there, mostly to look for their future daughters-in-law. So for families with daughters, would not only attend but also to dress up to portray their beauty. Even though Old Shen Fūrén did not like the First household, she still has to do it on the surface. Moreover for Old Shen Fūrén, who would only look out for her own interest, would definitely use Shen Miao's marriage to exchange for power and may even sell her off.

Bai Lu appeared to be somewhat happy as she accompanied Shen Miao towards Rong Jing Tang, "Did not expect that the Chrysanthemum Banquet would be here so soon. Xiǎojiě like the Chrysanthemum Banquet and at that time, there would be opportunities to enjoy the flowers."

Shen Miao likes the Chrysanthemum Banquet but not because of enjoying the viewing of the flowers. Whenever there is such a banquet, she would be faintly discernible and would be isolated and that was of course fuelled by Shen Yue and Shen Qing. She was also stupid and dull and would not be dressed appropriately so she would be laughed at without even knowing.

She loved the Chrysanthemum Banquet but it was because of Fu Xiu Yi.

At the Chrysanthemum Banquet a year ago, Fu Xiu Yi was also present. On that day, she was also being laughed at and alone. The chrysanthemum gardens were filled with beautiful purples and brilliant reds thus everyone went to look for the reddest and brightest while she walked to a corner where she saw a pot of white chrysanthemum.

The white chrysanthemum was most likely used during funerals and would naturally not a joyous thing, moreover, this chrysanthemum blossomed quite miserably. Some of the petals were withered and one would not know if it was the rain or wind that did it, as it stood alone in a corner without any one's attention.

Most likely fellow sufferers empathised with each other, Shen Miao felt that she herself and that chrysanthemum were exactly the same. Just one person all alone, where no one would see. Just as her heart was lamenting, she saw a formally dressed male walking to the front of that chrysanthemum.

He reached out to the spray of blossom and gently stroke the petals. The person by his side asked, "Jiǔ Huángdì, this flower is just miserable, what is there nice to look at?"

The male smiled, "Pity that it is delicate without anything to depend on."

It was this sentence 'pity that it is delicate without anything to depend on' that made Shen Miao have a favourable impression of that man. When that male turn over, she was even more captivated by this handsome appearance.

Afterwards, Shen Miao learned from the women that that was His Majesty's Ninth Prince, Fu Xiu Yi.

Perhaps there was no reason as to why one would admire another during their youth. Fu Xiu Yi's words were clearly about the chrysanthemum but she felt that it was empathizing her. She thought that if she were to marry such a gentle person, he would also feel tenderness towards her just like he did to that lonely flower.

Unfortunately, it was all her wishful thinking. Fu Xiu Yi feels tender towards the frail flower, feel tender to the entire world, feel tender towards Mei Fūrén but would never feel tenderness towards her. As for her who gave her everything, for him, it was just what a wife's 'responsibilities' was. Those days of mutual respect between spouses were all an act of toleration from Fu Xiu Yi.

He did not really pity that chrysanthemum but only made a casual remark which she then took it for real.

"Xiǎojiě?" Unwittingly she was lost in thought and did not realise that she had reached the doors of Rong Jing Tang. Bai Lu quickly called out as a reminder and Shen Miao then followed Xi-er to step inside.

Shen Yuan Bo was not present today and Old Shen Fūrén was wearing a green and white long embroidered robe. She was already seventy years of age and should not be wearing such a fresh green in colour and with that straight and serious face, she looked just like a female ghost. But she herself completely did not realise it.

Shen Yue and Shen Qing stood beside their mothers. There were two more Shu-daughters in the Second household but Ren Wan Yun was too strong and overbearing so for such a banquet, she did not allow the Shu-daughters to go and steal the limelight. As for the Third household, Shen Wan only have a Tōngfáng, other than Chen Rou Qiu; so there was no need to mention of any Shu-sons or daughters.

So in this way, only the Di-daughters of each household received the invitation for the Chrysanthemum Banquet.

After Shen Miao greeted Old Shen Fūrén, Ren Wan Yun looked at Shen Miao and smiled, "Xiǎo wǔ is here. Quickly select the clothing materials. Li Niáng will then take the measurements later."

Shen Qing giggled, "Èr mèimèi and I had made our selection and now waiting for you to pick."

It was obvious that it was Xi-er who came late but it seemed that it was her fault to make the entire crowd in Rong Jing Tang wait. Shen Miao could not be bothered to argue with her and walked to the couch where the clothing materials were placed.

Li Niáng was a thirty plus middle-aged female. Shen Residence would purchase all the new clothes from her shop. When she was young, she learned some embroidery techniques from the female officials who served in the Palace so her clothes were extremely good.

There were about five or six blots of clothes that were spread in front. One Begonia and one misty pink colour were already placed at aside, obviously chosen by others. Needless to say, it was Shen Qing's and Shen Yue's.

The previous lifetime's scene flashed vividly in her eyes. That day during the Chrysanthemum Banquet, Shen Qing wore a Begonia coloured dress and looked warm and magnanimous which make her more beautiful than the flowers. Shen Yue wore a pink with white embroidered pear flower which made her look delicate and feminine. And she wore a light yellow dress and Old Shen Fūrén's golden neckless and jewellery, looking like a joke that she did not know about.

And that light yellow fabric was the one that the two Shěnshěn and Tángjiě abet her to pick.

Shen Yue smiled, "Wǔ mèimèi's skin is fair thus is compatible to pick this shade of light yellow for clothes. It would look lively and lovely on you."

Shen Qing repeatedly nodded, "That's correct, seeing the rest of the materials, it seems that the light yellow complement Wǔ mèimèi more."

Chen Rou Xiu had a smile on her lips as she kept quiet. There was also a trace of ridicule in Ren Wan Yun's eyes.

Shen Miao did not know how to choose clothes.

Shen Fūrén was not at the residence all year round. When the mother is not around, the child would inevitably have lots of disadvantages. The other people in the Shen Residence all have ulterior motives and how would they teach this young girl how to mix and match sincerely? Thus, in the long run, Shen Miao could only follow Shen Qing and Shen Que and pick what they say was nice.

For example, that light yellow material was indeed complemented to her skin but it looks too cheap and somewhat childish. Coupled with golden jewellery, she looked like some daughter of a landlord.

Gu Yu and rest of them persuaded her to throw away those pieces of jewellery but she was subconsciously stubborn and rushed to be humiliated.

This was indeed hilarious.