Gui Māmā’s Death

In the gloomy and eerie woodshed, there were sounds of the occasional mouse climbing around as if it was eating the firewood and coming with the movements of the night, it made one's heart cold.

Gui Māmā was all alone in the corner. After so many years, even though she was just a Māmā, Second and Third Households were willing to give her a face because she was favoured by Shen Miao, and her life in Shen Residence was considered quite good. Sometimes, Gui Māmā's life was even better than some of the wealthy families. It was easy for the frugal to become extravagant but very difficult for the reverse process to happen. She was not used to days of suffering, much less sent to the woodshed like those lower-ranked maids.

The thin clothes that were worn could not resist the cold at night but her heart was colder than her body. Gui Māmā's heart was filled with fear as she thought about the four maids that were initially locked up with her. Shen Yue's maids were fed with mute medication and it was not known if they had survived it, and Shen Qing's maids were directly sold to ninth-ranked brothels. She could not help but worry about her fate as Ren Wan Yun's methods were indeed ruthless.

Gui Māmā did not think that Ren Wan Yun would easily let her live on. Because not only did she witness Shen Qing's scandal, she also played an important role in this matter. The one who should have been harmed was supposed to be Shen Miao but in the end, it was Shen Qing who was defiled. How would Ren Wan Yun spare her easily?

Just as she was thinking, the sounds of footsteps were heard and were particularly clear in the silence of the night.

Gui Māmā's body stiffened and fearfully looked towards the direction of the door in the darkness.

There seems to be hope yet also despair. What was behind the door, was it the people that Ren Wan Yun sent over to silence her? Or perhaps there was still an opportunity to live.

The footsteps were unhurried but they were like a holy charm that hastened one's death as it hits Gui Māmā's heart. Her plump body was already muddy and sweat kept forming on her forehead as her body was swaying like a pendulum.

'Zhi ya—' The door was pushed open.

The person who came in had a blueish-green lantern and that colour was already somewhat strange and seemed to be an evil spirit that would suck out the life of others. Gui Māmā looked up trembling and saw a person clad in a white cloak at the door. She walked in slowly and closed the door.

There was only that greenish-blue light from the lantern that emitted a ghastly glow. The person who came in finally unclasped her cloak and revealed a delicate fair face. It was Shen Miao.

The young female was slender and that greenish light seemed to have made her gentle facial features look strangely white. The brows were light but were more like a death messenger from the netherworlds that made people dare to not look directly.

Gui Māmā was momentarily stunned before she suddenly called out in surprise, "Xiǎojiě!"

Shen Miao placed the lantern on the floor and walked unhurriedly to Gui Māmā before squatting down in front of her. She smiled gently and said, "Is Gui Māmā still alright?"

"Xiǎojiě, you finally came! This old servant knew that Xiǎojiě would definitely come over to save this old servant! Xiǎojiě's heart has always been kind and definitely would not just sit idly and remain indifferent!" As if she had caught a life-saving straw, Gui Māmā grabbed onto the ends of Shen Miao's dress desperately with tears coursing down her old cheeks, as if she had suffered grievances beyond her heart and soul and Shen Miao was her most trusted family.

Shen Miao swept a glance at Gui Māmā's hands that were grasping tightly onto her dress and said with a gentle smile, "It seems that Gui Māmā has suffered a lot here."

Gui Māmā was stumped for words and only looked carefully at Shen Miao's expression. Shen Miao's smile was gentle and warm, and her expression was considered calm without any waves in emotions when saying these words. Gui Māmā was appalled to discover that she was unable to see what Shen Miao was thinking at all, even after accompanying this Xiǎojiě for so many years. She said, "This old servant has been serving Xiǎojiě her entire life and is nothing but loyal to Xiǎojiě. That day in Wu Long Temple, this old servant accidentally and inadvertently saw it. Xiǎojiě, this old servant is innocent."

"It seems like Gui Māmā really sees me as a hope." Shen Miao fretted, "But how could I save you? In this residence, who would listen to my words? Moreover, what ability do I have to reverse the Eastern Courtyard's orders?"

"It is not so. Xiǎojiě definitely would have a way." Gui Māmā became anxious after hearing this. Even though she knew that Shen Miao's words were reasonable as in the entire Shen Residence, the Second and Third Household only treated the First Household well on the surface, and since Shen Xin and wife were often not in the Ding City, it would not be possible for Shen Miao to be of use. But in order to survive, Gui Māmā could only grab onto Shen Miao and was reluctant to give up. She said, "Xiǎojiě can go and beg Old Fūrén and if that really does not work, Xiǎojiě can write a letter to Lǎoyé so that Lǎoyé can write back to the residence. They would not dare to not listen to Lǎoyé's words."

Gui Māmā's eyes brightened up as she felt that she had found an excellent idea and looked at Shen Miao with eyes full of hope.

But she only saw Shen Miao lightly laughing before shaking her head and said slowly as she looked at her, "Fùqīn's words indeed can save you. But on what basis?"

Gui Māmā was stunned.

"Why would I need to use so much effort and energy to run to and fro for a lowly servant?" Her voice seemed to contain slight ridicule and under the glittering lights, it was as if she did not put the person in front of her into consideration.

Gui Māmā suddenly panicked as she did not expect Shen Miao to say so. She watched Shen Miao grow up and even though she treated her coldly recently, it was only because of her childish tantrums. Gui Māmā knew that Shen Miao had a soft heart and at that day in Wu Long Temple, she even opened her heart to her, which obviously meant that she wanted to put this Māmā in an important position again. Why would there be such a change in expressions?

Could it be that someone had said something to Shen Miao? Gui Māmā's brain moved. It must be those two maids that spoke; Gu Yu and Jing Zhe. They naturally liked to go against her and now that she was thrown into prison, those two girls would definitely hit a person who was down and said something to Shen Miao.

She said panicky, "Xiǎojiě, this old servant had followed Xiǎojiě for so long, this old servant has watched Xiǎojiě grow up since birth. After so many years, Lǎoyé and Fūrén were not always around, and there was only this old servant and Xiǎojiě relying upon one another for survival…" Speaking till here, she choked a bit, as if to display extreme sorrow, "Xiǎojiě still talked the last time about that year when Xiǎojiě had a fever at night, and the physician had yet to come after a long time. This old servant ran out into the rain to look for a physician for Xiǎojiě… And because of this matter, in this old servant a lingering illness was formed…"

Every word and sentence was talking about the love and camaraderie of those years. As Gui Māmā spoke, she cast glances over at Shen Miao. The family in the First Household of the Shen family, no matter if it was Shen Xin and his wife or Shen Qiu and his younger sister, were people who valued relationships. Perhaps it was inherited from their military lineage, where one would be grateful for a kind act and seek to repay it. Now Gui Māmā was also bringing out this kind act to request for repayment and could only look at Shen Miao hopefully.

However, in the midst of the light, the young female head was laughing lightly and there was no trace of the expression of being touched and was like she had listened to a rather interesting story instead. She said softly, "Gui Māmā treated me really well at the beginning and how did our First Household and I treated Gui Māmā?"

Gui Māmā hesitated for a moment but still said, "Fūrén and Lǎoyé treated this old servant extremely well. Xiǎojiě also treated this old servant extremely well. Be it inside or outside the house, this servant had enough face and the monthly allowance is also generous. This old servant was also not scolded…"

"Not only that," Shen Miao continued her words, "Your son and your grandson, but I have also assisted financially in all the areas that could be helped. In the entire Western Courtyard, you are the senior of all and I would not treat you as my Māmā but treated you as my family. Trust you. Be close to you. Think of you. Do you say not?"

"Yes." Gui Māmā replied. Indeed, it was because Shen Miao was young and she was easy to coax, so she was able to coax Shen Miao so well that she believed whatever Gui Māmā said. In the Western Courtyard, she was almost half a mistress.

"In that case, since I treated you so well, why did you betray me?"

Just a light fluttering sentence and Gui Māmā, who was caught in her memories, was so spooked out of her mind that her soul flew away and scattered. She looked up at Shen Miao and said shockingly, "What!?"

"Māmā need not show such a shocked expression." Shen Miao laughed, "I originally knew that Māmā had thoughts of betraying one's masters and was astonished thousands of times more, tens of thousands more times than Māmā."

"Xiǎojiě, there must be someone who is inciting disharmony. This servant had never betrayed Xiǎojiě before. How would this old servant betray Xiǎojiě! Xiǎojiě, Xiǎojiě must believe this old servant!" Gui Māmā reacted very quickly and after a brief moment of panic, she put on an appearance of grievance and shouted out the injustice, trying to prove her loyalty.

"Fine." Shen Miao waved her hands and there was a touch of impatience on her face, "In Wu Long Temple, Èrshěn's means of the vegetarian food and aphrodisiac incense were clever. To let Māmā do such a thing, she really views Māmā as a trusted confidant."

When she spoke the last word, Gui Māmā's portrait of trying to defend herself became one that could not even speak a single word.

She looked at Shen Miao in a daze with eyes full of an inexplicable feeling.

"Māmā is most probably illiterate and does not know that there is a proverb 'the mantis stalk the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind'. Māmā is one that served two people, so I would want to listen now in Māmā's eyes, Èrshěn's means are superior or are mine a level higher surpassing her's."

"Could it be that you…" Gui Māmā spit out those few words difficulty.

"That is right. It is me." Shen Miao's voice was very softly suppressed. So soft that only Gui Māmā could hear it. She said, "The person who was supposed to be defiled was me but why at the end it became Dà jiějiě? Naturally, it was not a coincidence. It was all me."

Guessing it was one matter, and hearing it was another. Gui Māmā looked at the young female in front of her fearfully. Shen Miao was half squatting on the ground, looking at her with all smiles. Under the flickering lights, that pair of eyes were as if they were a pair of beast's eyes, that were so bright that it was extraordinary and also surprisingly terrifying. It was clearly a well-behaved look but why was it so fearsome?

As to why Shen Miao and Shen Qing were exchanged, Gui Māmā kept thinking about this issue when she was thrown into the woodshed. She also guessed that it was Shen Miao who did something but very quickly dispelled her absurd idea. She watched Shen Miao grew up and Gui Māmā was familiar with her capabilities. She had been stupid and soft-hearted so she would not be able to do such a thing at all. However, Shen Miao admitted to it with her own mouth and did not even bother to cover it at all. If it was others, Gui Māmā would find that the person was too arrogant and stupid but now, she would not see Shen Miao as she did ordinarily.

"Xiǎojiě…" She opened her mouth but did not know what to say. Since Shen Miao already knew of the matter then it was not possible for her to be saved.

"Èrshěn's means had always been brutal. Even though Māmā is valued, after this matter, Māmā would definitely not have any future. What a pity." Her words had some regrets as if she was really sympathetic of Gui Māmā's suffering experience.

Gui Māmā was fearful of Ren Wan Yun's means and Shen Miao's words aroused hope in her heart. She fell onto the ground on her knees and kowtowed to Shen Miao continuously, "Xiǎojiě please save this old servant this time. This servant did not purposely want to harm Xiǎojiě. Èr qíngfù used this old servant's grandson to threaten this old servant. This old servant was only forced to do so. For Lǎoyé's and Fūrén's sake and also for the sake of the over ten years of service that this old servant had, Xiǎojiě should see to save this old servant!"

Her head knocked onto the floor with a 'peng peng' sound. If it was before, Shen Miao would have respected her and would absolutely not let Gui Māmā bow her back that low. But now… She was Empress Shen of Ming Qi, and civil and military officials all bowed to her. Of course, she could take the bow of a servant who betrayed her master!

"In fact, the reason I am here tonight is to repay the many years of kindness Gui Māmā had shown to me." Shen Miao suddenly said.

When Gui Māmā heard this, she was suddenly overjoyed and spoke loudly, "This old servant knows that Xiǎojiě is a kind-hearted person and one who values relationships and friendship. In the future, Bodhisattva would bless Xiǎojiě's life to be smooth and all those who want to harm Xiǎojiě would all die a horrible death!"

Shen Miao laughed in her heart. Gui Māmā, this grass on top of the wall which sways with every wind, really made one amazed.

She also raised her voice, "In fact, not to mention those. That day in Wu Long Temple, didn't Gui Māmā have a heart to heart talk with me? From then onwards, I knew that Gui Māmā really truly treated me the best in the whole world."

Gui Māmā was at a loss as she did not know the meaning behind Shen Miao's words. Just now she obviously hated herself and now when she turned around she was so appeased. No matter what, Gui Māmā felt full of hope and immediately replied to Shen Miao, "Yes, this old servant stands at Xiǎojiě's side from the beginning to the end. Only Xiǎojiě is this old servant's master. This old servant would definitely be loyal to Xiǎojiě for her entire life!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the window as if someone knocked onto something. Gui Māmā jumped in shock and looked outside. But how could she see anything from this dark room?

She turned to look at Shen Miao after she was unable to see anything and revealed a miserable expression, "Can Xiǎojiě now get this old servant out of here? This is really too dark and humid. This old servant's arms and legs could no longer support…"

"No fear. No need to support for long since you are going to die."

"What?" Gui Māmā suddenly looked up and stared at Shen Miao at a loss, "This old servant does not understand the meaning of Xiǎojiě's…"

"Just now, the person outside was sent by Èrshěn. It is presumed that she had discovered that I have visited Gui Māmā." Shen Miao smiled, "So how would Gui Māmā have a road to live?"

"This old servant. This old servant does not understand…" Gui Māmā unconsciously straightened up her body, there was a faint uneasiness in her heart but she did know what Shen Miao meant.

"Do not understand?" Shen Miao tilted her head and thought deeply for a moment, "Can Māmā remember what words were said loudly just now?"

Gui Māmā heard her words and thought about them. Suddenly, her expression changed and in an instant, her face paled.

She has just now said loudly that she stood at Shen Miao's side from the beginning to the end, and that only Shen Miao was her master.

Indeed those words were just used to coax and con Shen Miao as she hoped for Shen Miao to save her. But if Ren Wan Yun's people heard these words, then how would they think about the inexplicable situation of Shen Miao and Shen Qing exchanging rooms that day? They initially suspected that Shen Miao had taken action but dare not believe it, as they did not know how Shen Miao would be able to predict the future.

But if it was Gui Māmā who told the matter to Shen Miao and schemed with her against Shen Qing? Then everything would be justified.

This was not the truth but in Ren Wan Yun's ears, it would be the truth!

Before she could become afraid, Shen Miao had already opened her mouth to speak softly, "I want to repay Māmā with such a big gift like this. Does Māmā think that it is alright?"

Gui Māmā stared at Shen Miao. Only now she discovered that from the beginning till the end, she was led by the nose by Shen Miao. What Shen Miao said, she believed. The relationship between her and Shen Miao was reversed. But Shen Miao was more unpredictable than her as she could just fall out just in a moment, and she could not guess what Shen Miao's purpose was at all.

"There is only one purpose on my visit. Which is to send Māmā up the road." Shen Miao said with a smile, seemingly guessing Gui Māmā's doubts.

Gui Māmā's body trembled. She wanted to cry and shout but she was unable to produce a single sound. She did not know when that infant became a young female, and no one had found out yet of this other side of this young female, not even her. The more she wanted to resist and curse, the more she could not help but involuntary shiver when that pair of beastly eyes landed on her.

"Our Shen family would not keep people who are treacherous. Even if Māmā reaches the road to the netherworld and becomes a ferocious ghost to seek revenge on me. I would have no fear and perhaps would even fight with Māmā another round." Her words were colder than her smile, "It is not I that turned my back on Māmā but it is Māmā who turned her back on me."

"It is a pity for Māmā's grandson and son. Èrshěn always does things in an uncompromising way so perhaps Māmā would be able to reunite with them soon."

"No…" Gui Māmā's body shook and her tears and mucus were already flowing all over as she cried pitifully, "I beg of you, please save them…"

"I have said early on that I would not waste my effort on a servant that betrayed the master." Shen Miao's words were cruel and cold. "Watching with folded arms is already my greatest kindness."

She slowly leaned forward, like how she used to tell her secrets to Gui Māmā when she was younger, and said lightly, "I only came over for one last look, taking into consideration the over ten years of master and servant relationship."

"Gui Māmā, walk properly the rest of the road."

A moving smile bloomed out from her smooth little face. It was originally a lovely and delicate face but the ruthlessness made one's heart palpitate.

Gui Māmā still wanted to speak but she saw that Shen Miao stood up and wore her cloak again. The ends of the cloak drew a pale light in the darkness as if it was the white paper money that was fluttering by the coffin. When the lantern was carried out the door and when the door was closed, everything was shrouded into darkness and desperation seemed to cover everything.

Outside, when Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang saw Shen Miao coming out, they were relieved and supported Shen Miao to leave.

After she left, there was a female figure that showed up and looked towards Shen Miao's back before staring at the closed woodshed door, revealing a look of resentment.

After many continuous days of autumn rain, the skies finally cleared up.

Everything seemed to have been restored back to the usual calmness in the General Residence, but from time to time, there was a medicine scent coming out from the Eastern Courtyard which reminded others of what had happened in Shen Residence.

Shen Qing's sanity seemed to gradually recover and no longer went crazy when she saw others. But Ren Wan Yun was afraid that she would be incited again so she had her kept in Cai Yun Yuan and did not allow her to come out. She also feared that Shen Qing would attempt suicide so she constantly kept watching around her. As such, the residence's affairs were all handed over to Chen Rou Qiu to manage. Ren Wan Yun seldom left her courtyard and Shen Miao gained a few days of peace and tranquillity.

However, this did not mean that nothing had happened. After a few days, Gui Māmā was finally put to death with the crime of colluding with others to harm Shen Qing. As of now in Shen Residence, there was no one who would mention Shen Qing's matter to Shen Miao. It was not because the matter was settled but because of the words that Shen Miao spoke in Rong Jing Tang, they made those people refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and thus dare not take any action.

They dare not touch Shen Miao but still dared to touch Gui Māmā.

Gui Māmā was put to death according to the law in the residence. Generally, when a servant was put to death when they have committed a crime, a bigger crime meant they would be beaten to death, and common crimes would just need to drink a bottle of medication. In short, as long as their life contracts were at the master's hands, no one would care about their life or death.

But Gui Māmā's death was really miserable as four of her limbs were broken when she was still alive. There was not an inch of a decent bone left in her entire body, and all seven holes of her body were bleeding, making her look atrocious. Even the servant who carried the body dare not look at the corpse's appearance, but Ren Wan Yun still called Shen Miao to collect the corpse.

Ren Wan Yun's maid, Xiang Lan, came over to say, "Fūrén had said that even though Gui Māmā was put to death upon committing an offence, after all, she was Wǔ Xiǎojiě's servant. So Wǔ Xiǎojiě would still need to make funeral arrangements; So Gui Māmā's corpse has been placed in the West Courtyard. Wǔ Xiǎojiě quickly go and take a look."

Most likely, everyone wanted to see Shen Miao's panic-stricken expression since all the servants in Shen Residence knew that Gui Māmā was Shen Miao's close confidant. Now that she had come to a tragic end, one would fear that Shen Miao would be broken-hearted.

Most likely Ren Wan Yun also thought so and felt that Shen Miao would blame herself for Gui Māmā's death. No one knew that Shen Miao would walk up to Gui Māmā's corpse in front of all the servants in the Western Courtyard, and lifted up the white cloth covering the corpse without even a change of colour on her face when she saw how miserable the body was, and her brows did not even wrinkle at all.

Xiang Lan was surprised at Shen Miao's calmness but saw Shen Miao coldly cry out, "Gui Māmā acted like a tyrant in the Western Courtyard, bullied those below her and hoodwinked the master, and was a rampant and domineering person. This kind of servant, even if she did not commit any mistake, the Western Courtyard would not take in. All of you take a good look today, if in the future anyone were to learn from Gui Māmā, this would be the result!"

Most of the people in Western Courtyard were Second and Third Household's spies and in the past would see Gui Māmā as the highest, but now seeing how Gui Māmā died so tragically and how Shen Miao was so cold about it, a wave of fear started to rise in their hearts.

When Xiang Lan saw the scene, she did not feel all right as she wanted to scare Shen Miao but who knew Shen Miao took Gui Māmā as an example of power. She immediately returned to Cai Yun Yuan and informed Ren Wan Yun of the matter.

"This is bad! I had fallen into a trap!" When Ren Wan Yun heard about it, her hand loosened up and the teacup fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

"Fūrén…" Cai Ju was somewhat uncertain.

Ren Wan Yun gritted her teeth, "Gui Māmā was just a raft. It seems that little slut had long wanted to get rid of Gui Māmā but borrowed our hands to do it. And now she even consolidated her power in the Western Courtyard. That little slut is really shrewd!"

Ren Wan Yun was not stupid but because of Shen Qing's matter, she had inevitably lost the previously calmness she had as her mother. That night, the people who went to look for Gui Māmā saw Shen Miao going in to see Gui Māmā, and also heard some portion of the conversation of Gui Māmā declaring her loyalty to Shen Miao. After this was mentioned to Ren Wan Yun, she was sure that what had happened to Shen Qing was because Gui Māmā colluded with Shen Miao to change the person in the room.

With such a thought in her heart, she hated Shen Miao and Gui Māmā like a torrential flood. Since Shen Miao cannot be touched for the time being; Gui Māmā, as a servant, can be touched. So she uses the most brutal way to torture Gui Māmā to death. Initially, she thought that when Shen Miao saw Gui Māmā's dead body she would definitely be upset, but after listening to Xiang Lan's words, Ren Wan Yun knew that she was being toyed by Shen Miao.

Everything was a ruse that Shen Miao set up. Shen Miao really put on a better show of murdering others with a borrowed knife than anyone else.

Ren Wan Yun had been in the Inner Courtyard drifting with the wind and current for so many years that those concubines of Shen Gui would be settled fittingly, but now she was repeatedly defeated at the hands of a silly little girl. In Ren Wan Yun's mind, this was anger that could even be described as fury.

"Was the letter to Prince Yu of First Rank sent?" Ren Wan Yun asked.

"It is sent but Fūrén, if Lǎoyé knows about it, he would definitely get angry," Cai Ju carefully replied.

As with Shen Qing's matter, Shen Gui thought of thousands of ways to hide it from Prince Yu, wishing that he would not discover it at all. But Ren Wan Yun could not wait for Prince Yu to discover it immediately, because with Prince Yu's temperament if anyone were to play any tricks under his eyelids, that person would not have a good death.

Even if she quarrelled with Shen Gui, she must also take revenge for Shen Qing. Shen Miao dares to threaten the entire Shen family, then would she dare to threaten Prince Yu of the First Rank?

"I want her to die without a burial site!" Ren Wan Yun clenched her teeth as she spoke.


"Xiǎojiě is playing chess again." Bai Lu shook her head as she was somewhat puzzled, "What is the meaning of playing chess alone?"

"What can be done other than playing chess?" Shuang Jiang glanced at the person in front of the table and said aggrieving, "Confined the entire day and even being unable to go out to the courtyard. If this goes on, nothing can be done during the day."

"Sh—" Bai Lu whispered, "You better not speak. Xiǎojiě is already not happy about the confinement, you better not mention it and provoke her anger."

Shuang Jiang mumbled, "Our Xiǎojiě has a good temperament and would not get angry."

Speaking of which, they have not seen Shen Miao getting angry for a long time. Not to say anger, not even a shred of emotion. The Shen Miao of the past, even though she was an idiot, her moods were very obvious. Happy was happy, sadness was sadness. But now, even the personal maids could not read her. People always said that one's growth would be gradual but Shen Miao's change seemed to have been completed overnight.

From simple and weak to calm and unwavering. No one knew what changed her.

"Bai Lu." Just as they were speaking, Bai Lu heard Shen Miao calling her name and quickly went up.

"Go and find a time to pawn those gold jewellery in the silver jewellery box that was placed in the cabinet." She said without even turning her head.

"Yes." Bai Lu quickly replied before she became surprised, "But Xiǎojiě, a box of jewellery was only pawned yesterday and this is the last box."

"It is of no bother." Shen Miao put down the chess piece, "After all, it would not be used. After pawning it, pass the money to Jing Zhe and call Gu Yu over."

Bai Lu agreed but there were some doubts in her heart. Shen Miao was anxious to pawn the jewellery away like she was in an urgent need of money. What was the money for?

Kuai Huo Lou (direct translation: Happy Building) was the largest restaurant in the Ding City and was located in the heart of the bustling area, and directly opposite of Kuai Huo Lou was the house of courtesans. After high officials and noble people finished their meals in Kuai Huo Lou, they would probably go to the Hua Lou opposite to look for beauty and happiness. There were many ranks of pleasure quarters, the superior it was, the higher the level was, and those who were at the highest level were those famous courtesans that sold their talents and not their bodies. Below them were some young ladies with famous reputations and the lowest was the ninth-ranked brothels. These kinds of brothels were not eligible to be called a 'Lou' or 'Yuan' and could only be called 'Ban' or 'Xia Chu'.

'San Fu Ban' was facing the opposite of Kuai Huo Lou and it was the lowest of all brothels. Most often the ones that enter and leave that place were those lowly labourers, and often there would be people who would throw those sickly and near-death young ladies to the streets. Those wandering beggars would carry these young ladies back, perhaps to vent or perhaps their clothes could be sold for a copper coin. Anyhow compared to the exquisite Kuai Huo Lou, San Fu Ban was simple hell on earth.

By the window of somewhere in Kuai Huo Lou, the spotless white sleeves of a young man were seen as he frowned while looking at San Fu Ban below and saw that someone had thrown some new girls in. The girls were crying and shouting nonstop, seemingly servants of some family that were sent over. Some young maids were beautiful and jealous matriarchs would sell them to San Fu Ban to prevent them from climbing up to the bed.

"Truly ruthless." The white-clad gentleman shook his head and said. Although the tone was filled with pity, there was no trace of thoughts of reaching out to lend a hand.

And that young gentleman that was facing him was wearing purple and was filled with an overbearing extravagance. He only poured himself wine and lightly said, "People had already entered the residence of Prince Yu and it was yet unknown if it could be found or not."

"If it was not found then what?" The white-clad gentleman turned his head and looked at him.

"Carry on searching." The purple-clad youth smiled and that evil smile was so exceptionally handsome that the courtesan playing the string instrument at the side, could not help but lose herself and played the wrong note.

When the white-clad gentleman saw that, he teased with a laugh, "Xie Sān, your charm is getting greater now. Beautiful women favour you, how can I live?"

He gave another long sigh. Actually, this white-clad gentleman was also very handsome but upon comparison with the purple-clad youth, there was less of that languid extravagance. That youth's expression was lazy but that pair of eyes were extremely sharp as if it was the scorching sun in the skies and was dazzling from birth. By standing at his side, naturally, all the radiance was covered up.

"Gao Yang, if you like, how about upon return, I will… Bestow you an entire residence of them?" Xie Jing Xing shot him a glance.

"Never mind," That white-clad gentleman called Gao Yang quickly waved his hands and laughed bitterly, "Beautiful women can be viewed remotely and not to play with. I do not have any excess energy. As for you," He drank a mouthful of wine, "Who are in the midst of youth when one is unrestrained, how would there not be any close female confidante. If you want, in this Ming Qi, there would definitely be a large number of people queuing."

"Close female confidante." Xie Jing Xing smiled, "How would one know if it was just a skull with red rouge?"

"Stop speaking as though it was that scary." Gao Yang pointed at the pleasure quarters opposite, "Look at those cute young ladies in the higher levels. What skull this and that. So uninteresting."

Xie Jing Xin looked towards where his eyes were when he suddenly paused and surprise flashed across his eyes.

"How is it him?"