Taking The Dark Path

A fine Returning Banquet ended in such a sudden turn of events. Emperor Wen Hui's mood was gone so he brushed his sleeves and left shortly. The Empress also mentioned that she was tired and retired. After the Emperor and Empress left, the officials naturally knew they could not stay any longer and found excuses to leave. Even though on the surface, it was a perfect ending today, the Eldest Shen Young Lady would marry into Prince Yu of the First Rank Residence, but discerning people knew that it was a terrible scandal. As for the Shen family's Eldest Young Lady, once she was married into the Prince Yu Residence, everything would bode ill and there would not be any positive signs.

Luo Xue Yan held Shen Miao's hands tightly. She did not know how Shen Qing and Prince Yu had an affair but were more worried about Shen Miao's safety as she felt that the dangers in the Ding City were comparable with those in the Northwestern Desert.

Shen Qiu remained silent until it was time to leave. He had always been cheerful so it made Shen Xin think that he felt sad because of Shen Qing's matter. But he did not know that Shen Qiu's head was long enraged and felt that it was so stuffy and could not vent elsewhere. He hated the viciousness of the Second household of the Shen family and also hated the shamelessness of Prince Yu.

Shen Qing had left with Ren Wan Yun in a hurry but Shen Gui's expressions were extremely interesting and everyone looked at him meaningfully. Some of his enemies in court threw stones at him and laughed as they greeted him, "Congratulating Shen Dàrén, to be able to be In-laws with Yu Qīnwáng. It is indeed a big blessing."

If it was before when Shen Qing was to marry Prince Yu, it would not be anything serious for Shen Gui. As long as it could help his career, his daughter's happiness was not very important. But now with Shen Qing's performance, it was obvious that it had brought trouble to Prince Yu. Would Prince Yu be angry with him? Thinking about it, there was some irritation and fear that arose in Shen Gui's heart.

After the Returning Banquet ended, Luo Xue Yan and Shen Miao headed out of the Palace and when they were passing a corridor, Shen Miao softly warned her, "Be careful, there is a loose brick here."

Luo Xue Yan was a General and her steps were big and heavy so if she were to step on it, she would slip and fall. Luo Xue Yan looked carefully before laughing, "Almost slipped and fell." Then she was surprised for a moment and asked Shen Miao, "How did JiaoJiao know about it?"

Shen Miao choked. She had been living in the palace for over a decade and had long remembered everything by heart. When Luo Xue Yan asked, she could only answer as such, "This was one where I slipped and fell here so one had remembered from then onwards."

"So it is like this." Luo Xue Yan laughed heartily, "JiaoJiao is indeed smart to remember the place where one fell and not fall again."

Shen Miao's heart moved for a moment but did not speak.

As the two of them were walking, they saw two guards-like persons dragging a young eunuch over. There was a handkerchief in that young eunuch's mouth and seemed to be struggling desperately, but how would he be able to break away from the strong large guards. Behind the three of them, it was none other than Gao Gōnggōng the steward.

"Shen Furen, Shen Young Lady." Gao Gōnggōng stopped to greet them.

"Gao Gōnggōng, this is…" Luo Xue Yan looked at the young eunuch and asked.

"A newcomer that did not know the rules and regulations and committed a wrong. This one is bringing him to receive the punishment." Gao Gōnggōng said with a pointed voice.

When that young eunuch saw Shen Miao, his eyes landed on Jing Zhe who was behind Shen Miao. Suddenly, he struggled as though he was crazy, seemingly wanting to rush to Jing Zhe's side.

"Be well-behaved!" Gao Gōnggōng kicked that young eunuch's bent knee and the latter groaned and suddenly knelt down. Gao Gōnggōng snorted and said, "This thing does not know the immensity of Heaven and Earth and almost knocked into noble ones."

Luo Xue Yan frowned. She did not really like the inhumanly punishments of the palace so she would feel uncomfortable in her heart when she came upon such scenes, thus she said to Gao Gōnggōng, "That being the case, one will not disturb Gao Gōnggōng's work."

Gao Gōnggōng quickly agreed with a smile.

But it was Shen Miao who suddenly opened her mouth to speak softly, "Since a wrong is committed, naturally punishment needs to be borne."

Everyone looked at her surprised. The young eunuch trembled and the eyes that were looking at Shen Miao had an additional trace of resentment. Shen Miao ignored it and held onto Luo Xue Yan to leave but before she left she dropped a sentence, "Lessons are needed if one does not know the rules and regulation. The palace cannot be compared to outside the palace and the present is also different from the past."

Shen Miao and entourage walked further gradually and Gao Gōnggōng said to the two guards, "Waiting for what? Go."

Xiao Li-Zi's heart was filled with unwillingness and his face was filled with fear. He did not know what he had done wrong. In the little garden at the returning banquet, Shen Miao's personal maid, Jing Zhe, gave him a tael and told him that the Eldest Shen Young Lady's health was not good, thus was unable to drink the wine prepared in the palace banquet and only required a cup of lotus tea, and would request to be accommodated on that during the banquet. He felt happy that such a simple task like that would get a tael and if this Shen Young Lady was pleased, in the future he would have the fortune of a noble person's help.

But Xiao Li-Zi could never calculate that Shen Qing was pregnant and that the lotus tea was the culprit that led to everything that happened. As such, it could be said that this cup of lotus tea had stirred up a whole lot of events, and the origin of this cup of tea landed on his head after much investigation.

Xiao Li-Zi had explained countless times but no one believed his words. Moreover, the money that he received was the most common type of silver and not even the official silver. How would anyone believe that a noble young lady would bestow such a common silver, so he was the evildoer? What would then be waiting for him?

Outside, Shen Miao quietly walked. She knew it better than anyone what was waiting for Xiao Li-zi. The Palace was a place that could easily reverse black and white and if one stood high above, then one's ability to turn white to black would be higher. So no matter what the situation it was, no matter how sorry it was, one's words can be turned from white to black. At that time when Fu Xiu Yi just ascended to the throne, Xiao Li-zi was just a dog beside Gao Gōnggōng that he used to do errands. It was her that found Xiao Li-zi pitiful and was willing to give him a face in the Palace. Afterwards, Xiao Li-zi became Li Gōnggōng and she became a deposed Empress. It was this eunuch that she herself promoted who personally sent her off and gave her an advice of 'the present is also different from the past'.

Now it could be considered that she had returned that phrase back. The present is also different from the past. Now, she was the high above Di-daughter of an official and the other party was a lowly dust on a grass. She did not even bother to use too much energy for the action. It was good that it was done cleanly and neatly.

She and Luo Xue Yan walked in front but they did not know that behind the twists and turns of the corridors, there was someone who sighed behind her back, "Does this Shen Xiǎojiě has a grudge with that young eunuch? Just destroy a life without any rhyme or reason."

At his side, Xie Jing Xing sneered at him, "Since when had you become compassionate?"

"Being a doctor is like having the heart of parents." Gao Yang waved his fan and suddenly thought about something before his expression became dignified and said, ��That Shen Xiǎojiě is not simple. Just now in the hall, she looked at me for a long time. Could it be… She has found out about my identity?"

"Not possible."

"The expression she used to look at me with was really scary." Gao Yang touched his chin and thought seriously before speaking, "Could it be that she is delighted with me?"

Xie Jing Xing stared at him without any expression and spit out, "Get lost."

"You are really not interesting." Gao Yang shook his head with sorry, "Although it is currently at the brink of the major event, your temperament is getting fiercer. One should relax."

Xie Jing Xing looked afar and said, "Yu Shu has arrived."

"Sha?" Gao Yang was surprised, "When was that?"


Gao Yang's expression gradually became solemn, "Could it be that you want…"



Ding Capital City, Shen Residence, Cai Yun Yuan.

With a 'Pa' slap, a clear handprint was suddenly seen on Shen Qing's face and her lips were even a little red.

"Shen Gui, what are you doing!" Ren Wan Yun snapped and protected Shen Qing in her embrace as she looked at Shen Gui with fierce intentions.

"What am I doing?" Shen Gui's smile was ferocious, as if he was a vicious wolf. If it was not because of the little trace of relations, he could not wait to kill the two people in front. He said, "What did you all do today?"

"What about it?" Ren Wan Yun was unwilling to show a weakness, "Can this matter be blamed on Qing-er? You are Qing-er's father and you do not help your own unmarried daughter but still beat her. Shen Gui, you have no conscience!"

"Unmarried daughter?" Shen Gui was so angry that he laughed out, "I, Shen Gui, do not have this kind of unmarried daughter! That do not know what a sense of shame is and fool around with undesirable characters! And even carrying a vile spawn! Really not any better than a prostitute at all!"

Shen Qing's body was trembling and that pair of eyes was blurry and had lost their spirit. When Ren Wan Yun saw that, it was as if a knife had twisted inside her heart. If Shen Gui had a trace of fatherly feelings for Shen Qing, he would not have used such vicious words to attack his own daughter.

Ren Wan Yun passed Shen Qing to Chun Tao and stood up with a cold laugh and spoke, "Shen Gui, you should feel your own conscience and as to whom was the one that harmed Qing-er to this stage? Is it me? It is Shen Miao, that little slut! Why did you not cause trouble for Shen Miao? Oh, you are scared right? You are afraid of Dà bǎizi and Dà bǎisǎo's return and cannot touch that little slut. You vent your anger on Qing-er but you must not forget that you are also involved in the matter in Wu Long Temple. Now you pay attention to your own moral uplift without thought of others and push everything onto me and Qing-er. I will not stand by it! If I am provoked, I will tell Dà bǎizi and Dà bǎisǎo the entire matter and all of us will not benefit from it!���

"You!" Shen Gui and Ren Wan Yun had been husband and wife for so many years but he had not seen Ren Wan Yun being such a shrew, and what made him feel uneasy was that Ren Wan Yun actually used the matter to threaten him. Even though Shen Gui was slick and sly, he was extremely timid by nature and it could be seen from the matter of not daring to provoke Prince Yu. Now, with Shen Xin and wife's return to the residence, he dared not find trouble for Shen Miao. If Ren Wan Yun really dared to spill the matter out, Shen Gui believed that Shen Xin would use a knife to split him.

Thinking of that, Shen Gui said in anger, "You shrew, do not even speak reasonably. I will not talk to you! I am leaving!" And left after speaking those words.

Seeing Shen Gui's hurried back, Ren Wan Yun's face was filled with ridicule. She knew her husband very well. Shen Gui was a person who bullied the weak and feared the strong, by marrying such a person, now she was unable to protect her daughter.

No doubt that Shen Miao gave a fatal blow to Ren Wan Yun. For Ren Wan Yun, to personally watch her daughter taking each step towards ruin was more painful than killing her. At the current situation, the Empress had bestowed marriage and no matter what ability Ren Wan Yun had, she was unable to change anything.

"Shen Miao, this debt, I, Ren Wan Yun, will definitely get it back from you, this is an oath." She gritted her teeth and bit her lips till it bled.

In the Western Courtyard, Shen Xin and wife had returned back to their room but Shen Qiu was still seated down unmoving.

He had a wooden face on like he was a door god sitting in front of Shen Miao's table. That young General looked like a spring breeze normally but when his face turned black, there was an air of a hot blooded murderous male in a battlefield which made Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang afraid to approach.

"Dàgē." After Shen Miao sent Shen Xin and his wife back to their room and sat down across him.

"Mèimèi, I have thought again and again." Shen Qiu said, "This matter cannot be forgotten like this. My heart is blocked with frantic." The 'matter' he was speaking about referred to Shen Qing's and Prince Yu's matter. Even though Shen Miao had previously concealed a part of it, after the Returning Banquet's performance, Shen Qui could roughly guess about most of the entire event. It was because he knew of such a vicious and evil matter that Shen Qiu was furious. The youngest member of their family, his little younger sister was schemed to such a level like this for this year and almost had her life ruined. If it really befell on her, Shen Qiu did not think that they would be regretful.

Shen Miao looked at him as Shen Qiu was still speaking, "The more I think the angrier I become. Mèimèi, you must not stop me. Even if I would have to use this life to pay, I would not let them live well."

"Dàgē." Shen Miao sighed, "I had said before that there is no evidence to the matter. Since they had taken action, naturally, there would not be a drop of water leaked. Moreover, this also involves Yu Qīnwáng. With Yu Qīnwáng, even the Imperial family will protect so if you would to jump out, it would mean going against the Imperial family. Do you want to kill Fùqīn and Mǔqīn?"

Shen Qiu was surprised for a moment, Shen Miao's words were so sensible that it made him ignore Shen Miao's disrespectful and disdaining tone towards the Imperial family. He knew that what Shen Miao said was not wrong and in the beginning it was not that there were no noble families' young ladies that were soiled by Prince Yu and those families were not as high-ranking as the Shen family but at the end they held it up highly but let it go lowly. Behind Prince Yu Residence was the greatest power in Ming Qi thus if there was any collision, it would be as if hitting a rock. But his heart still felt blocked as he continued, "One cannot just forget about it like this."

"Dàgē, play with me a game of chess." Shen Miao said.

���What time is it already?" Shen Qiu scratched his head, "And do you not like to play chess?"

Shen Miao did not continue his words but set the game up. She picked the black pieces and gave the white ones to Shen Qiu and said, "The two armies confront one another. These are your soldiers, these are my soldiers. Using the pieces as your pawns, the commanders are clear, how about vying for the entire world?"

Shen Qiu had always been keen towards the battlefield and the words said also made him interested. He said, "Alright." Although he was a military person, he was proficient in chess. It was because playing chess and warfare had many commonalities and one could sometimes see an endless number of tactics in the game.

The white and black pieces fell onto the chessboard, in ravines and weaves. The blacks and whites were as if it really was a military battlefield. Shen Miao played slowly but this did not indicate that her movements were slow but gentle which was different from Shen Qiu's sonorous steps style, with a seeming soft manner. This kind of feeling made Shen Qiu feel like a powerless blunt knife mangling the meat. Shen Qiu's white pieces were that coercing but she got motionless, keeping her own rhythm as she placed the black pieces unhurriedly. Even though it looked like she conceded but there was not a single black piece that was missing. Occasionally, Shen Qiu looked like he was about to devour her black pieces but she managed to slyly escape.

After a stick of incense, there was not a single missing white or black piece off the table. No one was able to gain any advantage and no one was able to devour any piece from the other. However, one was able to see clearly that Shen Qiu's white pieces occupied the key positions and the black pieces were forced into the corner by the white pieces. If this went on, Shen Qiu needed to increase a few steps and would be able to nibble on Shen Miao's black pieces one by one.

Shen Qiu said, "Mèimèi, your method of escaping is very good but do you want to play like that with me the entire night? I am going to attack."

"Just nice." Shen Miao gently smiled, "I also have that intention." The voice hardly finished when the black chess piece in her hands landed on a crafty position. Shen Qiu's brows tightly wrinkled up as that position changed the entire game.

He was surprised in his heart. Just now the white pieces were coercing in every step but now it had spun a cocoon around itself, and with that one black chess piece of Shen Miao, he was stuck and the overall game was reversed, and he could not even do anything.

Afterwards, Shen Miao changed her style to continuous attack and not defending, and her actions were severe like a tornado swallowing Shen Qiu's white pieces in big gulps. In less than a moment, Shen Qiu's white pieces that used to fill up the board, were only left with the last one.

"I have lost." Shen Qiu smiled bitterly and looked at Shen Miao in surprise, "Mèimèi, since when had your chess skills improved to this level?"

Using the chess as the battlefield, he, a military General, was killed by his own younger sister till there was not a fragment left. This would be the biggest joke if this would be spoken. But he was also very surprised in his heart as what Shen Miao displayed was not how the chess pieces were controlled but the understanding of the overall situation. From the previous weak style to the last sharp approach, she had a calm look and it could be that how this game went was all along within her grasp.

"I do not only want to play chess with Dàgē." Shen Miao shook her head and said, "Previously, Dàgē asked if I would just forget about the matter. After this chess game, what does Dàgē think?"

Shen Qiu was first surprised before being startled, "You…"

In the beginning the black pieces looked soft and only defended instead of attacking but afterwards when there was the sudden turn, the overall situation was reversed and they swallowed the opponent clean. This meant that Shen Miao previously dealt with Shen Qing softly and did not resist, not because she planned to drop the matter like that but… But to wait for an opportunity to enmesh themselves in a trap of their own devising when dealing with Shen Miao and she later retaliated and returned with rewards?

"There are many ways to achieve one's purpose." Under the light, the young female had a black chess piece between her fingers. The fair fingers and the black piece's had a sharp contrast which portrayed a kind of beauty. Her voice was soft as she described, "This road is impassable, then use another road. If clear ones are not possible, use the dark ones. They had already blocked their own way, so now it is our turn to play."

Seeing a beauty under the lamp, the beauty was like a jade and Shen Miao was considered to be a delicate beauty. But at this moment even Shen Qiu could not help but look. The young female had a calm attitude but it was as if there was a hidden huge ability, an exquisite and bright heart that had long concealed the overall game in it and everyone had become a pawn.

Shen Qiu felt unsmooth in his heart. He had always felt that even though Shen Miao was not close to him, her temperament was extremely simple. With such a temperament, one fear that she would be used by others, but now he could clearly see that this younger sister of his had unknowingly grown up, and her abilities and schemes were incomparable to his.

"Mèimèi, I do not understand." He said.

"If Dàgē believes in me then let me handle this matter." Shen Miao said, "This kind of people like Yu Qīnwáng, would definitely find trouble for the Shen Residence because of this matter. Weed must be exterminated by the roots, we do not need this kind of enemies."

"Did not Mèimèi just say that Yu Qīnwáng's residence had the Imperial family's support behind so I cannot directly go against it?"

"I had said earlier on that if the white roads are impenetrable, then take the dark paths. There are thousands and thousands of roads in the world, there would be one that would go through." Shen Miao lightly said, "Yu Qīnwáng relied on the Imperial family like the fox that exploits the tiger's might. He is after all a turtle with a shell. See how arrogant he can be when his shell is plucked out!"

Under Shen Qiu's stunned look, Shen Miao smiled at him gently, "But Dàgē, I need some money, so… Those things that Huángshàng bestowed, give that money to me. I have a use for it."

Shen Qiu wanted to ask Shen Miao what she wanted to do but he did not know why once he met with Shen Miao's bright crystal eyes, he could not say anything else. He was the dignified Deputy General Shen and would face Shen Xin and occasionally even fight with him till their necks turn red. But when Shen Miao looked at him quietly, Shen Qiu would listen unconditionally. Shen Qiu spit at himself in his heart, not afraid of even the enemy's General but scared of a little girl? It was true that the longer one lived, the more one encountered.


Shen Qiu recovered to his senses and said, "Alright. I will go back and get someone to bring them over."

"Many thanks, Dàgē." Shen Miao nodded, "The skies are already dark, Dàgē should also rest."


"Do not worry about the matter of Yu Qīnwáng's residence. Do not tell Fùqīn and Mǔqīn, I will look into it."

"… Alright."

Shen Qiu scratched his head as he left. When he was outside of Shen Miao's room, he suddenly frowned. Damn, he really had the feeling of being protected by his younger sister!

In the room, Gu Yu carefully asked, "Xiǎojiě, is it really needed to use so much money tomorrow?"

Shen Miao's eyes focused intensely. Gu Yu had not seen her Young Lady having such a serious look for a long time.

She exclaimed, "I only fear that I would not be able to seize it."


On the second day, Shen Qiu really picked a number of chests with money and brought them over to Shen Miao's courtyard. Most likely, he was afraid that Shen Miao was short of money and took out a thousand liang banknote from his chest and gave it to Shen Miao and said with a smile, "Mèimèi is at the age now where money is required at lots of areas and that little monthly allowance would not be enough. Take this money and if there are things you want to buy, then buy. If it is not enough then just come and look for Dàgē."

The maids that were outside sweeping looked enviously at Shen Miao. Previously, they felt that their Fifth Young Lady's position in the residence was an embarrassment, and it was only good to her as she did not even know she was bullied and was indeed very pitiful. Now it seemed that it was they who were blind. Not to mention Shen Xin and wife, even Shen Qiu also doted this younger sister to the heavens.

Shen Miao felt unfathomable as Shen Qiu's attitude was strange. She nodded her head and did not decline as she accepted the banknote, "Many thanks.��

Shen Qiu was suddenly somewhat disappointed. After pondering, he waved his hands and the two guards behind immediately approached and Shen Qiu said, "These two guards of mine are both exceptional in the army and will protect you for the time being." He was worried about Prince Yu's next moves and if it was not for Shen Miao's strong insistence on going out, Shen Qiu would have directly made Shen Miao stay in the house.

Shen Miao agreed and Mo Qing also followed. Shen Qiu smiled, "Your choice of guards is indeed good."

Mo Qing had already left the identity of guarding outside Shen Residence and Shen Miao had told Shen Qiu of his identity. Shen Qiu returned the life agreement back to Mo Qing and placed him in the Shen family army. But these days, he was to be Shen Miao's bodyguard and oversee her safety.

Bringing along three guards and two maids, Shen Miao finally left Shen Residence.

Even the coachman was someone who had martial arts that Shen Qiu searched.

Shen Qiu's footboy said, "Shàoyé really protects Xiǎojiě."

Shen Qiu sighed. No matter how he protects, this younger sister was too matured thus there was no sense of accomplishment that an older brother should have.

"Go. Go. Go." He waved his hand, "Return to practice the sword."


Feng Xian Pawnshop was the largest pawnshop in the Ding capital.

Compared to other pawnshops, this one had some exceptional points. Feng Xian Pawnshop only dealt with precious items, if it was ordinary items, then the shop assistant would 'politely' show them the way out. Most likely the owner of the pawnshop was one who was magnanimous with money because when customers' items were really precious enough, that pawnshop would not give a low price. But there was still another rule in Feng Xian Pawnshop, which was it would only deal with dead pawns, meaning once the item was pawned, there was no way it could be redeemed back.

But if it was one's precious things, if things had not reached a dead end, no one would pawn it away, much less a dead pawn. Thus, even though Feng Xian Pawnshop was rich and powerful and also the biggest in Ding City, there were only a few customers. In such a situation like this, this Feng Xian Pawnshop still managed to maintain itself for many years without collapsing which made one wonder how they made a living.

Today, in front of this Feng Xian Pawnshop's doors, there stopped a horse carriage.

Some of the people passing by could not help but look over, because the people who went to Feng Xian Pawnshop were those who were probably desperate to use money but this carriage looked quite sophisticated, the coachman sitting on the carriage was also not ordinary and it did not look like someone poor. It was somewhat strange why the wealthy come over to pawn precious stuff.

The pawnshop' shop assistant was a young grey-clad boy and had a bright and capable appearance. When he saw that horse carriage stopped in front of the doors, he was also slightly surprised before a few females came out of it. Most likely the young female that was leading was a young lady of a big family as she wore a cloak with a pair of delicate brows. When she looked over, her eyes were as clear as water.

The few guards and maids came up to surround the young female and the little shop assistant went up to welcome with a smile, "Does this customer wish to pawn something?"

"There is something that needs to be pawned." That purple-clad young lady said.

"What is the thing that this customer wants to pawn? Can the goods be examined?" That little shop assistant smiled and sincerely spoke. He could see that this young lady was wealthy and respectable and his smile was even warmer. Who knew that the other person only shook her head, "I want to see the person in charge."

"This… This is not according to the rules." The little shop assistant shook his head and said. He had seen a number of people who came to look for trouble and there were some who were also from distinguished families, but Feng Xian Pawnshop was never afraid of these individuals.

"The thing I want to pawn is too big, you are unable to see." That young female did not get angry but only spoke lightly.

Being looked at by that pair of eyes, that little shop assistant had a feeling of falling into ice pits. He had yet to speak when he heard a charming voice, "Who wants to see me?"

From the back came a young female and this female was not considered beautiful but possessed a kind of seductive charm that made the few guards behind Shen Miao to somewhat blush.

"This guest wants to see me?" That female leisurely swayed her hips as she walked over and asked with a smile.

Shen Miao shook her head, "I want to see the one in charge, Bai Xiao Sheng."

The female's smile suddenly stiffened.