Military Power Taken Away

There was never a shortage of new and fresh things in the capital city.

Whenever there was any movement, it would be spread all over the skies the next day. If it implicated whichever famous person, naturally one would talk about it for three days and nights.

When talking about such things, some were joking but some genuinely spoke undeservedly about the people involved.

In today's excitement, there were people talking about the Formidable Great General Shen that no one could compare in terms of the limelight.

Tamed the pirates, fought the Xiong Nu and went on an expedition all year in the Northwestern region. Did not claim credit, not proud, an impressive list of military exploits and protecting the country. All these were talking about the military lineage of the Shen family.

Ever since Old General Shen, the Shen family relied on meritorious services and won prestige among the people in Ming Qi. Unfortunately, among the Old General Shen's three sons, only the eldest, Shen Xin, inherited his mantle and continued to take the military official route. It was fortunate that like his father, Shen Xin lived up to the name of the Formidable Great General Shen and even Shen Xin's Di-son, Shen Qiu, was also a brave General in the battlefield.

When fighting a tiger, one relied on blood brothers, When fighting a war, one relied on father and sons. Shen Xin was not temperamental in the army and when in battle would be at the forefront, and getting together with the military lineage tigress Luo Xue Yan became a legend for a generation. The commoners in Ming Qi respected Shen Xin in their heart and if anything was not good, it would be that Shen Xin's Di-daughter did not inherit any outstanding attributes and was an idiot.

However, even if his Di-daughter was an idiot, when one mentioned Shen Xin, the commoners would still favour and support.

But now with an offence of lying to the Monarch, the commoners were dumbfounded.

It was not a small fight nor was it a family issue. It was lying to a Monarch, and that was a serious offence that could easily make one's family be confiscated. Early in the morning, the officials in the court surrounded the Shen Residence, saying to search for evidence. The commoners only knew that Shen Xin had a 'lying to the Monarch' offence, but did not know what kind of offence, or how he lied to the Emperor.

"How would such a good person like General Shen lie to the Monarch?"

"Correct, last time, my child was being naughty and shocked Shen Fūrén's horse but not only Shen Fūrén did not place any blame, she still apologized with a gift. They are such good people. Could it be that Bìxià is mistaken?"

"Hey, what mistaken? One heard that this is a thing that is cast in stone. There is even evidence." Someone said softly, "Even though one did not know why, one heard that it was Ding Wángzǐ diànxià that personally brought down General Shen."

"Ding Wángzǐ diànxià."

"Yes. Think about it, Ding Wángzǐ diànxià will definitely not falsify it. One can not say for sure, but it might be because Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě once admired Ding Wángzǐ diànxià and was humiliated, so in order to vent for his daughter, General Shen did something apologetic to Bìxià."

"Ah, speaking as such then this is possible. It is a pity for the entire family of General Shen that was made miserable by that Di-daughter."

The commoners' discussions were not soft, even though Shen Miao was standing at the residence's door, she could hear them clearly. The people of the residence were all standing at the doors of the residence so that the court's soldiers could enter to search. Shen Yue feigned fear and hid behind Chen Rou Qiu before looking sympathetically at Shen Miao, "Wǔ mèimèi, how could these people talk about you? What Dà Bófù did had no relation to you."

Shen Miao coldly looked at those fierce soldiers and smiled when she heard all this. The first time she was truly blind and was labelled as the 'idiot who fell in love with Prince Ding', and that name was really extremely disgusting.

Seeing Shen Miao not speaking, Shen Yue thought that she had no words to retort and in an instant her eyes were proud, but she stood there without saying anything. After Old Shen Fūrén determined that Shen Xin would not implicate her, she then settled her heart and put on an attitude of a matriarch and angrily scolded, "How did Lǎodà do such a thing and turn back on the Monarch with our Shen family's generations of loyalty? If the General was here, this would be a total loss of reputation and face, he would not even look at Lǎodà devastating the reputation of the Shen family."

When Shen Miao heard that her heart was moved and she looked at Old Shen Fūrén, "What is Zǔmǔ saying? Fùqīn is also a member of the Shen family and the Shen family is connected to Fùqīn as one. How could one not bother about Fùqīn now? When Fùqīn has bestowed rewards from Bìxià, Zǔmǔ said that for the Shen family to gain such a son, it is the good fortune of the Shen family. Words spoken were like spilt water, Zǔmǔ had forgotten about them again."

When the crowd of commoners heard this, their eyes quickly looked towards Old Shen Fūrén.

Old Shen Fūrén did not say such aggravating stuff like right now, when the Formidable Great General military exploits were outstanding and when His Majesty gave bestowments. Originally a family, so all glory and loss should be shared. How was that this Old Shen Fūrén was one that could share the fortune, but not hardship? Once seeing others going through a misfortune, she could not wait to draw the relationship cleanly.

When Old Shen Fūrén realised that the gaze of the people was hostile, she became angry but did not know how to continue her words, and could only look at Chen Rou Qiu.

Shen Gui and Shen Wan went to court, and the only one who could hold the fort was Chen Rou Qiu. Chen Rou Qiu smiled, "Wǔ jiě'ér, how could Old Fūrén mean what you said. Old Fūrén is only angry. You also know that our Shen family has always been living honestly, and how would one lie to the Monarch. If the late Old General was aware of it, he would also blame your Fùqīn. After your Fùqīn did such a thing, how would the Shen family carry on in the future?"

When Old Shen Fūrén saw Chen Rou Qiu helping, her steps got firm and found Chen Rou Qiu more pleasing to her eyes. She nodded, "Correct. Your Fùqīn made a mistake and still does not allow others to speak about it?"

Shen Dong Ling and Wan Yīniáng stood at the side. Naturally, they had no power to speak anything and could only watch on quietly, not speaking.

Shen Miao said, "So speaking as such, can it be that Zǔmǔ wants to draw a clear line and expel my Fùqīn out of the family before letting the matter drop."

As soon as she heard that, Chen Rou Qiu's heart dropped but she did not have time to stop to think, when she saw Old Shen Fūrén's eyes brightened as she spoke with indignation, "Such an unscrupulous descendant, naturally should be expelled from the Shen family."

"Zǔmǔ is really that heartless. My Fùqīn is currently still behind bars and Zǔmǔ did not even help." Shen Miao's eyes hung down.

Seeing Shen Miao's lowered head and weak appearance, Old Shen Fūrén suddenly felt happy. Previously, one was pressured by the First Household and everything was not smooth, thus the uncomfortable feeling in one's heart was swept away at the moment. The happier she was the more her voice had a tone of righteousness, "The Shen family have been virtuous and loyal for generations, and this old one will rather carry the reputation of heartless and make a decision of Lǎotàiyé. This kind of person cannot enter our Shen family's ancestors hall. From today onwards, Shen Xin's family is expelled from the Shen family."

Old Shen Fūrén said it very carefreely but did not see the discolouration of Chen Rou Qiu's face. Even though it was natural to draw the relationship clearly, for Old Shen Fūrén to be that clear was not a smart move. When such gestures fall into everyone's eyes, they are not fools and would not stand on the side of the Shen residence.

Thinking of that, Chen Rou Qiu smiled at Shen Miao and said, "Wǔ jiě'ér, Old Fūrén did not mean that. She is only infuriated by Dà bǎizi, thus spoke like this. Wǔ jiě'ér, after a few days Old Fūrén will not be angry and it would not be like this."

Shen Yue did not understand why her own mother said such things. Was it not good to let Old Shen Fūrén chase Shen Miao out? Now that Shen Xin and the rest were carrying the charges of lying to the Monarch, even if the death sentence was avoided due to their meritorious service over the years, the punishment could not be escaped, thus one would be in extremely dire straits. To chase this entire family in dire straits out, perhaps they might not even have a place of their own, and this was indeed a happy thought for her.

"Shen Sān Fūrén need not say more." Shen Miao said loudly, "Since Old Fūrén value the Shen family's social status that greatly, that she does not attach any importance to relationships, then, what more can I say. Since it is as such then why not just part like this, stay vastly apart and do as one like, so as to not damage the social status of the Shen family." Her words were sarcastic, "It is difficult to move out in such a short time. Wait till the officials have completed their searching, I will naturally pack up and move out when Fùqīn and Mǔqīn returns. One will not defile the Shen family, not any one bit."

She said it with anger, like a proud young girl that was forced to a point of resentment, but if one were to listen carefully, there was no way to turn around her words.

Shen Xin and his wife were people who loved their daughter, so if they knew that during the time when they entered the Palace, their daughter was almost forced by the Shen family out of the doors, one fears that ultimately there would be a list of debts to be settled.

Suddenly, there was an uproar among the commoners, as they did not think that they would see such a good show here. It was just that Old Shen Fūrén's attitudes were very unpleasant and on the contrary, the Fifth Young Lady Shen who was known as an idiot was pleasant and attractive but was forced to such a position. Thus, they could not help but sympathise with her and leaned towards her side.

Chen Rou Qiu was secretly shocked and looked at Shen Miao quietly, as it was too late to say anything else. To quarrel like this in front of so many commoners, less than half a day the entire capital would be aware of this news. Even though by drawing clearly the line between the Shen family and Shen Xin was to the benefit of the Shen family, there was a feeling of faint anxiety in Chen Rou Xiu's heart.

Shen Miao had been leading everyone by their noses, whether it was Old Shen Fūrén saying about kicking Shen Xin out of the residence, or how now everyone was sympathising and siding with her. But why did Shen Miao do that, and now to think of it, it looked like Shen Miao was using Old Shen Fūrén words for Shen Xin to get rid of the Shen family.

Chen Rou Qiu could not help but think of the matter of the First Household separating from the family. Naturally, Old Shen Fūrén was not willing to let the First Household take away the fortune, but once Shen Xin and his wife made the decision, it would not be easy to change it. At that time, they were about to look at other residences. Who knew that such a matter would happen? One thought that it would not be possible to separate from the family, but did not expect that at this moment, the matter would be raised up.

And under the watchful eyes of everyone, one would not be able to go back on it in the future.

Old Shen Fūrén was not happy that Chen Rou Qiu was helping Shen Miao, and afterwards, when she saw that Shen Miao was discriminating and spoke of the Shen family as worthless, she was then happy. She gave a cold scoff and brought her personal maids into the courtyard, not caring for the sentiment of the commoners. Chen Rou Qiu hesitated for a moment before bringing Shen Yue in.

Wan Yīniáng wanted to also follow in but saw Shen Dong Ling letting go of her hand and walking up.

"Wǔ mèimèi." Shen Dong Ling called her.

This seemed to be the first time Shen Dong Ling called her. Shen Miao's eyes were hanging down as she faintly replied, "Sān Jiějiě."

"Wǔ mèimèi need not worry." Shen Dong Ling looked soft and weak but her smile was soft, "Bófù will definitely be alright. Bófù is not a person who lies to the Monarch, thus the truth of the matter will eventually come out."

Shen Miao's expression was unchanged, "Thanking Sān Jiějiě."

Shen Dong Ling then smiled and turned around to walk to Wan Yīniáng pulling her towards the door.

"Xiǎojiě." Jing Zhe came over to ask, "What is Sān xiǎojiě's intention?"

The ruckus that Shen Miao created showed the broken relationship in the Shen residence. But Shen Dong Ling really came at the right, not fearing that Old Shen Fūrén will place the blame on her.

Shen Miao did not speak and watched the retreating figure and shook her head thoughtfully.

After walking through the door and seeing that there was no one around, Wan Yīniáng said softly, "Ling-er, what is with you just now? Why did you even dare to butter up Wǔ xiǎojiě? If Old Fūrén saw it, she would definitely tell your Fùqīn." Shen Gui did not see eye to eye with the First household, and it would be weird if Shen Gui was happy after knowing that Shen Dong Ling quickly went up to please the First household.

"Rest assure Yīniáng." Shen Dong Ling smiled, "They are not able to beat Wǔ mèimèi."

"What?" Wan Yīniáng was stunned.

Shen Dong Ling pursed her lips and pulled Wan Yīniáng forward, "Do not ask and return back."

Such a big event befell on the Shen family that even the commoners were alerted, so naturally, the court was filled with an angry atmosphere at the moment.

In the Palace Great Hall, Emperor Wen Hui was sitting on the throne and his face was so dark that it could drip blood. Looking at all the officials in court, he threw the memorandum on hand to the nearest high ranked official with a 'pa'.

When that memorandum smacked the official's face, he did not dare to speak a single word and immediately went down on his knees.

Shen Xin and wife, including Shen Qiu, had not left the Palace after entering and no one outside knew what was going on, but the officials were well aware that Shen Xin and wife were arrested by Emperor Wen Hui. As for the reason why they were arrested, it was something that requires no additional thinking. There were some issues with them and thus the Emperor wanted to handle them.

All the officials well understood such a simple logic and would generally keep silent. But Emperor Wen Hui's expression was strange.

"Count of Ping Nan, speak about it." Emperor Wen Hui specifically called him out.

Count of Ping Nan, Su Yu, was very smart on his feet and other officials' quickly turned their attention onto him. Su Yu thought about the conversation he had yesterday night with Su Ming Feng, and no longer hesitated to pull a memorandum from his sleeves, and went up to pass it to the Gōnggōng by the Emperor's side for him to present it to Emperor Wen Hui.

"Replying to Bìxià, this official also found that the Formidable Great General had acted boldly and did not respect the Imperial family, thus requesting Bìxià to punish Shen Xin heavily, executing nine degrees of relatives."

It was still alright for the officials who were close with Su Yu to hear about executing nine levels of relatives, but those officials that did not have any relations with Su Yu were in total shock. All along, Count Ping Nan's action had been gentle and was regarded as a good old man. Who knew that once he spoke, he wanted Shen Xin's life and his spoken words were just too heavy.

Emperor Wen Hui's hands that were holding the memorandum quivered, and his eyes were staring straight at Su Yu.

Su Yu nodded his head and had an impassionate appearance.

"Reporting to Bìxià." At the other end, the Marquis of Lin An, Xie Ding, who had been silent said, "Shen Xin has to conduct himself with dignity when using military powers and to dare to resist the orders of Bìxià outside, one fear that he long had a treasonous heart. This official also agrees with Su Dàrén's words of executing nine degrees of relatives."

Everyone's gaze was at Xie Ding and Su Yu. Everyone knew that the Su and Xie families' relationship was deep and that these two families' relations were very thin with the Shen family. Now that Shen Xin was in a mishap, since the Su and Xie families were ants on the same rope, they would definitely go over and kick a few times for satisfaction.

Emperor Wen Hui's eyes were uncertain.

Originally, when Fu Xiu Yi sent over these pieces of evidence, he was extremely satisfied. His eyes were already on the Shen family, this piece of fatty meat, but was unable to find any opportunity. With Fu Xiu Yi's evidence, no matter what, at least one would be able to easily reclaim the military power from the Shen family. Who knew that this morning, when this matter was mentioned, the officials actually recommended to severely punish Shen Xin.

Shen Xin was often in battle in the Northwestern region and did not have a deep friendship with the officials in court. Emperor Wen Hui had long expected that there would be many people who did not like Shen Xin but did not expect that it would be this much. Those who were pleading for leniency for Shen Xin were practically only a few.

The Emperor's heart was always filled with suspicion, thus if there were many officials who spoke up for Shen Xin, Emperor Wen Hui would suspect that Shen Xin was close with the officials secretly. But if there were more people impeaching Shen Xin, then Emperor Wen Hui would rest assured with Shen Xin, as an official with a treasonous heart would not make so many enemies for oneself.

If those officials' impeachment made Emperor Wen Hui have some hesitation, then the Count of Ping Nan's and Marquis of Lin An's 'executing nine degrees of relatives' made Emperor Wen Hui suspicious.

The Shen, Su and Xie families were thorns in Emperor Wen Hui's heart. Not mentioning how these officials were, but it was only the reputation and military power these big families had that made Emperor Wen Hui unable to sleep soundly. How would one allow another to sleep soundly at the couch beside them? Emperor Wen Hui would not let families that had the ability to threaten Imperial power exist.

The Su and Xie families were twisted together like a rope, and fortunately, the Shen family was incompatible with both families like fire and water, else Emperor Wen Hui's heart would suffer greatly. If one were to really follow what the Su and Xie families' words meant, then in the entire land of Ming Qi, there would not be any forces to contend with the Su and Xie families. By letting the Su and Xie families grow, it would only unstabilize his Dragon seat (aka throne).

For the first time, Emperor Wen Hui felt that it is hard to get off after riding a tiger. He only wanted to reclaim part of the military power, and still retain the Shen family to check and balance the Su and Xie families but now, there was no one who was willing to speak for Shen Xin. Emperor Wen Hui only felt pain and a headache.

He slowly asked back, "Executing nine degrees of relatives?"

Usually, with this kind of question, the officials could see that His Majesty's expression was not correct, but one did not know what went on in Xie Ding's head as he actually raised his neck and said, "Yes."

Emperor Wen Hui closed his eyes and when he looked at Xie Ding again, it was as if he could see his wolf-like ambition under his skin.

Su Yu was somewhat worried but there was not the slightest trace of it on the surface, and still had an appearance as if Xie Ding's words were very reasonable.

Finally, a lower-ranked general stepped out, "Although this time General Shen was headstrong and rash, the offence is not as heavy as death. Since one had made contributions for the court earlier, one can atone for the offences by meritorious acts. Bìxià is benevolent, and one hopes that by remembering the Shen family's army constant battles to protect the country, the sentencing would be lenient."

This lower-ranked general had not bad relations with Shen Xin, and most likely saw that the current situation was unfavourable to Shen Xin, and finally could not tolerate and stand up for Shen Xin.

Emperor Wen Hui had been waiting for someone to say that, but one did not know that Shen Xin's relationship skills were that bad, that no one was willing to speak for him. Once this low-ranked General spoke, Emperor Wen Hui's brows stretched out, "Beloved Official's words are right. Even though General Shen is guilty now, previously, he had made numerous meritorious contributions, thus, by saying about executing nine degrees of relatives, would Zhèn not care about old affections."

"Bìxià must absolutely not." Su Yu quickly knelt down on the ground, "General Shen even dared to lie to a Monarch, one does not know what he will do in the future."

Xie Ding quickly said, "Bìxià, it is precisely so. Please think twice."

The more both of them said as such, the more suspicions Emperor Wen Hui had. He did not look at the both of them but at that lower-ranked General, and faced the entire court of civil and military officers, "When the Old General Shen was alive, he had accompanied the Late Huángshàng through life and death. For generations, the Shen family has been loyal and the Formidable Great General Shen, Shen Xin is incomparably brave and fierce. He had returned back at the end of the year defeating the Xi Rong, and this can be considered as atonement for the offences. Zhèn is not a despot Monarch that will be executing nine degrees of relatives. Shen Xin's family is innocent in this."

"Bìxià is wise." That low-ranked General quickly knelt down.

Emperor Wen Hui waved his hands, "It is just that Shen Xin had done that offence, Zhèn still have to punish him. Pass the order down and retrieve the military tally of the Shen family army, and deduct Shen Xin's salary for a year. The Shen family's army would be transferred to another person to command. As for the rest, they will be integrated into the Gui Lin army."

Everyone sucked in the cold air and their eyes were all strange.

If one says that Emperor Wen Hui was cruel, he did not take or harm any lives in the Shen family. But if one says that Emperor Wen Hui was warm, he retrieved the military tally right from the start. The military tally could command three armies and for a General, once the military tally was lost, it meant like a soldier losing one's life on the battlefield.

However, the front of the Shen family's army was just a few unrelated soldiers, and the real Shen family's army was integrated into the Gui Lin army, meaning that all the troops that Shen Xin had painstakingly trained, now belonged to the Imperial family.

The officials were distressed. No wonder Emperor Wen Hui said it so generously, as he already held the other's lifeblood in his hands. Even though Shen Xin escaped, this Formidable Great General is now an empty shell and not a deterrent force anymore. Leaving the reputation of the Shen family, was only to balance the rest of the other aristocratic families' power.

After Emperor Wen Hui finished speaking, he waved his hands bored before, "End of court." And with his remark, it would not be long before Shen Xin and his wife, including Shen Qiu, would be released from the Palace. Only at that time Shen Xin and his wife would be facing the deprivation of their military power, and one would not know if they could come out of it.

Emperor Wen Hui brushed his sleeves and left, leaving the officials to look at each other in dismay.

No one had expected that this large-scale event would be dealt in such a simple way. One could say that this had become a matter of removing the commanding position, so would Shen Xin be angry and start cursing?

Su Yu patted the dust on his knees and when he stood up, he saw Xie Ding tidying up his clothes. He walked closer to Xie Ding and softly said, "What is with you just now? Why did you suddenly speak?"

Although Su Ming Feng had spoken to Su Yu and he had promised to submit an impeachment, in the end, he did not want to involve his good friend in this muddy water. The Xie family was facing a more complicated situation than them, and if it implicated the Xie family, Su Yu would blame himself to death. That was why Su Yu informed his colleagues of the matter, but did not tell Xie Ding. One did not expect that Xie Ding actually went according to his words, and almost angered Emperor Wen Hui.

Xie Ding shook his head, "When you spoke, I knew what kind of idea you were thinking about. Since you wanted to help Shen Xin then I will help, but this is solely for you." Xie Ding was an old fox that had played in court for so many years, compared to Shen Xin who only knew about fighting battles, Xie Ding knew the inner workings of the court better. He could see that Su Yu was using an alternate strategy to help Shen Xin, so he went along with it and added fire in.

Hearing that, Su Yu was somewhat frustrated. He felt that his good friend's temperament was the same as Xie Ding's son, Xie Jing Xing. Thinking of Xie Jing Xing, Su Yu was surprised for a moment, "That is right. I heard from Ming Feng that Jing Xing had requested for commander, is this matter true?"

"Ming Feng also knows?" Xie Ding shook his head and sighed, "Yes, it is true."

"Is Jing Xing crazy?" Su Yu said unfathomable, "The Northern Jiang is not a joking place. Old Xie, are you really assured?"

"Does me being assured or not, matter?" Xie Ding was very helpless, "When was I able to manage the decisions that he had made before? Now I can only hope that he will be safe. This is the consequence of the sin I had created, so I am paying for it now."

"Actually, it is also not your fault." Su Yu's heart was a little sour when he heard it. One wrong step, leads to all steps wrong. These years, Xie Ding had been tortured due to the matter that happened years ago, his conscience was not calm and his son was not close. One would feel sad as a bystander, so Xie Ding himself must be even more upset. He diverted the topic, "Heard that this time, the memorandum that indicated Shen Xin's offences was submitted by Jiǔ Wángzǐ, Ding Diànxià, but why did one not see him today?"

"It seemed that Bìxià sent him to inspect the Ministry of Works." Xie Ding frowned, "One does not know what he will think when he finds out about the matter today."

"What could one think?" Su Yu laughed coldly, "The thing that one wanted is in the bag, so it does not matter if those few heads stay or not."

Seeing Su Yu like this for the first time, Xie Ding was somewhat surprised and asked, "That is right, you have not said why you suddenly helped Shen Xin. When did you start to have a friendship with the Shen family?"

Su Yu saw that they had walked far away and there was no one around, then he whispered to Xie Ding, "How is it me? It is my son, Ming Feng. He spoke to me at night that Bìxià is only using the Shen family as an opening, and once the matter with the Shen family is over, it would inevitably be followed by my Su family."

What happened in court was quickly spreading throughout the city. Emperor Wen Hui retained Shen Xin's family life, but in terms of responsibility, he has withered. It made the commoners lament that the Imperial family was kind. Not only that, by seeing how Emperor Wen Hui treated Shen Xin so leniently, everyone all speculated that the prestige of Shen Xin had not diminished and that the Imperial family valued them greatly in their heart, thus, their future is not as bleak as one thought before.

The amateurs were watching the bustle, but the experts were watching the way it was done. The commoners did not understand but as officials, they could clearly see that without military power, the Shen family was like a toothless tiger, only looked good without substance and the prestige had long passed.

In Shen Residence, Shen Gui and Shen Wan were talking about the matter, and as to how Shen Xin ended up like this, even though it was not a severe punishment as they thought, by him losing the military power was something that made both of them satisfied. This was because it meant that Shen Xin's reputation and prestige had become significantly lower than them.

In the Western Courtyard, when Jing Zhe told the news to Shen Miao, she just finished her lunch.

"Xiǎojiě." Jing Zhe looked at Shen Miao's leisurely appearance and her mind was determined as she asked, "Xiǎojiě is not at all worried, is it because even if one does not have military power, it was not as bad as what outside was saying?"

Shen Miao wiped her mouth on the handkerchief, "Do not be afraid. What is yours cannot run away, and what is not yours cannot be stolen or snatched."