Two Years Later

In the late spring season, the grass was tall and the nightingales were up in flight as the drizzling rain drifted over, even the flowers became a ball of red mass. The entire Xiao Chun City was filled with the fragrance of the unique scent of spring, and even the windy sand had become smaller.

The raindrop fell onto the eaves and created little puddles on the greenstone flooring. When a small clear drop splashed, it seemed very pitiful and adorable. In the birdcages that were hanging on the beams, orioles were twittering and when that crisp sound mixed with the sounds of the rain, it was more beautiful than the best music played by a musician.

At the end of the corridor, a young female came running in full swing. That young female was wearing a peach pink embroidered long robe. The colour was bright and adorable, but both her hands lifted the skirt up as she hurried over, making it somewhat funny. Her complexion was the colour of wheat and looked mischievous as she shouted out, "Biǎomèi. Biǎomèi."

"Jiějiě, slow down." The youth behind her shouted out, "The ground is slippery; take care not to fall."

As the voice landed, the lively young female running in front slipped and almost fell, but fortunately, she had some martial arts foundation, she could stabilise her body quickly when she slipped. She then complained loudly to that youth, "Luo Qian, shut your inauspicious mouth."

Luo Qian stuck his tongue out, and two lean figures appeared behind Luo Qian before one unsatisfied voice sounded, "Luo Tan if you are not careful, you will not get married like this."

"Sa Gēgē." Luo Tan anxiously stomped her feet, "If one cannot marry then I will marry Qiu Biǎogē."

Luo Qian chuckled, "Qiu Biǎogē will not take fancy at a tigress like you."

"Luo Qian." Luo Tan struck a posture to beat him.

"Alright, stop quarrelling." The gentle youth walking at the back smiled and said, "Are not you looking for Biǎomèi to chat? Go in then."

After noisily entering the innermost courtyard, one saw Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang arrange some flora and fauna outside and when they saw them, they quickly said, "Xiǎojiě is in the room waiting for you."

Luo Tan pushed open the curtain and called out, "Biǎo mèimèi."

There was no incense lit in the room, but one did not know where the servants found a few jasmines, as the entire room was filled with a light and sweet floral scent. In front of the window, there sat a young female and she was wearing deep-black silk clothes with a purple-tipped skirt. It was an entire body of dark colours, it did not look old-fashioned at all but instead made her skin fair and translucent like jade. The light rain was falling in front of the window and when she heard the sounds, she slightly raised her head, revealing a pretty and delicate face.

Black pupils, graceful brows, pearly teeth and pomegranate lips which were intoxicating like a new moon. It was strange to say that this young female's appearance was very delicate as if it was the morning glow of the snow that made one feel pity, but her warm and smooth hair had an extreme beauty feeling. It was as if she was one who could withstand a great magnanimity. With such a calm bearing, there seemed to be a very different hard look to it, making her look seemingly weak but also a strong person.

She tilted her head and slightly smiled as her eyes moved, this made the other person's heart tremble, as if this casual smile of hers made this simple study into a jade Palace, and she was a noble sitting at the highest position, looking down faintly at the crowd.

The few people at the door all were slightly startled. Even if one were to see this frequently, one would still be inadvertently surprised by this young female's demeanour. The meaning of 'hovering around without any ability to lift a hand or move a leg' was roughly talking about this.

After being startled for a moment, Luo Tan was the first to respond and ran inside, "Biǎomèi, your robes are really good looking."

After all one is a female and no matter how naughty she normally was, the interest in beautiful things would not change. Shen Miao lightly smiled, "If you like them then let the tailor make another one."

Luo Tan's mouth twitched, "I cannot wear this colour and can only envy with my eyes." She sized Shen Miao up and exclaimed, "No wonder all the gentlemen in Xiao Chun City will inquire about you with Ling Gēgē and the rest all day. Biǎomèi, you really look prettier as you grow."

It was the seventy-first year of Ming Qi. Two years had passed, and in these two years, Shen Miao grew up slowly. That slightly childlike face gradually grew out of that childishness, and her lovely adorable facial features became refined. It is just that the gentle temperament did not change, and even became calmer but the more it was so, the more her presence became magnanimous. When she walked on the streets, her bearing was enough to attract others to turn back, and it was of no wonder that Luo Ling's and Luo Sa's good friends would privately inquire if Shen Miao had any marriage partners.

Even though there were beauties in Xiao Chun City, there was not such an outstanding and unique beauty like her.

"Of course, do not see whose Biǎomèi is she." Luo Qian triumphantly stepped forward and placed his hand on the table in front of Shen Miao, "Biǎomèi, do you know that Bìxià sends someone over to deliver money again."

"Bestowed a reward?" As Shen Miao spoke, she was keeping the books on the table. Luo Qian squinted his eyes and saw the book's title before asking curiously, "Qin Country Records. Biǎomèi, why are you reading Qin Country's stuff?"

"Just casually looking." Shen Miao answered without any care.

Luo Sa's eyes flashed as Luo Ling stared at Shen Miao and said softly, "The multiple trips of bestowments in a year and recently that it is just too frequently. What does Biǎomèi think?"

He very naturally discussed it with Shen Miao, as if it was not something to blush when discussing with a young lady much younger than him. Of course, these four of the younger generation would not laugh at her, as it was worth exploring to know how much ability Shen Miao had. But the four persons had the tacit understanding not to tell the Luo family's elders of Shen Miao's secret, as they believed with confidence that no matter what secret Shen Miao had, she would definitely not harm the Luo family.

"When matters are not a norm, it is definitely of ill intention." Shen Miao said, "The Heavenly one will have lots of suspicions and with the rapid rise of the Luo family's army, one would only suppress without showing any signs, but to suddenly reward frequently? Then it means that there is something to request." She pondered seriously, "Bìxià's request for the Luo family's army, or the deliberate raise of the Luo family's army's status high up, one would know what exactly it is when the Ming Qi's tribute starts."

Everyone was surprised for a moment as Luo Tan touched her chin, "Seems like it."

"During the Ming Qi's tribute, there will be people from Qin Country and Great Liang coming. Qin Country and the Ming Qi are evenly matched in forces, but Great Liang far exceeds the Ming Qi, thus one would be afraid." Shen Miao said plainly, "The Shen family's army is not around and the Xie family's army is greatly injured, so how can the Ming Qi not have any Generals?"

"So Bìxià then lifted the Luo family up to deter Qin and Great Liang." Luo Tan replied nimbly.

Shen Miao nodded her head.

"So it is as such." As Lou Qian spoke, he looked at Shen Miao admiringly. She was clearly the same age as him, but Luo Qian often had the feeling that Shen Miao seemed to be much older than him, and even more mature than Luo Ling. With regards to the analysis of the Imperial court, Shen Miao would never avoid the taboo topics, and as compared to the elders who would twist and be tactful with their words, Shen Miao would be direct and to the point, just like mentioning that the Heavenly one was suspicious, the elders would never speak of it. The younger generation of the Luo family liked to play with Shen Miao and truly accepted her, naturally, it was because there was something attractive within Shen Miao. Perhaps the capital's people are more knowledgeable than those from Xiao Chun City, as Shen Miao would often know things that they did not know.

"This is not necessarily a good thing." Luo Sa frowned, "The higher one is held up, the more painful the fall is."

"Correct." Shen Miao said, "But this is also an opportunity."

"What kind of opportunity does Biǎomèi think it is?" Luo Ling asked with a gentle smile.

"The Luo family's army is finally seeing some improvement in these two years, and Huángshàng has the intention to hold it up. Although the bigger the merits get, the more dangerous it is, but the Luo family's army already has enough strength that it cannot be bullied. The training of the Luo family's army in these two years were done by the Luo family as Zhǔrén and not Huángshàng. This is the Luo family's own military strength, not Ming Qi's. Huángshàng will hold up the Luo family's people because of this point."

Under the skies, there was nothing that was not the Emperor's land and the officials who led, no one was not the Emperor's subjects. But Shen Miao clearly divided the Luo family from the Ming Qi into two different paths. If Luo Sui were to hear this, one fear that he would be so angry that he would faint. Such treacherous words clearly meant preparation for a rebellion. But when the younger generation of the Luo family heard this, even though they were surprised, they did not feel any anger.

Unlike the older generations, when the younger generations of the Luo family were born, the Luo family had already declined, and the Imperial family did not provide money to them and had forgotten about the Luo family's army in this small border town, thus the younger generation was not without complaints. The more the resentments there were, the lesser the loyalty to the Emperor there would be.

After a moment of silence, there was a touch of enthusiasm in Luo Sa's eyes, "Biǎomèi said it excellently." He was impulsive and was very different from Luo Ling, thus would rarely praise anyone. Thus, to praise at this moment, it was obvious that he very much agreed with Shen Miao's words.

Luo Ling had to be unflustered but in spite of that, there was no objection.

Luo Qian and Luo Tan had lively personalities, and were very convinced with Shen Miao for no reason and would not say anything bad. As for this round of bestowments that Emperor Wen Hui had provided, the younger generations of the Luo family reached a consensus that it was a good thing, and one does not need to advise against.

"Speaking of which," Luo Tan leaned forward onto the table and looked at Shen Miao, "Biǎomèi is sixteen this year, and yesterday, one of my good friends came over to ask me if you have a family to be engaged to. If there is not, then one can take her Gēgē into consideration. Biǎomèi, do you want to go take a look?"

The Xiao Chun City people were open-minded, simple and honest. If one fancy any young lady, one would inquire about it through friends and family. Luo Qian said, "What nonsense is this, Biǎomèi is only sixteen. It is of no hurry. On the contrary, you are already eighteen, why are you not worried about yourself?"

"What kind of worry should I have." Luo Tan flipped her hair, "I am this pretty and smart, even if one is eighty, there would be a number of people who will want to marry me. I am worried about Biǎomèi here, since she is such a delicate and weak female that everyone will be concerned about, so it would be better to find a husband to protect her. Luo Qian, if you continue to be so rough, in the future no young lady will want to marry you."

"Who says that there will not be any young lady that will marry me?" Luo Qian remained unconvinced, "If it really is not possible, there is still Biǎomèi. Biǎomèi is kind-hearted so if there is such a day, she will definitely marry me and help me to escape from the predicament. Correct?" He protruded his face up.

Luo Tan pushed his face away with her palm, "Do not even use your urine to see how you look like. If Biǎomèi really wants to marry, our residence's Ling Gēgē and Sa Gēgē have yet to marry and are all better than you. If you do not believe, then go and ask Ling Gēgē and Sa Gēgē if they are willing to marry Biǎomèi."

These words were accidentally directed to Luo Ling and Luo Sa. Luo Ling was surprised for a moment and his face turned slightly red, while Luo Sa lightly coughed twice and turned his head away, and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward for a moment.

Luo Tan was unaware of it and asked cheekily with a smile, "Biǎomèi, out with it. What kind of man do you like? Good looking, wealthy, good martial arts or knows poetry?"

Shen Miao looked at Luo Tan, and even though the three male in the room were looking in different directions, their ears perked up. Shen Miao said, "Can beat my Dàgē."

With a crash sound, Luo Tan slipped on her foot and fell and shouted in a grievance, "No way! No way! Qiu Biǎogē's martial arts is so good, who can beat him?"

Coincidentally, at this end they were speaking about the person Shen Miao was interested in, at the other end, there was someone who brought up Shen Miao's marriage.

In the small room, Madam Ma, Madam Yu and Luo Xue Yan were chatting. It was different from the Shen Residence in the capital, as the married women in the Luo family got along very well together. Madam Yu was gentle and warm, Madam Ma was bold and vigorous and Luo Xue Yan had the character of a General and was direct in her words. When the three of them were together, they got along extremely harmoniously in these two years.

Madam Yu's hand was holding an invitation as she said to Luo Xue Yan, "This is the invitation from Zhang Fūrén in the city, inviting us to go to the Zhang Residence for a visit." Speaking till there, she hesitated before continuing, "And also to bring JiaoJiao along."

When Madam Ma heard this she laughed, "I say, normally, that Zhang Fūrén relied on there being a Xie Yuan (the title of the first-place candidate in the provincial Imperial examinations) from her residence, and disdained us, military people. How would that kind of person with eyes on top of their heads send us invitations? So the wine-lovers' heart is not in the cup, she is here for JiaoJiao." Madam Ma nudged Luo Xue Yan, "Xiǎo gūzi, currently JiaoJiao has more prestige than our Diē."

As Shen Miao got older, she became even more beautiful, and several people in Xiao Chun City came to inquire about Shen Miao's marriage. Previously, everyone did not understand the character of the capital's young lady and thinking of the rumours; they were afraid that she was a spoilt young lady. Who knew that during these two years, Shen Miao's showed she was calm and sweet-tempered. Compared to those impetuous young ladies, she was more compatible with the tastes of those Fūréns. In particular, that kind of gentle and noble bearing, it made others unable to help but think that if Shen Miao became the matriarch of the household, she would definitely be able to keep the entire household in control. Coupled with Shen Miao's good looks and the famous reputation of the Luo family in Xiao Chun City; the fact that Luo family's army was revived in these two years made the Luo family very popular, those matchmakers who came almost trampled the front doors of the Luo Residence.

Speaking of this, Madam Ma was half jealous and half envious, "It is really good for a hundred request for a female in a family, unlike my Tan-er. Such a grown Gūniáng and still acting willfully. Do not talk about marriage requests; there is not even a single matchmaking. If this goes on, could it be that she will be a spinster?" Madam Ma only said it as a joke but who knew that as she spoke, she became a bit worried.

Luo Xue Yan consoled, "Tan-er has a lively temperament and that is good. There will always be a suitable person, so what is Sǎozi anxious about? As you had said, JiaoJiao had just reached sixteen and no matter how much one looked, she was even more reserved than a sixty-year-old married woman. This temperament is not like mine or her Diē's. Really do not know who she takes after."

"Xiǎo gūzi, what is to worry about?" Madam Ma was between laughter and tears, "There are not many young ladies like JiaoJiao. Look at her presence and bearing, no matter how she sits, everyone would say that she is noble. If it is to me, even the Niángniángs in the Palace would not be like this. So this is saying that JiaoJiao's bearing is inborn."

"Correct." Madam Yu also praised, "Xiǎo shěnzi and I had been staying in Xiao Chun City for so many years, and have seen that those elderlies in the aristocratic families definitely do not have bearings like JiaoJiao's."

Luo Xue Yan shook her head and sighed. Even though she was obedient and sensible, but to be that solemn at such a young age, it made one feel worried. Luo Xue Yan would rather Shen Miao be like Luo Tan and have a lively temperament, and watch the bustle as this was what a young female would be like.

"Having said that." Madam Yu said resolutely, "JiaoJiao is sixteen this year. If one does not return to the capital, sooner or later one would need to marry. Does Xiǎo gūzi have anyone suitable in mind? Previously, JiaoJiao was young of age but now she is sixteen and it is the age to discuss engagement. Now with every family in Xiao Chun City wanting to marry JiaoJiao, does Xiǎo gūzi not have a favourite?"

Luo Xue Yan was startled. She was used to being casual and previously when she got together with Shen Xin, it was her bold and active choice. She had never considered how it would be like for normal females to see the other side. Thus when she first heard about it from Madam Yu, she was somewhat stunned. After a moment Luo Xue Yan then said, "Will need to see JiaoJiao's intention about this."

"Such a young lady like JiaoJiao, Xiǎo gūzi is really willing to bear for her to marry others?" Madam Ma sighed, "So smart and good-tempered, and her temperament makes others dote. If it is me, one would definitely not be willing to marry her off and even raise her the entire life." It was different from the capital's aristocratic families, the people in Xiao Chun City would not find that it was good for females to marry as early as possible but on the contrary, they felt that it was more valuable for a female to stay in the residence. Madam Ma said, "Speaking of which, Ling-er and Sa-er have also reached the age to marry. Why not let JiaoJiao marry into our own family?" Madam Ma sounded it out.

She thought it out on a whim, but Madam Yu's eyes brightened when she heard this. For the first time that usually soft and gentle voice could not wait but spoke, "Then that is alright. I see that Ling-er and Sa-er both rather like JiaoJiao, especially Sa-er. You all know that Sa-er does not have patience with young ladies at all, but in these two years, he always runs to JiaoJiao's room. Their cousin relationship is very good and I know my son clearly, Sa-er's heart definitely likes JiaoJiao."

Luo Xue Yan opened her mouth but before she could speak, she saw Madam Yu shook her head, "But Sa-er's has an impulsive character and does not know how to dote others. If JiaoJiao were to marry over, I fear that she may feel wronged as that boy has wood for a brain. It is still Ling-er that is better, Ling-er has a gentle and warm temperament and is a little older, and both cousins even went for a travel outing before. Speaking of which, these years there are a number of matchmakers that came to ask for Ling-er but he was not interested, so it was not good for me to say anything. Ling-er definitely also likes JiaoJiao, else he would not go and look for JiaoJiao to chat once he is off military duties."

Madam Yu only cared about her words, making Madam Ma sitting by the side unhappy and was not willing to be outdone, "Dà bǎisǎo, how can such a thing count? From what you say, our family's Qian-er's age matches with JiaoJiao. They are the same age and play well together and even though Qian-er is somewhat mischievous, he is very considerate and it is the best for JiaoJiao to have such a camaraderie. And there is also my family's Tan-er, is it not just nice for Tan-er and Qiu-er to be a couple? Like this, it will be cementing old ties by marriage." Finishing Madam Ma looked at Luo Xue Yan, "Xiǎo gūzi, what do you think?"

Luo Xue Yan, "…"

Both pairs of ardent eyes looked at her as Luo Xue Yan bit the bullet and said, "This still depends on the children's intention." She did not expect that Madam Ma and Madam Yu had such thoughts but after Luo Xue Yan carefully thought about it, she did not think it was bad. First of all, they were all family and the younger generation of the Luo family had the moral quality and not a bad appearance. It was exactly the 'not too high official position, not too big a wealth and the most important thing was to treat Shen Miao well and put Shen Miao in his heart' that she liked. She also went through the spring of youth, so not to mention Shen Qiu, among the sons of the Luo family, Luo Ling's gentleness, Luo Sa's bravery and Luo Qian's liveliness and the most important thing was being good-hearted. If Shen Miao is alright with any one of them, the future would only be sweet and not bitter.

However, Luo Xue Yan would still look towards Shen Miao's intention. She also did not know what Shen Miao exactly liked, as she initially thought that Shen Miao liked those like Fu Xiu Yi but in these two years, Shen Miao has never mentioned Fu Xiu Yi, so she gradually calmed down. But since her daughter was one who had such a solemn character, it was worrisome for Luo Xue Yan.

"Why not find an opportunity to ask JiaoJiao's intention?" Madam Ma hurriedly spoke, "If JiaoJiao is really interested in anyone in our family, no matter which one, it is already our Luo family's luck and fortune. It is good to quickly settle the marriage, sons born will be clever and daughters born will definitely be pretty."

Luo Xue Yan was somewhat embarrassed by her words and rebuked, "Èr Sǎozi, where is the logic on the youngest getting married first."

Madam Ma waved her hands, "I am afraid that JiaoJiao would be taken away by the early bird."

Just as the topic turned to a joyous one, suddenly a servant came to report, "Fūrén, the Palace had sent word and the General requested Fūréns to quickly go to the front hall."

"Did not the people from the Palace just leave? Why come over to give rewards again?" Madam Ma casually asked as she got up.

"It seems that it is to recall Shen Gūyé back to the capital." That servant replied. (Gūyé is usually the title given to the family son-in-law, in this case, it is Shen Xin)

Luo Xue Yan's actions stiffened.

The front hall of the Luo Residence had become a ball of chaos.

It was not that the actions of the people that were in chaos, but the hearts and minds that were in a whirl. Emperor Wen Hui's Imperial edict indicated for Shen Xin to return to the capital with his dependents, and resume his Formidable Great General title. This pointed out that the Shen family army's military tally would be returned to Shen Xin.

Emperor Wen Hui gave Shen Xin a slap in front of the entire world two years ago and now made it so large scale to give a mammoth sweet date to eat. But whether Shen Xin was willing to eat this sweet date was another matter in itself.

Luo Sui sat on the highest seat. For the past two years, due to the worries on the restructuring of the Luo family's army, there were more white roots in his hair but his prestige was not less than the previous year. Perhaps it was because of the return of his fighting spirits, he now seemed more like a mighty General. He said, "The tribute for Ming Qi is going to start. The Emperor wants you to return back to the capital, and wants you to return before the start of the tribute."

The tribute of a hundred years. Every dynasty would have a tribute ceremony in a hundred years, and the previous tribute that Ming Qi had, the Qin Country almost exploited a loophole. At that time the Late Emperor relied on the Xie and Shen families, and barely survived it. Now other than the Qin Country, even the Great Liang had come.

If one were to say that the Qin Country made the Ming Qi feel dread, Great Liang would be enough to have a firm hold on Ming Qi. Great Liang was located in the southern area, the country was powerful and rich, with strong troops and sturdy horses. Emperor Yong Le was a wise sovereign of a generation, and it was different from the Ming Qi's pandemonium Imperial court, as Great Liang's court appointed people according to their merits, and there were even more loyal subjects. If Great Liang was ambitious, it was a matter of sooner or later that the Ming Qi would be swallowed, but not sure what reasons Emperor Yong Le had that there were no attempts at it. Of course, there was another possibility, that Emperor Yong Le wanted to exterminate both Qin and Ming Qi countries together and unify everything under the skies.

Those long divided should be united, those long united should be divided, such was the way of the universe. The three separate countries of Qin, Liang and Ming Qi would eventually break. It was just that one did not know when that time would come, and Emperor Wen Hui was not willing to see this day while he is still alive. But after Xie Jing Xing of the Xie family died, Xie Ding had no interest to govern, and the remaining Shen family also had their military tally taken away, and chased out to the Xiao Chun City.

No one knew if Emperor Wen Hui regretted it, but right now Emperor Wen Hui hoped that Shen Xin could hold up the front. In particular, Shen Xin had helped Luo Sui to restructure the Luo family's army, and showed everyone Shen Xin's outstanding military capabilities.

Emperor Wen Hui was stating clearly one thing: Ming Qi needed Shen Xin.

When needed one would appear and when not needed, one should quietly withdraw. Perhaps previously, Shen Xin would have such awareness but after Shen Xin had been treated by the Imperial family that heartlessly, he no longer was that selfless. A true gentleman would sacrifice his life for a confidant who understands him, but how was the Ming Qi's Imperial family to be considered as such a confidant?

"You ought to return back." Luo Sui said, "Shen Xin, go and take all the things that you have lost back. Show it to them what kind of person the Luo family's son-in-law and Shen family's son is like."

Shen Miao suddenly looked up.

She had long expected that after two years, Emperor Wen Hui would recall Shen Xin back to the capital, and also expected that the capital's situation would have undergone tremendous changes, but did not expect that the usually old-fashioned Old General Luo would actually say such treacherous words.

She slightly widened her eyes and this was seen by Luo Sui. But Luo Sui smiled and looked at her, "Girl, you also think so. Am I right?"

Everyone's eyes in the hall fell onto Shen Miao. Even Luo Lian Ying and Luo Lian Tai's expressions slightly changed, but in the end, they did not say anything.

Shen Miao sighed in her heart. Her thoughts on this could not be concealed from Luo Sui, such a powerful old veteran General. Luo Sui had a pair of sharp and all reading eyes, and perhaps from the very beginning and from the restructuring of the Luo family's army, he had faintly guessed what kind of intention she was playing at.

She was thankful for Luo Sui's trust and support. The feeling of having family support was very good. Shen Miao looked at Luo Sui and the corners of her lips hooked up, "Yes, Wàigōng." (From the way Shen Miao calls Luo Sui, it has become closer in terms of a relationship. Wàizǔ -> Very formal; Wàigōng -> Very close, aka this is what one would use to whine to their maternal grandfather. HidAnas: Actually, in current times, Wàigōng is used in a formal context and Gōnggōng is used in an informal context.)

Luo Sui laughed out loud, he then looked at Shen Miao and there was a smile floating in his eyes, as the corners of his lips hooked up. Luo Tan and Luo Qian looked at one another and were somewhat puzzled with this.

Luo Xue Yan's and Shen Qiu's eyes had a complex expression. They had left the capital for two years, and now had to go back.

Go and take all the things, troops and reputation that one had lost.

One had to let them see what the true Shen family was all about. A tiger would not become a dog when it drifts and falls off a cliff. A dragon that was submerged in water would finally soar into the Ninth Heavens one day.

Shen Xin cupped his hands towards Luo Sui and said, "Solemnly obey General's teachings."