Guess It Out

On the second day, Shen Miao got up late.

Xie Jing Xing came yesterday at the third of the five Nightwatch periods, and she was so exhausted after talking with him, she had a night of dreamless sleep and when she woke up, it was already very late.

Shen Miao was rarely lazy in getting up, thus Luo Xue Yan took it that she was tired due to the tribute feast yesterday, and instructed the others to leave food for Shen Miao so that she could eat upon waking up. Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan went to the Ministry of War as they were just reinstated, and needed to handle a number of old matters. Shen Qiu and Luo Ling were also not in the house because Luo Ling was searching for an assignment, thus Shen Xin might as well let Luo Ling assist Shen Qiu so that others would not bully Luo Ling for being green.

As a result, in this new 'Shen Residence', there was only Luo Tan and Shen Miao left. As it turns out, Feng An Ning sent an invitation to Shen Miao today, requesting Shen Miao to accompany her to pick some jewellery. Shen Miao let Luo Tan go instead and also sent a few of Shen Mansion's guards for Luo Tan and only said that she felt tired and wanted to rest in the residence for the day.

Luo Tan did not say anything else and urged Shen Miao again before leaving. After Luo Tan left, Shen Miao instructed Mo Qing to send a letter to Guang Wen Tang and Mo Qing left after complying.

After the lapse of two years, there were at the end some changes in the Ding capital. For example, Young Lady Liu Ying of Bao Xiang Luo that was previously a buzz and hot favourite was redeemed by that infatuated Gentleman Mo with a thousand taels of gold. There was no longer a Young Lady Liu Ying but in the past few years double-sided embroidery, which was long lost, quietly appeared in the Ding capital and one bolt of embroidered silk was sold to hundreds of taels. One heard that not only did the embroidery lady have exceptional skills, she was also very pretty and managed the embroidery workshop so well that it earned bushels of gold daily.

Changing to another means of living, in fact, might not be worse off. No one knew the hope that would rise after the first step was taken.

For Liu Ying to live well, the person worried about her would also be happy. Pei Lang was one that kept his promises, thus when Shen Miao saw Pei Lang at the tribute dinner, she had a plan in her heart. Pei Lang had already obtained Fu Xiu Yi's trust and thus was willing to keep Pei Lang by his side. Even though Fu Xiu Yi was mistrustful, and this intensified after he became the monarch, but in all fairness, the current Fu Xiu Yi was still very appreciative and cherished talents. Pei Lang was one who had ravine in his heart, so Fu Xiu Yi would definitely find ways to keep Pei Lang around.

It was precisely because of that, Fu Xiu Yi tested Pei Lang's virtues and integrity. She could not see Pei Lang hastily, else it would arouse Fi Xui Yi's suspicions

That pawn had not even passed the line that divided the rival territories.

She said, "Bring the cloak out."

Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang were tidying the room and asked curiously when they heard Shen Miao, "Xiǎojiě is going out?"

Shen Miao said, "There are some things that need to be done."

Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang no longer spoke, as Gu Yu silently went forward to comb Shen Miao's hair and Jing Zhe went to bring the cloak out. It was not visible but Shen Miao's maids immediately obeyed her orders, that if anyone were to see this they would definitely be shocked, as even the servants from the Palace would not necessarily be this swift and calmed.

After leaving the residence's door, Mo Qing went to Guang Wen Tang so Shen Miao called for Ah Chi. Shen Miao was currently much closer with this subordinate of Shen Qiu, as when they were in the Northwestern region, Shen Miao came out with many military ideas for Shen Qiu, which naturally was what she heard from Fu Xiu Yi's advisors in the past. Even though she just followed mechanically, from others' perspective, they found that Shen Miao's stratagems were as if conceived by divine beings and that she had the talents of a General. Those army lads were all uncouth brawny males, but they admired Shen Miao's brains and were much more respectful.

Shen Miao said to Ah Chi, "Do not tell others about the outing today."

Ah Chi's heart quivered, his allegiance was originally with Shen Qiu, but at this moment he felt that Shen Miao's clear eyes were giving so much pressure that he nodded, "Yes."

Ah Chi found an ordinary carriage for Shen Miao. Since this carriage did not attract others' attention, others would not be able to recognise that it was the Shen family's horse carriage. There was no other reason but because Shen Miao offended Princess Ming An from Qin yesterday, and Huangfu Hao and Princess Ming An were currently staying in Yan Qing Lane, which was not far from her house. If by coincidence they meet, it would be bad if Princess Ming An gave Shen Miao problems. This Princess was very arrogant and willful and Qin had lots of guards. If something really came out, it would be too late for Shen Xin and his wife to come over with more people.

It was just that Ah Chi's heart was still very puzzled. Leaving the capital for two years, if one were to speak about who in the capital had a friendship with Shen Miao, it would be the Young Lady of the Feng residence, Feng An Ning. But today, Shen Miao rejected Feng An Ning's invitation so it was obvious that she was not going to see her. Ah Chi's imagination ran wild and started thinking of the novels that Luo Tan spoke about in the Luo family to Luo Qian, Ah Chi's heart quivered. If it was really some secret relationship with whichever Gentleman, he would do his utmost to inform Shen Qiu of the matter. It was so difficult for their Shen family to have such a talented and good-looking Young Lady, how could some wild kid from who knows where come and snatch her away.

But it did not dawn on him that the place that Shen Miao wanted to go was the Feng Xian Pawnshop.

The Feng Xian Pawnshop was the same as two years ago, still deserted. After all, not everyone had treasures to pawn here.

Shen Miao alighted from the carriage and Ah Chi followed closely, with Jing Zhe and Gu Yu also jumping down. Ah Chi had no time to size the place up when he saw Shen Miao headed into the pawnshop without consulting anyone.

The shop assistant that was wiping the table saw the four people heading in. The person in front was wearing a cloak, but then pulled the cloak and veiled hat down, revealing a delicate face, clearly a pampered young lady of a big family, and the noble air around her made one unable to underestimate her. He smiled fawningly, "Does Xiǎojiě want to pawn something?"

Shen Miao glanced at him. The shop assistant of the pawnshop had changed and one heard that after they went to Xiao Chun City, the Feng Xian Pawnshop was closed for two years. It was only reopened not too long ago, but one did not know if Young Lady Hong Ling and Ji Yu Shu were still around. She said, "I am looking for Hong Ling."

The shop assistant was surprised for a moment before carefully looking at Shen Miao again. Shen Miao looked at him calmly and the shop assistant paused for a moment before quickly saying, "May Xiǎojiě please wait for a moment." He then turned around and entered the back hall.

A moment later, a red-clad female came forward with that shop assistant following behind. She was still clad in a red dress and her appearance was much more amorous, even more moving than two years ago. When she saw Shen Miao, her pupils coagulated before suddenly laughing, "Long time no see. Xiǎojiě is increasingly more beautiful that Hong Ling could not even open her eyes."

Even though Hong Ling said these rude and impudent words, one did not feel that they were slutty, but instead, there was a kind of straightforward feel to them. Shen Miao nodded her head faintly and Hong Ling smiled again before speaking, "Old rules, Xiǎojiě follow me but…" She pointed her fair finger towards Ah Chi and delicately laughed, "This silly great hulk cannot come along."

Ah Chi had a lively personality and was not as cold and detached as Mo Qing, so when he was pointed out by Hong Ling, a flirtatious female, his face turned red. But he still insisted, "This subordinate will follow Xiǎojiě."

"You wait here." Shen Miao said, "I am going to see a friend. It is enough for Jing Zhe and Gu Yu to follow." Her tone was uncompromising, thus Ah Chi was unable to say any words of refuting.

On the contrary, when Hong Ling saw this, a peculiar look flashed in her eyes. Most likely she did not expect that Shen Miao, a small and delicate person, would discipline her guards every time till they are docile and obedient. Moreover, be it Mo Qing or Ah Chi, they all respected her from the bottom of their hearts. A skilled subordinate would often be haughty but in front of Shen Miao, these people did not have even a little arrogance at all.

Shen Miao was a capable person.

Hong Ling brought Shen Miao to the Lin Jiang Xian building. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu were following behind as Shen Miao asked, "One heard that Feng Xian Pawnshop only reopened not long ago. Two years ago…"

"Two years ago, there were some changes in the manager's family, thus he closed the pawnshop and headed back to his hometown. It was only recently that he returned to the capital." Hong Ling smiled and continued the thread, "Speaking of which, Xiǎojiě is our pawnshop's first long-time customer."

Shen Miao had calculated it in her heart and just smiled faintly in agreement. When they reached the building, like previously, Hong Ling settled her down in the elegant room, "Hong Ling will now call the Manager. May Xiǎojiě wait here a while and have some tea." Finishing speaking, she left the room.

There were plums and tea on the table with incense rising in spirals. This elegant room was exactly the same as before. For such a big pawnshop like the Feng Xian Pawnshop, they did not rent it out to others and just let it sit here during the two years of not running the business, it really had the appearance of a rich and powerful magnate.

Before Shen Miao finished the cup of tea, there was the sound of someone pushing the door open from the outside. She placed the teacup down and saw a person clad in a jade green gold brocaded long robe, wearing a gold headgear and a smile as he approached.

That person still had a baby face as previously but because of the two years, he now showed a bit of maturity. It was just that he still had the look of mischievousness like in the past but… Shen Miao looked at him. This Ji Yu Shu wore such gaudy clothes but could still look that happy, this person must be extremely coquettish, down to his bones.

When Ji Yu Shu pushed open the doors and saw Shen Miao, his eyes lit up and did not hide the slightest as he praised, "One thought that Shao Yao Gūniáng was the most beautiful young lady that this one had seen, but now it seems that Shen Xiǎojiě is not to be outdone. One has not seen for two years and Xiǎojiě's magnificence has increased so much, that this one is unable to find any words to praise Xiǎojiě."

When Jing Zhe and Gu Yu saw this, a look of displeasure appeared on their faces. Ji Yu Shu words were a perfect example of a skirt-chaser taking liberties of young females. But such words were coming out from this innocent face, making one confused if he was deliberately stupid, or this was just unintentional words.

Shen Miao smiled faintly, "Manager Ji is also more affluent than before." Her gaze landed on Ji Yu Shu's gaudy clothes.

Ji Yu Shu sat opposite Shen Miao and poured himself a cup of tea, looking very happy like he sincerely rejoiced with the reunion. He said, "One did not think that Shen Xiǎojiě still remembered this old friend. One heard that General Shen just returned to the capital not too long ago, and Shen Xiǎojiě was not in the rush to see others but came to the Feng Xian Pawnshop, seemingly treating this one as a trusted person. This one's heart is really moved."

Shen Miao, "…" Last night a person with wishful thinking just left and now another one came. Shen Miao only felt somewhat of a headache. Moreover, Ji Yu Shu said it so seriously, he really thought that Shen Miao was that close with him.

Shen Miao lightly coughed, "Actually, one come here today to do business with Manager Ji. One just returned back to the capital and is not clear about many matters, thus one would need to rely on the Bai Xiao Sheng."

Ji Yu Shu was first startled before saying, "Do business? That is good to talk about. The Bai Xiao Sheng would sincerely put every effort for what Shen Xiǎojiě wanted to know. As for the cost, since this one is friends with Shen Xiǎojiě, one will give a reduction of two tenths (20% discount)."

Jing Zhe and Gu Yu were rolling their eyes behind. Ji Yu Shu was managing such a big family business, the pawnshop on the surface, but he was actually doing a business of no capital, and one transaction would become an endless stream of money but he was so stingy. Two tenths? It was indeed that all businessmen were evil.

Shen Miao faintly smiled, "Money is easy to handle but this time the information is not easy at all."

Ji Yu Shu said, "Shen Xiǎojiě really knows how to joke. At that time, even the business of 'creating' information, my Feng Xian Pawnshop accepted and dealt with it without any mistakes, so what else can one not accept?"

"But Manager Ji was not in Ming Qi for two years. One fear that it would be a bit troublesome to inquire about matters of Ming Qi." She said.

Ji Yu Shu smiled and his eyes showed an unspeakable pride, "Shen Xiǎojiě must not underestimate Feng Xian Pawnshop. Although this one was not in the capital for these two years and Feng Xian Pawnshop was also closed, business still needed to be done. Else, how would one have money to support one's family? Xiao Bai Sheng is still working. After all, one cannot just throw away two years of harvest. Shen Xiǎojiě, do speak, what information you want to inquire? I, the manager of Feng Xian Pawnshop will naturally serve Xiǎojiě all the way."

Shen Miao chuckled, "Since Manager Ji spoke as such, then I am rest assured. Today, one came here to make three business dealings, and they are all purchasing information. The first one… Does Manager Ji know the news about the 'death in battle' of the Little Marquis Xie of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An?"

Ji Yu Shu was surprised for a moment before looking at Shen Miao, "Why does Shen Xiǎojiě want to inquire about this?"

"The Xie family and my Shen family are all Ming Qi's military lineage families. Even though the Marquis of Lin An is in political disagreement with my father, in the end, military people appreciate one another. As the proverbs go, the fox grieves when the rabbit dies, for the Little Marquis Xie, a talent of the generation who died in battle, one felt that it is a great pity, thus one want Manager Ji to do me a favour and find out about the details of the Little Marquis Xie's death, including the disappearance."

Ji Yu Shu drank a sip of tea and smiled, "This is easy to handle. It is just that Xie Jing Xing's death is very well-known thus to find out something different, it would not be easy. This one cannot promise to be able to get the information, after all, light extinguishes when a person dies and this happened a long time ago."

"Manager Ji just needs to do things wholeheartedly, if one is truly unable to find, it is alright for me." Shen Miao then picked up the teapot and poured herself a cup of tea, before speaking breezily like a gentle wind, "The second business dealing. Does Manager Ji know that there is an Imperial Physician in Ming Qi's Palace called Gao Yang?"

With a 'Pu' sound, Ji Yu Shu sprayed a mouthful of tea out. Shen Miao gave Jing Zhe a glance, and Jing Zhe quickly handed a handkerchief over.

Ji Yu Shu took the handkerchief and scrambled to wipe off the water stains on himself, then and heard Shen Miao speaking, "Manager Ji seemed to be very surprised?"

"Ke (coughing sound)." Ji Yu Shu said, "Indeed somewhat surprised, how did Shen Xiǎojiě think about finding this Imperial Physician of the Palace?"

"Was just requested by others." Shen Miao looked at him, "Manager Ji had not heard of this name before?"

Ji Yu Shu shook his head, "First time hearing it. It seems that his medical skills are not that high, else he would be famous." He looked at Shen Miao and said complicatedly, "To tell you without hiding, how is Xiǎojiě involved with the Palace? Even though Bai Xiao Sheng does business, the forces involved in the Palace are just too great, that it is too risky for our business."

Shen Miao just looked at him without speaking, and those calm eyes made Ji Yu Shu himself feel somewhat uneasy. Ji Yu Shu softly coughed twice and his voice inexplicably lowered, "It is not that it cannot be done, just that more money…"

"Manager Ji does not need to worry about money." Shen Miao smiled lightly, "One would not short change Manager Ji."

Ji Yu Shu was already short of breath and guilty with the two business dealings that Shen Miao had mentioned. He laughed dryly twice before speaking, "One does not know what the third information that Xiǎojiě wants to buy?"

"The third one is a bit difficult." Shen Miao looked at him, "But I believe with Manager Ji's ability, it is a sooner or later thing."

When Ji Yu Shu heard this, he barely smiled, "Many thanks to Shen Xiǎojiě's trust but… What kind of thing is it to make Shen Xiǎojiě feel in this way?"

"I want to inquire about someone." Shen Miao placed the teacup down, "Rui Wángzǐ Diànxià of Great Liang."

The teacup in Ji Yu Shu's hand slightly shook, but on the surface, he still had the look of being unfathomable, "Oh? How did Shen Xiǎojiě think of inquiring about Rui Wángzǐ Diànxià? To this one's knowledge, this Rui Wángzǐ Diànxià only came to the capital recently. If one really has some friendship, it would be when Shen Xiǎojiě saw him during the tribute banquet. Could it be that Shen Xiǎojiě is like those noble females, and fell for Rui Wángzǐ's good looks and thus come to enquire?" When Ji Yu Shu spoke till the last part, one did not know why he became happy, and his voice became somewhat excited as compared to the previous downcast one.

Jing Zhe and Gu Yu who were standing behind almost blew up. For Ji Yu Shu to speak such nonsense if people outside heard of it, how would they think of Shen Miao? But servants could not intervene when masters were speaking, so both of them could only endure and look at Ji Yu Shu with contempt and anger.

Shen Miao looked at the excited Ji Yu Shu as he scratched his ears and suddenly laughed, "Yes. I also admire his peerless beauty."

Ji Yu Shu was startled. He suddenly opened his mouth and pointed at Shen Miao unbelievingly, stuttering, "This… This remark is true?"

Shen Miao nodded her head and said seriously, "Really."

It was like Ji Yu Shu had found a major secret as he had an unrestrainable look on. He laughed twice before saying, "In that case, then this one will definitely inquire about Rui Wángzǐ's situation for Xiǎojiě… See if there are any other females at his side."

Shen Miao got up and nodded her head at Ji Yu Shu, "Then many thanks to Manager Ji. If anything is discovered, do send someone over to the residence, and I will naturally come over to the Feng Xian Pawnshop to meet up with Manager Ji." She took out a silver tael and placed it in front of Ji Yu Shu, "This is the deposit."

Ji Yu Shu said with all smiles, " Shen Xiǎojiě is too kind. Between us, there is no need for a deposit." He said that as he put that tael into his sleeves. That provoked Jing Zhe and Gu Yu to roll their eyes a couple of times at him.

Shen Miao smiled, "It is Heaven's law and Earth's principle to receive money when doing tasks. It is just that Manager Ji must remember one point." Her brows were warm but the words that were spoken were a bit sharp, "The Bai Xiao Sheng's business rule is that goods are genuine and at fair prices. Otherwise, if money is spent but the information is useless…" Shen Miao lowered her head and laughed, "It would only destroy Manager Ji's reputation, and one can no longer do business. This would be bad."

Ji Yu Shu was stunned as Shen Miao called Jing Zhi and Gu Yu and then they left the room. He was momentarily stunned before hearing Hong Ling sent Shen Miao off with smiles, and he looked at the teacup in front of him and suddenly sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and stood up, before walking to a landscape painting opposite and pulling it open. There was a door hidden and Ji Yu Shu opened it. When he went in, he was kicked and almost fell down. He closed the door and shouted angrily at the initiator, "Gao Yang!"

The white-clad person sitting behind the door had a sage-like appearance, waving a fan gently and elegantly, but the words he said were not very polite, "Ji Yu Shu, is there something wrong with your brains? If this goes on, you would not even know if someone sold you off."

Ji Yu Shu said angrily, "You are clever. You are clever but someone still discovered some inkling. Someone actually said to look for Imperial! Physician! Gao!"

"Shut up." The person at the corner finally could not help but speak. It was a purple-clad person who was none other than Xie Jing Xing. He swept a glance at Ji Yu Shu, "Noisy."

Ji Yu Shu felt wronged and said, "Sān biǎogē, I do not know anything. I left the capital with you and just upon my return, someone discovered something was wrong. This is obviously Gao Yang's mistake." Ji Yu Shu looked fiercely at Gao Yang, "Speak! Is it that something went wrong with you that was discovered by Shen Xiǎojiě?"

This elegant room was adjacent to the room beside, so one was able to hear the dialogue Ji Yu Shu had with Shen Miao clearly. The conversation between the two of them was all heard by Xie Jing Xing and Gao Yang. When one thinks about it, the three people that Shen Miao wanted to inquire about were all here, it was indeed strange.

"Ji Yu Shu, are you stupid?" Gao Yang said, "Shen Miao also came back to the capital a few days ago. Unless she is clairvoyant, how could she know about what I do in the Palace? I also suspect that it is you who have a problem."

"What problem can I have? Shen Xiǎojiě did not inquire about me, but inquired about you without any rhyme or reason? Could it be that she is pleased with you? But Shen Xiǎojiě admired Sān biǎogē's beauty?" Ji Yu Shu thought about something and mischievously smiled, "Hehehe. Shen Xiǎojiě is also bewitched by Sān biǎogē."

"Only a fool like you will believe this kind of nonsense." Gao Yang looked at him coldly, "Do you think that everyone is dazzled by a beauty like you?

Ji Yu Shu patted his chest, "I cannot beat you with words so I will not talk more with you. Sān biǎogē, what needs to be done now? Need to inquire for her? Or just casually weave some information to bluff her?"

"Since Shen Miao inquired about these three pieces of information, it is presumed that she has some understanding of them. Thus, those lies would be discovered. What intention does Shen Miao have? Even one could not clearly see the Shen family's stand. Pei Lang who had some secret friendship with Shen Miao is now Fu Xiu Yi's confidant. How could a Gūniáng be this complicated?" Gao Yang mumbled and discovered that Xie Jing Xing did not listen to him at all, and only looked at the teacup in front of him. One did not know what he was thinking about so he reminded, "Xie… Diànxià, how to deal with this matter this time?"

Xie Jing Xing recovered to his senses and thought for a moment, "No need to deal with it."

"Why?" Not waiting for Gao Yang to speak, Ji Yu Shu spoke first, "Not earning money? Moreover, Shen Xiǎojiě is exceptionally intelligent and if one were to really reject her, she would discover something is not right. What if she discovers something is wrong with our Feng Xian Pawnshop?"

Xie Jing Xing smiled faintly, "Because she is clever thus she need not be dealt with."

"Your meaning is…" Gao Yang frowned.

"She discovered that something was wrong and came over to probe." Xie Jing Xing narrowed his eyes and his lips hooked up, "Those words were not said for you to hear, but for me to hear them."

"The words of peerless beauty?" Ji Yu Shu's focus was forever different from others.

Xie Jing Xing gave him a cold glance, "That was also said for me to hear."

In the horse carriage outside, Jing Zhe and Gu Yu carefully looked at Shen Miao's expression. Gu Yu softly said, "Xiǎojiě, it is that Manager Ji had said something wrong?… Xiǎojiě looked a little angry."

Indeed very angry. Even though Shen Miao looked calm and quiet on the surface, the cold air around her was felt by the two maids. She seemed to be sulking but also to be angered, it was just that she was enduring the anger. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu were very puzzled, as they heard the entire conversation between Shen Miao and Ji Yu Shu. Even though Ji Yu Shu's words were not pleasant to hear, Shen Miao was still alright till now. Moreover, Shen Miao was not one who would get angry because of someone's words.

Jing Zhe and Gu Yu did not understand. Shen Miao replied lightly, "It is nothing." But her tone was cold.

The sleeves that she was holding on to were slightly clenched, and uncontrollable oppression appeared in her heart. The Feng Xian Pawnshop closed shortly after she left, and now reopened shortly before she returned to the capital. How would there be such a coincidence in this world? All the coincidences in the world were writings on the wall, thus Shen Miao carefully thought about it. When the Feng Xian Pawnshop closed, other than Shen Xin going to Xiao Chun City, there was another major event, which was Xie Jing Xing requesting commandership for battle. As for the Feng Xian Pawnshop reopening… Other than her returning to the capital, it was just nice that the tribute of Ming Qi was happening, and at this time the Crown Prince of the Qin and Prince Rui of Great Liang came to the Ding capital?

The Shen family and the Feng Xian Pawnshop did not have the slightest relationship, so naturally, it would not be related to the Shen family. Huangfu Hao did not come to the Ding capital two years ago thus no matter how one thought, the closing and reopening was indelibly related to Xie Jing Xing. She went to the Feng Xian Pawnshop today just to probe.

The result of her probing was indeed what she had expected. One fears that Ji Yu Shu was formerly acquainted with Xie Jing Xing and Gao Yang likewise. With all the relations, one fears that Ji Yu Shu and Gao Yang were all Great Liang people, but hide their identities in Ding capital. The vilest thing was that during the business with Ji Yu Shu, about the selling of Prince Yu Residence, one fears that Xie Jing Xing long knew of the matter clearly. She thought that she took the opportunity and firmly ate Ji Yu Shu, but at the end, Xie Jing Xing was the golden oriole behind (Proverb: the golden oriole waits upon the cicada). Thinking of how Xie Jing Xing made a fool out of her, Shen Miao could not wait to tear Xie Jing Xing apart.

Her heart felt oppressed but when Jing Zhe saw this, she thought that she was too warm and opened the curtain for air to enter but quickly let it down. Shen Miao casually took a glance and saw a familiar face in the crowded streets.

Jing Zhe let the curtain down but was stopped by Shen Miao and the carriage was stopped. She pulled the curtain open and looked towards that direction but the face was no longer in the crowd.

"Xiǎojiě?" Jing Zhe and Gu Yu were shocked by Shen Miao's actions today. But after Shen Miao carefully looked outside the carriage for a while, she put the curtains down and said, "Nothing. Carry on."

It was just that her brows were locked tightly and her expressions were much more solemn than before.