My JiaoJiao

After the tribute banquet, the capital was as lively as usual. To welcome the noble people of Great Liang and Qin, the streets were much more bustling than before. No matter when it was, Ming Qi's Imperial family wanted to have a prosperous appearance in front of the other countries.

In Shen Residence, the servants in Qiu Shui Yuan started to discuss a new topic.

"What kind of background does that Gūniáng who just came to the residence have, that made Sān Fūrén treat her in such a hospitable manner?"

"The newly brought over tea leaves were all boiled for that Gūniáng first. Could she be an honoured person of the residence?"

The woman with a green unlined upper garment said in a low voice, "Heard that this Gūniáng's father was especially close with the Old General, and at that time blocked a blow for the Old General and almost lost his life."

A young maid quickly covered her mouth and said in surprise, "No wonder. Having the Old General's gratitude meant having the Shen family's gratitude. No wonder she is honoured as a valued guest."

"Heard that she came over to seek shelter, probably something happened at home. Looking at Sān Fūrén's attitude, one has to take good care of this Gūniáng."

"What takes good care? Currently, in the residence, one own people are living by pulling on lapels that expose the elbows, and now a freeloader comes. Sooner or later, one would be sent away."

Once those words were said, a blanket of silence landed. The current Shen Residence looked alright on the surface, but the people inside were all well aware. Ever since Shen Xin's branch was separated, money was very much lacking, and even the monthly salary was reduced by a lot. As a result, although an honoured guest as great as Heavens came to be a freeloader, the servants would not be happy either.

"Do not understand why Sān Fūrén treats this Gūniáng so generously this time, and us so harshly on normal days." Someone said in wonder.

In Qiu Shui Yuan, Chen Rou Qiu was sitting in the room at the moment and pushed the teacup to the female sitting in front with a smile, "The newly received tea, Cui Er Jian. Zai Qing Gūniáng, do try."

The female sitting across her was wearing a jade green single plated embroidered long robe. The embroidery on the robes was not very good, and this kind of clothing was very plain, and the colour was a nitpick to wear as when one did not wear it well, one would look like a country pumpkin. But when the female in front wore it, it seemed to be very appropriate, giving out a pleasing feeling.

This female was about twenty plus, and her clothes and hair accessories were all very simple. She had a gentle, graceful and tender appearance, and most importantly, there was a thick scholarly air around her. From one glance, one could tell she was a young lady that was raised in a literary family and looked very well educated.

Chen Rou Qiu had always disdained military personnel habits and it was the same with those people. This female in front had a sympathetic feeling; thus, she was polite.

When this female saw Chen Rou Qiu's enthusiasm, she did not delay and picked up the teacup to take a sip before smiling gently, "The tea is light yet fragrant, the leaves scatter yet the smell is concentrated. Fūrén has an outstanding talent in brewing tea."

"Zai Qing also has knowledge of tea." Chen Rou Qiu's smile became more profound, "Knowledge of tea is the best. However, nowadays, there are very little young ladies like you who have knowledge of tea."

"When the two breeze rises, one desire to go to the abode of immortals." The female smiled, "Fūrén said correctly, knowledge of tea is the best. But Fūrén need not make fun of me, as I am currently twenty-six so how can one be considered as a young lady?"

"Twenty-six?" Chen Rou Qiu exclaimed, "Looking at Zai Qing Gūniáng's outlook, one only guessed just above ten. But it is also good. Even though one has ten plus years of appearance, one has the demeanour of twenty-plus years old. It is indeed rare to have such calm and broad levelness.

The green-clad female in front was the person who came over yesterday to 'seek gratuitous financial help' she was called Chang Zai Qing. Her father, Chang Hu was previously the Old General Shen's subordinate, and he blocked a knife for the Old General Shen in the battlefield, and thus harmed the foundation of his body and was unable to go up to the battlefield again. Chang Hu's entire family relied on Chang Hu for support, so the Old General Shen felt conscience-stricken and privately took out his money to aid them. At that time, Chang Zai Qing was young, but Shen Xin was at the age where he could get married, so the Old General Shen even joked that he wanted Chang Zai Qing to be his daughter-in-law. It was just that the Old General Shen passed away before he could see Shen Xin married. Because no one knew that the Old General Shen was secretly providing aid to Chang Hu's family, there was no longer any contact between the Chang and Shen family after that.

No one had ever thought that the Chang family would come at this time.

A look of grief appeared at the bottom of Chang Zai Qing's eyes, "One's heart really felt sorry for the sudden intrusion and for bringing such trouble to the Shen family." She looked at Chen Rou Qiu, "Zai Qing knows that the request is abrupt and if Fūrén feels inconvenient, then Zai Qing will leave now and not give the Shen family any trouble." Despite saying that, in a swift moment when her eyes were looking down, she could not help but bit her lips.

Chen Rou Qiu pulled her hand over genially, "What is Zai Qing Gūniáng saying? Since your Diē saved my Yuèfù, your Chang family is our Shen family's benefactor. Furthermore, in the beginning, the friendship between the Old General and the Chang family was like Xiōngdì, so we are all one family. Since we are all one family, we cannot watch with folded arms as you have difficulties." She patted Chang Zai Qing's hands, "Zai Qing Gūniáng just cares about living in our Shen Residence. Tomorrow, I will bring to see Old Fūrén, but Old Fūrén health is not good recently and thus temperament is not so good. One fear that you will need to excuse a little."

Chang Zai Qing quickly continuously said she did not dare. Her attitude was natural and polite and was not at all shy, but not all familiar, which made one have good feelings. Even Chen Rou Qiu, such a careful and vigilant person also treated Chang Zai Qing with all smiles.

Chang Zai Qing's family stayed in Liu province. Most likely there was trouble encountered since one would suddenly come over to Shen Residence. Chang Hu had passed away a few years ago, and there were only Chang Zai Qing and her mother in the Chang family. Chang Fūrén was often bedridden due to illness and some time ago she passed away, after Chang Fūrén's burial, there were some official's sons who wanted to bring Chang Zai Qing back to be a concubine, and Chang Zai Qing had no way out and just as she hanged herself with white silk, her nanny saved her. Her nanny told Chang Zai Qing that perhaps Chang Hu's old acquaintance, the Old General Shen, could save her.

When Chang Zai Qing was young, she had seen the Old General Shen before, and vaguely remember him as a generous and forthright military person. As one was unable to think about any other way out, she then took a carriage over to Ding Capital City. Upon reaching Shen Residence, she saw Chen Rou Qiu and after Chen Rou Qiu heard the entire story, she was settled down by her.

Chen Rou Qiu looked at Chang Zai Qing in smiles, "Zai Qing Gūniáng lived in Liu province, such a water town. The capital is not like the Liu province, so one does not know if the meals are to suit one's taste. Is one comfortable staying in the Western Courtyard?"

"Fūrén is too modest." Chang Zai Qing smiled and answered, "Fūrén's care is very thoughtful. Staying in the Western Courtyard is also very considerate. But," She was somewhat puzzled, "Is the Western Courtyard, such a big courtyard, all the while empty?" After saying that, she felt that she was too abrupt and smiled, "One asked too discourteously, may Fūrén not blame."

"I take you as our own people, what is it about blaming and not blaming." Chen Rou Qiu smiled, "To tell you the truth, you know that our residence actually has three households. You should have heard about the Formidable Great General. That is our Shen family's First Household and due to some misunderstanding two years ago, the First Household moved out. Lǎoyé and I wanted to explain, but Dà bǎizi and Dà bǎisǎo went to Xiao Chun City and only returned a while ago. Even though we have the heart to explain, it is regrettable that the misunderstanding is too deep." As Chen Rou Qiu spoke, a helpless look appeared on the surface and she spoke while shaking her head, "Really do not know what to do at all."

Chang Zai Qing was surprised for a moment, "According to Fūrén's words, that Western Courtyard…"

"That Western Courtyard was originally the place where Dà bǎizi's family stayed at..."

Chang Zai Qing was suddenly enlightened and saw that Chen Rou Qiu was somewhat sad and quickly consoled, "Fūrén need not be overly concerned, in this world, blood is thicker than water. Even if it is a misunderstanding, it will be undone. Moreover, one is a family. After a period of time, even if Fūrén does not say it, one thinks that the Great General Shen would not be troubled with these matters."

Chen Rou Qiu smiled, "I know all these logically but hearing Zai Qing Gūniáng saying it, one's heart is much more relieved." She looked at Chang Zai Qing, "It would be great if everyone in Shen Residence is as permeable as you. You are so knowledgeable, if one is free in the future, please teach Yue-er. This child is always at the palm of our hands and one fear that she is spoilt. It is good to be taught by someone as smart as yourself."

"Fūrén words are too heavy." Chang Zai Qing said with a smile, "Yue-er is well educated and exceptionally intelligent. In the Liu province, I have never seen such a brightly intelligent young lady like her. One thinks that she is one of the best in Ding Capital City City. A female should be just like this, well-learned and versatile, it would give out a different vigour."

To compliment that flawlessly, it fitted snugly into Chen Rou Qiu's heart. The discussion carried on, and quickly it was almost noon before Chang Zai Qing left.

After Chang Zai Qing left, Shi Qing wiped the table and carefully asked, "Is Fūrén indeed going to keep that Zai Qing Gūniáng?" She hesitated before reminding, "Now that the residence expenses have grown bigger, one fear that Old Fūrén will be upset upon hearing about it."

Old Shen Fūrén got more stingy, and if she knew that Chang Zai Qing came to Shen Residence, and Shen Residence had to spend money to raise an idler, naturally she would not be satisfied. So Chen Rou Qiu told Chang Zai Qing that Old Shen Fūrén's temperament was not good recently and hoped that she would tolerate it.

"What does that short-sighted old woman know?" Chen Rou Qiu scorned, "Unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything. How could one see matters in the future?"

"Could it be that Fūrén finds that there is some purpose for this Zai Qing Gūniáng?" Hua Yi's brain started moving as she understood her Fūrén's mind-set. If it was two years ago, Chen Rou Qiu was willing to put up a kind and charitable fairy image to gain a good reputation. But now without any money and since she was unable to care for oneself, it would be strange to provide relief to others.

"Just from the speech and manner, she is very intricate and does not seem to resemble the short-sightedness of an ordinary female. Her appearance is not bad and is gentle looking, and the rare thing was that her temperament was also gentle. For this kind of intelligence, even if placed in the residence, she would have a good role. It would be fine if one did not have ambition but once there is an ambition, not surpassing five years, this female would definitely get whatever she wants." Chen Rou Qiu smiled. Since birth, she was surrounded by the schemes of females, and Chen Rou Qiu's mother was very powerful in them, and Chen Rou Qiu saw a shadow of her mother on Chang Zai Qing. Even though Chang Zai Qing was still young, one fear that her future achievements would be even more outstanding.

"But what can such a powerless person do?" Hua Yi was puzzled, "Could it be that Fūrén wants to create a chance for Zai Qing Gūniáng, to fly into the sky and climb up the branches before returning to payback Fūrén?"

When Chen Rou Qiu heard this she laughed, "Such an intelligent person with an active mind, with a docile appearance but in fact with a heart filled with arrogance. How would such a person willingly bend down after reaching high branches? Do not expect to have any paybacks as she would turn her nose up."

"Then Fūrén…"

"Such an outstanding person, I cannot bear to give to others." Chen Rou Qiu looked outside, "Do not let one's fertile water flow into others' fields. Best steel is used to make the knife's edge. But even I feel that I am unable to beat such a powerful female."

At the other end, Chang Zai Qing returned to the Western Courtyard. The Western Courtyard in which Shen Xin's entire family stayed, was now almost empty. Previously, there were a number of servants in the Western Courtyard, and because Shen Xin called his personal guards over for training, every day it would be bustling with noise and excitement. Later, Shen Xin's family moved out and Chen Rou Qiu reduced the number of servants in the Western Courtyard. Without the soldiers practising daily, the gigantic Western Courtyard became deserted.

When Chang Zai Qing's nanny, Zhao Māmā, saw Chang Zai Qing returning, she quickly went up to take off Chang Zai Qing's cloak and said worriedly, "Xiǎojiě, how was the conversation with Shen Sān Fūrén today?"

It was Zhao Māmā's idea to let Chang Zai Qing enter the capital to seek the Shen family for help. If there were no other ideas, Chang Zai Qing really did not have any other roads to walk. But the Shen and Chang families had not come into contact for so many years, and people's hearts were volatile. Originally, the Old General Shen might be willing to take care of the Chang family, but now that the Old General Shen was no longer present, who knew how the Shen family would treat Chang Zai Qing.

Chang Zai Qing rubbed her forehead and sat on the soft couch in the middle of the room, "Shen Sān Fūrén is very enthusiastic and agreed for us to stay for a period of time. Even if those people come to the capital, one thinks that they dare not come to provoke the Shen family.

Zhao Māmā then patted her chest in relief, "Amitabha. Originally, Lǎoyé said that everyone in the Shen family has a Bodhisattva's heart, and one was originally worried for Xiǎojiě and feared that the Shen family was not willing to help. Now it seems that one can be reassured."

"Māmā is oversensitive." Chang Zai Qing smiled coldly and her face did not change, "How would there be a free lunch under the Heavens? Even if the Old General Shen took care of the Chang family, it was because Diē blocked that knife for him all those years ago. There is no one that would treat other people well for nothing. For Shen Sān Fūrén to be this enthusiastic, it is only because I am of some use to her."

Zhao Māmā was surprised and looked at Chang Zai Qing, "Xiǎojiě meant that Shen Sān Fūrén is not someone good? Then what can be done?"

"Māmā rest assure." Chang Zai Qing comforted her but her eyes were filled with a chilling sensation, "Shen Sān Fūrén have something to beseech of me, I too have some needs from her. Even though one does not know what kind of play she is planning, one can always find a solution."

"But." Zhao Māmā was somewhat uneasy.

"Rest assured Māmā." Chang Zai Qing said with a smile, "We have overcome the hardest matter. Reaching today and seeing that there is a route to live, what is there for me to be scared about. The Shen family is a springboard, naturally one must make full use of it. Since Shen Sān Fūrén wants to make use to me, I would also make use of her."

Zhao Māmā looked at Chang Zai Qing and finally nodded her head, "This old servant only want good things for Xiǎojiě. Whatever Xiǎojiě say it is, it will be."


Ding Capital City was Ming Qi's capital city and naturally, the land would be expensive. The most expensive land in Ding Capital City, other than outside the Palace was the Yan Qing Lane. Yan Qing Lane was located at the southern part of the city and not far from there, there were the most bustling of restaurants and shops and faced the river with wonderful scenery. The reason to the high value of Yan Qing Lane, other than having former dignitaries previously residing, was that a particularly famous Taoist priest one day came to see the geomancy of the area, and mentioned that other than being expensive, this place had dragon energy and other than descendants of royalty, no one was able to contain the dragon energy in this area, and only the honoured one under Heavens could do so.

The Ming Qi's Imperial family was not located at the southern part of the city and could not be rebuilding the Palaces, as the commoners would complain and there was not so much money in the treasury. But whoever dared to stay in a place with dragon energy would be dismissed by the Emperor, and even those who were not afraid, were unable to afford that much money. Thus, Yan Qing Lane was very empty and became a decoration for so many years.

But at the moment, finally, someone moved into Yan Qing Lane. They were not others but the guests from Qin and Great Liang. The one that came from Qin was the Crown Prince, and from Great Liang was the Prince of First Rank and both of them were more than justified descendants of royalty. Money was not an issue, so speaking of which, there was no place more suitable than the Yan Qing Lane for them. After all, they could not stay in the Palace, else Emperor Wen Hui would not be able to rest during the days and nights. It was after all not pleasing to have one's Palace occupied by the enemies and disturb one's sleep.

At this moment, in the deepest part of Yan Qing Lane, there was a mansion that was guarded by soldiers. Even though it was a mansion, it seemed to be a smaller palace as it was decorated luxuriously and the area was very huge. Even those officials' residences would have to be combined together to compete with this mansion.

This mansion was Prince Rui's place of residence. There were a number of mansion sites, and the Crown Prince of Qin chose the mansion at the outermost, while the innermost mansion was selected by Prince Rui. It was not known if he deliberately wanted to keep a distance from Qin. But no matter what, this mansion was the most expensive of the entire Yan Qing Lane and was twice more expensive than the one chosen by the Crown Prince of Qin. That Prince Rui did not even blink his eyes at the cost, making others wonder if Great Liang's treasury was truly filled up with gold.

Prince Rui of Great Liang was extremely arrogant. On the first day moving in, he instructed to remove the door plaque and put a golden-bright and dazzling plaque up with 'Prince Rui's Residence'. This made one felt laughable and ridiculous. This Prince Rui of Great Liang ran to Ming Qi to buy a mansion and even put up such a plaque. Could it be that he really wanted to live here?

At this moment in one of the courtyards of Prince Rui's residence, there was a snowy white thing that was flopping on the floor.

"This thing is dexterous but it is just too fierce. Just such a little thing and it is already so fierce, why does Zhǔrén want to keep it?" A yellow-clad female squat on the floor and was holding a stick to tease the snowy white fur ball in front. Upon looking nearer, one saw that thing was covered with fur like a door and when it looked over, a pair of clear eyes could be seen, rolling like a child with an intelligent appearance. At this time it was scratching the female with its paw when suddenly it changed to its teeth to bite. This was not something else but a tiger cub. Most likely it was newly born and was very young. The fur on its skin was a rare light in colour that even the strips could not be seen. From afar, it was like a snowy white tiger and was indeed lovable.

That female teasing it suddenly gave out a hiss, and threw down the wooden stick in her hands and said angrily, "This animal looked so gentle but actually is one that bites people. It is really painful. Later, I will rip into you."

"Better forget about it." The other female voice sounded. It was a conspicuously charming female clad in a light red robe. She looked at the bundle on the floor and said, "It is personally brought back to raise by Zhǔrén. Ye Ying, one fear that before you can touch it, you will be torn apart by Zhǔrén."

The female by the name of Ye Ying stood up and the white tiger cub went forward to grasp the corner of her skirt, and held it in its mouth and pulled it before it was kicked away by Ye Ying. She walked to the red-clad female's side, "Huo Long, is Zhǔrén insane? Why raise a tiger without rhyme or reason? The tiger looks good and cute but its temper is savage, what if in the future it injures people?"

Huo Long shrugged her shoulders, "Most likely it has a sudden temper. After this tiger was brought back it kept on eating and sleeping and then sleeping and eating. After opening its eye for a few days, it then knows how to bite people."

"In the future when Zhǔrén brings back a big tiger, Bìxià would have a headache upon the knowledge." Ye Ying showed a bitter face.

"What are you two lazing around for?" A man snapped loudly. The two females turned around and looked at a middle-aged man striding over. He walked to the cage and looked at the bowl before looking displeased at Ye Ying and Huo Long, "Let you both feed but you all only know how to laze around."

"Tie Yi." Ye Ying said angrily, "We came out from the prison tower and thought that following Zhǔrén around is a good job to do, but who knew it was to feed the tiger. We are the Mo Yu Army and not those breastfeeding nannies. How can one let others do nothing but play with the tiger?"

"Just do well what Zhǔrén instruct to do. Ask so many questions for what?" Tie Yi squatted down and took the bowl from the floor and fed the white tiger. The cooked meat was minced and mixed with eggs. That white tiger went forward to sniff before eating up happily. Tie Yi rubbed the white tiger head and the tiger and human looked joyful.

He, a big and powerful guy, and a petite tiger sitting together was such a warming scene that one felt somewhat strange.

The tiger ate half a bowl and refuse to eat more. Tie Yi picked the bowl up and when he turned around he saw Huo Long and Ye Ying bowing toward the direction behind him, "Zhǔrén."

Xie Jing Xing waved his hands and walked out of the room. The two people following him were, of course, Ji Yu Shu and Gao Yang.

Ji Yu Shu saw that white tiger and his eyes widened, "This is a dog?"

Tie Yi trembled as Gao Yang said, "Are you stupid? This is clearly a cub."

A cub.

Tie Yi said, "Ji Shàoyé, Gao Gōngzǐ, it is a white tiger." His tone was protesting unfairness for the white tiger. Unfortunately, the tiger cub did not understand and started to chase its tail under the sun after eating its meal, like a cat.

"Tiger." Ji Yu Shu looked towards Xie Jing Xing, "Sān biǎogē, are you alright? Why are you even raising a tiger now?"

Ye Ying voiced out, "Ji Shàoyé, Zhǔrén saw this on the way to the capital. Some hunter was selling this tiger's skin for high prices and our Zhǔrén saved it."

Gao Yang squinted his eyes and looked at Xie Jing Xing, "Since when are you so kind-hearted? This kind of thing is not something that you do."

Xie Jing Xing did not care about both of them. He wore a dark purple robe with gold embroidered flower patterns and as usual was gorgeous. No matter how gorgeous the clothes were, it was not comparable to his outstanding looks. He walked leisure over to the white tiger and when the white tiger cub saw the sudden appearance of a figure, it did not do anything else but to open the claws and pounce up with the jaws opened.

But it was picked up by the person first by the fur at the neck.

Xie Jing Xing raised the white tiger cub mid-air, and that tiger cub seemed to be very uncomfortable as it put in an effort to flop its legs around. Xie Jing Xing was blind to it as he sized it up thoughtfully.

"Probably not wanting this tiger now?" Ye Ying gave a beheading gesture to Huo Long. Huo Long shuddered and shook her head.

In the end, Xie Jing Xing looked for a while before opening up the white tiger cub back legs and laughed after taking a look, "It is a female tiger."

Everyone, "…"

So what it was a female tiger? Was it possible that Xie Jing Xing planned to bring it back to Great Liang as Rui WangFei?

The tiger cub whimpered but because it was too young, its voice was very soft. Xie Jing Xing placed it on his chest and embraced it. After the white tiger lay on his chest, it looked at him and whimpered non-stop and looked very adorable and pitiful.

Xie Jing Xing extended his fingers to play with the white tiger's whiskers to tease it. Ye Ying was surprised and exclaimed, "Zhǔrén must not do that. This white tiger hates other people touching its whisker and would start biting."

The voice hardly landed when that white tiger bit Xie Jing Xing's finger. Huo Long and Tie Yi also jumped in shock, while Ji Yu Shu covered his mouth with both hands and had an exaggerated look of panic on, but Gao Yang was rejoicing in other's misfortune.

Xie Jing Xing calmly exchanged looks with the white tiger and after that white tiger looked for a while, it suddenly felt somewhat guilty and let go and turned her head to another place. Xie Jing Xing's finger had shallow teeth marks and it was quite obvious.

"The eyes resemble and the temper also resembles. Even the habit of biting people is also the same." Xie Jing Xing lowered his head and looked at the white tiger in his embrace and did not get angry, but instead stroked the white tiger's head.

The white tiger seemed to be a little sleepy and yawned before stretching. It did not struggle and let Xie Jing Xing ravage its head and did nothing at all but just lay onto Xie Jing Xing's chest and rest.

With the golden rays of the sun shining down, the purple-clad man's looked gorgeous and handsome as he looked down at the white tiger. His eyelashes were very long but were unable to hid his gentle indulgence look. That white tiger's fur was extremely beautiful as it lay in his arms. One person, one tiger, was like a very good painting that Tie Yi who was just feeding the tiger felt a strange sensation.

Xie Jing Xing raised his brows and looked at the tiger cub which eyes were almost closed, "Still short of a name. How about this? In the future, you are called JiaoJiao."

Ji Yu Shu clapped his hands, "Sān biǎogē, what kind of name is this? It is too strange for you to give this kind of delicate name to this female tiger." He protested, "Change the name. Tiger Chief, Hammer or Tiger Brother is also quite good."

Gao Yang had an expression of unable to look as he used the fan to cover his eyes.

Xie Jing Xing gave Ji Yu Shu a glance and continued to tickle the cub unhurriedly and said blandly, "Shut up, this is my JiaoJiao."