
Shen Miao was slightly startled and looked up towards Xie Jing Xing again. In the Ming Qi, there was no place that would put up a resistance to Xie Jing Xing, he was too familiar with everything. Naturally, he was familiar as he grew up in Ding Capital City and knew every crook and cranny of it like the back of his hand. In addition, he also had the backing of the Feng Xian Pawnshop, a station that buys and sells information. Perhaps Xie Jing Xing's eyes and ears as compared to Fu Xiu Yi's were not inferior in any way and even in excess.

He naturally was able to know what he wanted to know about.

"What does this have to do with you?" Shen Miao said in a bad tone, "Rui Wáng Diànxià really has leisure time to worry about other people's household matters."

"Household matters..." Xie Jing Xing raised his brows, seemingly founding that the words were quite good, "You seem to be afraid of that Chang female."

A trace of coldness flashed in Shen Miao's eyes and she said, "Just a relative that seeks shelter. What is there to be afraid of?"

"Not right." Xie Jing Xing stroked his chin as he swept a look at her. He suddenly leaned over and carefully stared at Shen Miao's eyes. He did not feel anything was wrong when he leaned so near and paused a moment before saying, "A female from Liu province and you have never gone to Liu province, so why is it that you seem to understand her?"

Shen Miao suddenly looked up and stared straight into Xie Jing Xing's eyes. That youth's features were as always breathtaking but in those peach blossoms eyes, the sharpest blade was hidden in them, "It is the same for Ming An Gōngzhǔ too. You had never gone to Qin, yet you had profound grievances with her."

Shen Miao continued to keep her silence, clearly so close that there were some ambiguous positions, but her gaze gradually got cold.

"You have been living in Ding Capital City since young, and the furthest place that you went to was Xiao Chun City. In those two years in Xiao Chun City, you have not stepped into any other place, so it is not possible for you to have been to Liu province, and impossible to have met Qin's Gōngzhǔ." His voice floated in the night, bringing a light coldness of the early winter that could almost seep into a person's heart.

"What do you want to say?" Shen Miao looked at him.

He spoke lowly, with an elegant and rich low voice that was sultry but made one's heart palpitate. He said, "Are you, Shen Miao?"

For a moment, goosebumps rose on Shen Miao's entire body. It seemed as if there was a fine cold wind that poured down from the top of her head and in a short moment, her entire body became icy cold. She had met a lot of people and relying on her experience as an Empress in her previous life, those people were just one mask after another. There were good and bad masks that one expected, but only when facing this seemingly cynical purple-robe youth, she was a living person.

Because one did not know under that mask, what kind of face it was.

In the past lifetime, Shen Miao's impression of Xie Jing Xing was a handsome youth who died before his prime and in this lifetime, knowing his unfathomable depths, she now felt more and more terrified. All the things she did made others suspicious, but Xie Jing Xing actually suspected if she was Shen Miao or not.

She was not Shen Miao. She was Empress Shen. Xie Jing Xing dared to think about it, and he was actually very close to the truth. This kind of discomfort that brought about when one's secret was almost glimpsed, made Shen Miao panic for a moment. But she did not do anything and just stared at Xie Jing Xing's face before finally smiling lightly.

She often smiled with a dignified warmth, a gentle smile as if nothing mattered. When facing Xie Jing Xing, most of the time, it was attacking by innuendo, a cold smile that her skin was smiling but her flesh was not. Her current smile now seemed to be a magnolia that bloomed at night, containing a touch of delicate fragrance that wafted over completely innocently.

But that smile was only for a short moment and very quickly her face became cold, "Under the Heavens, not everyone is like Rui Wáng Diànxià."

Xie Jing Xing's playful smile slightly paused.

One was unaware if Shen Miao was Shen Miao or not, but Xie Jing Xing was after all no longer Xie Jing Xing. The Little Marquis of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An was now Prince Rui. Perhaps others felt it strange that this was the same person, after all, Xie Jing Xing previously had no relations with Great Liang.

"You really do not like to be at even a little disadvantage at all." Xie Jing Xing stood up and his eyes converged before saying with a smile but not a smile, "Ought to be Shen Miao." He seemed to be lamenting to himself yet also seemed to be talking to Shen Miao, "So many secrets, really expend a great deal of effort just to inquire."

"Why does Rui Wáng not let go of me?" Shen Miao looked at him, "Regardless of whether I have secrets or not, it does not matter to Rui Wáng at all."

"As luck would have it, I am interested in your secret." Xie Jing Xing leisurely said, "Moreover, after thinking, it seemed that in Ming Qi, there seems to be only you that is trustable."

Shen Miao did not get angry but instead laughed, "Rui Wáng had forgotten that there is still Su Ming Feng and Rong Xin Gōngzhǔ."

Xie Jing Xing smiled gently, "No one told you before that one should not mention about the past?"

One did not know why but under the lamplight, even though the smug smile on his lips was still elegant and flirtatious, there seemed to be some loneliness.

Shen Miao said expressionlessly, "I only request Rui Wáng not to intervene in this matter."

"It seems that everything has been thought out." Xie Jing Xing raised his brows, "Really amazing."

Shen Miao's eyes hanged down and heard Xie Jing Xing speaking again, "Qin's Gōngzhǔ would not leave the matter at that."

"I am also aware of it without the reminder." Shen Miao fiercely glared at him, "One still has to thank Rui Wáng for lending a helping hand today."

With Princess Ming An's jealous character and her seemingly obsession with Xie Jing Xing, seeing Xie Jing Xing helping Shen Miao, she would be bound to vent her anger out on Shen Miao.

"She is not your adversary." Xie Jing Xing naturally reached his hand to rub Shen Miao's head, but was flung away by Shen Miao and looked pitifully at his fingers.

Shen Miao did not want to speak. Princess Ming An did not have any brains so she was not worried at all, so the most important was still Huangfu Hao. In fact this time, Huangfu Hao and Princess Ming An coming over from Qin, was for the matter of alliance with Ming Qi. Ming Qi was in a rush to have good relations with Qin because Great Liang was eyeing covetously like a tiger watching its prey.

No matter what, one must not let Fu Xiu Yi and Huangfu Hao mix together. Naturally one had to spend all efforts to undermine the tacit understanding of two countries' alliance. Shen Miao's gaze fell involuntarily on Xie Jing Xing. In this game of chess that encompasses the entire land under the Heavens, she did not know what kind of game Great Liang was taking.

She died too early in her previous life, thus she did not know what happened at the end. What kind of scenario would Xie Jing Xing be in? He most likely would not die in combat but was like a cicada that shed its carapace and returned to Great Liang to be this Prince Rui.

Xie Jing Xing noticed her gaze and laughed, "What are you doubting again?"

Shen Miao watched him firmly, "When does Rui Wáng intend to return to Great Liang?"

"Cannot bear?" Xie Jing Xing smiled and glanced at her before looking out the window. "Do not worry. For the time being one will not leave yet." He said, "The play between Huangfu Hao and Ding Wáng, Běnwǎng also wishes to watch it to the end."

Shen Miao's heart moved as Xie Jing Xing said, "Do you not also want to watch?"

"One does not understand the meaning of Rui Wáng's words." Shen Miao spoke one thing but meant another.

Xie Jing Xing bent down to pick the black cloak on the floor. The cloak was soaked with the water from the pond and was thrown casually into a ball. For a moment his face stiffened but still casually spoke, "Shen Miao, you and I are the same type of people."

"Diànxià is the descendant of aristocrats. This official's daughter is like dust, unworthy to be of par."

"Unduly humble." The lips of the purple-robed youth hooked up, "You are the same as Běnwǎng, born to be above all."

Until there was no longer that person figure in the room and the candlelight seemed to have gradually gone down, Shen Miao sat still in front of the table, as her state of mind due to the words that Xie Jing Xing said before he left, took a long time to calm down.

The same as this Prince, born to be above all.

Could it be that Xie Jing Xing had discovered any inkling of it? But this was not possible. She once again thought carefully through all the encounters she had with Xie Jing Xing in her previous life, and there was no intersection at all, not even a word was said. Shen Miao kept thinking over and over when she suddenly found out that she had wasted too much time on this matter. Thinking of how Xie Jing Xing unfathomably disrupted her life, anger rose in her heart.

But at the other end in Prince Rui's residence, Xie Jing Xing returned to a room. This room was for sleeping and was almost an exquisite sleeping chamber. He threw the cloak in his hands casually and wiped his hands with a silk cloth. A ball of white thing pounced out from a corner and kept tugging and biting that black cloak, letting its head loose on the thing.

Xie Jing Xing watched coldly at that furball playing with the cloak, before picking it up from the floor.

"What kind of conduct is this?" His face was filled with dislike.

The white tiger cub sneezed and its claws clasped onto Xie Jing Xing's collar before Xie Jing Xing threw it to the nest by the corner of the bed expressionlessly.

"Tie Yi." Xie Jing Xing said.

A black figure swept in from outside, "What orders does Zhǔrén have?"

Xie Jing Xing pointed to the cloak on the floor. The corner of Tie Yi's mouth pursed. That was a cloak made from black lion fur that was hard to acquire even with thousand taels of gold. There was only one piece of black lion fur cloak in Great Liang's treasure store and to be defiled like this, Tie Yi thought that even Emperor Yong Le would also have tears of sympathy.

"Take it and throw it away." Xie Jing Xing started to undress.

Tie Yi numbly picked up that piece of cloak and obeyed. Everyone knew that Prince Rui had an excessive fondness for cleanliness that ordinary people did not have. This cloak was already ravaged beyond help, so Xie Jing Xing would also not want it anymore. Moreover, no one dared to secretly keep the things that Prince Rui wore before, so Tie Yi seemed to be looking at taels flowing away.

Just as he reached the door, he heard Xie Jing Xing say, "Wait."

Tie Yi looked back. Xie Jing Xing hesitated for a moment before frowning, "Never mind, wash it and keep it."

Tie Yi was surprised for a moment before nodding in delight and flew out of the door while holding the cloak. His face was filled with gratification. It is good that the Master finally understood not to be extravagant. This was the best, then one can hold up the entire future of Great Liang.

Ding Capital City ushered in the first snow of this winter.

The snowflakes rustled as they covered everything, the snow-white colour was truly adorable. Upon entering winter, the females on the streets had begun to wear a different variety of embroidered coat robes or a variety of velvet cloaks, which was extremely elegant. On such a snowy day like this, as one holds an umbrella in one hand and walks in solitude, one would find it very tasteful.

In the Western Courtyard of Shen Residence, there was someone standing in front of the courtyard watching the snow flying around.

"Zai Qing Gūniáng do not go in and sit? In such weather outside, do be careful not to catch a cold. Ding Capital City is not as warm as Liu province. The wind in the winter here is very cold." Someone said with a smile. Dressed in a goose-egg yellow wide-sleeved top and a light red ruyi skirt with hundreds of birds, it was elegant and supple including leaving a Chao Yue bun. If one were to look from afar, one would think that it was some family young lady. This person was Chen Rou Qiu.

The person standing at the side of the courtyard turned over. The simple snow green-blue long dress was worn very elegantly and moving. Chang Zai Qing smiled, "There is little snow in Liu province. In an entire winter, there would only snow a few rare times. The snow that falls in Ding Capital City is truly lovely. One wants to take a good look."

Chen Rou Qiu smiled, "Appreciating the snow and discussing wine is an elegant matter. Zai Qing Gūniáng is indeed tasteful." She said, "In the future, if Zai Qing Gūniáng keeps staying in Ding Capital City, after seeing it a few times, this would no longer be viewed as uncommon. It comes down every year, making it so very cold."

Chang Zai Qing merely smiled and did not speak. Both of them were gentle and refined, seemingly like daughters from a respectable, cultured and scholarly family. Each move and action warmed the heart and delighted the eyes, it was as if they were a pair of sisters. Chen Rou Qiu pulled Chang Zai Qing's hands, "No matter how much Zai Qing Gūniáng likes this snow, one must not stay in this courtyard for too long else cold air will enter the body. There is a brazier in the room, it is better to go to the room for a sit."

Chang Zai Qing also did not decline, thus both of them entered the room hand in hand. After entering the room, the maid sent in hot tea for the two of them.

Chen Rou Qiu took the lead and picked up the teacup to take a sip before looking at Chang Zai Qing with a smile, "I was originally thinking that our Shen family was short of a sister to experience the delicateness of the tea with me, but one was unable to search for one. Now that you are here, I am very happy."

"Sān Fūrén has treated me with great kindness." Chang Zai Qing also smiled.

"Zai Qing Gūniáng's temperament is a delight, anyone would also like." Chen Rou Qiu said, "I feel like old friends at the first meeting with you, and also know that you are an intelligent and elegant person. You and me are kindred spirits, but do not know a few days back how it was with my Dà bǎisǎo?" After pausing, Chen Rou Qiu lamented, "My Dà bǎisǎo is from a military lineage and do not know these tea stuffs, but she is straightforward and has a good heart. One does not know if you were scared?"

These words had some meaning of sounding out. Chang Zai Qing lightly stroked the teacup lid and replied docilely, "Dà Fūrén is very good, and also spoke to me of many interesting things that one had never heard before. Zai Qing is very grateful as she did not refrain due to Zai Qing's identity."

"I just knew it." Chen Rou Qiu nodded her head, "You are this sensible and Dà bǎisǎo is candid and straightforward, naturally you will get along. Did Zai Qing Gūniáng meet Dà bǎizi?"

Chang Zai Qing shook her head, "It was already very late that day and General Shen had yet to return, so I returned back first. One thought that it would not be late to go visit on another day."

Chen Rou Qiu's smile became somewhat deepened, "It is good to visit another day, after all we are all one family. Now that one is also living in Ding Capital City, it is much nearer and everything is also very convenient."

Just as they were talking, one saw a maid holding an invitation coming in from outside. Seeing that Chen Rou Qiu was present, she greeted Chen Rou Qiu first before handing the invitation over to Chang Zai Qing and said, "Gūniáng, this is an invitation that was received from the main door."

Chen Rou Qiu's eyes flashed and she smiled, "Zai Qing Gūniáng had only come to Ding Capital City for a short time, and had already made such good friends that one actually sent an invitation over. One does not know which family is it?"

Chang Zai Qing opened up the invitation to take a look and smiled, "Sān Fūrén thoughts have strayed off. The people that I know in Ding Capital City are only people from the Shen Residence, how would there be friends? This invitation is from Shen Dà Fūrén."

"Dà bǎisǎo." Chen Rou Qiu was startled for a moment, and her gaze that was on Chang Zai Qing contained some traces of surprise, "It seemed that Dà bǎisǎo really likes you. Originally, when Dà bǎisǎo was staying in the residence, one has rarely seen her sending an invitation to others." As she said, she looked very happy for Chang Zai Qing, "It seems that you both are destined to be familiar at first sight. I am somewhat jealous."

Chang Zai Qing smiled, "Sān Fūrén is making fun of me again."

"The day of the invitation is today." Chen Rou Qiu took a look at the invitation in Chang Zai Qing's hands and said in shock, "Why not go over now to take a look?

"One fear that it is too early at present." Chang Zai Qing was somewhat hesitant.

Chen Rou Qiu smiled as she patted her hands, "Why are you being shy? One needs to know that we are all one family, and you should just regard it as dropping in. Moreover, with Dà bǎisǎo's character, for you to push and pull, she would feel unhappy and will cause a misunderstanding."

Chang Zai Qing looked at that invitation as Chen Rou Qiu continued speaking, "In fact, not to hide it from you, I also have some selfish motives. I was thinking that if you have a good relationship with Dà bǎisǎo, in the future it would be easier on the misunderstanding with Dà bǎizi and Dà bǎisǎo. This will have to depend on you." After speaking, she gave a sigh.

"Sān Fūrén must say that." Chang Zai Qing quickly said, "The Shen family sheltered Zai Qing, one's heart is filled with gratitude. Moreover, a few days back when one went to see Shen Dà Fūrén, she was an open-minded person, so one thinks that it was only a temporary misunderstanding. I will go, and if there is an opportunity, one will help to explain. Sān Fūrén need not mention it, as I will also do it."

Chen Rou Qiu was very pleased when she heard this, "I knew that you are sensible." When she was speaking, she smoothly took off a bracelet and forcefully put it on Chang Zai Qing's hands. Chang Zai Qing wanted to decline but Chen Rou Qiu said, "This bracelet is not worth much money, it is just that the workmanship is great. I see that you are not a greedy person so if things are too expensive, you will not accept. Accept this bracelet, in the future, you would not go wrong to dress up when visiting Dà bǎizi and Dà bǎisǎo. One cannot let others look down on the Chang family. If you do not think about yourself, you have to think of the Chang family."

These words were said as if they came from the heart. Chang Zai Qing took every word and sentence into consideration. Chang Zai Qing no longer refused and only said, "Sān Fūrén good treatment of Zai Qing, one would remember in one's heart."

"What are you talking about? We are all a family." Chen Rou Qiu stood up and looked outside, "Zai Qing Gūniáng first tidy up, I would not disturb. Taking advantage that the snow is not heavy yet, go out first so that one can return earlier at night." She then instructed the two maids waiting on Chang Zai Qing on some matters before leaving the room.

After Chen Rou Qiu left, Zhao Māmā put away Chang Zai Qing's invitation and said, "Gūniáng really wants to go and meet Shen Dà Fūrén?"

"Yes." After Chen Rou Qiu left, Chang Zai Qing's smile lighted. Even though it was still gentle and elegant, it was as if she was a different person, not as sincere as she was just now.

"That Shen Dà Fūrén." Zhao Māmā was somewhat hesitant.

"She is a good person." Chang Zai Qing sat in front of the table and opened a small box of rouge and dapped it on her lips. The colour of the rouge was very light and with a thin layer, it was like there was a light pink colour on her lips, making her appear even more graceful.

"A good person. This time this old servant can rest assured." Zhao Māmā sighed in relief.

"Yes." Chang Zai Qing looked at herself in the mirror but one did not know if she was talking to herself or others, "I am also relieved."

Outside, Chen Rou Qiu returned to Qiu Shui Yuan and held a hand warmer. When she turned around, she met Shen Yue.

"Mǔqīn." Shen Yue said, "Why do you keep going to Chang Zai Qing's courtyard these days? One did not see you for a few times."

"Looking for me for what?" Chen Rou Qiu caressed Shen Yue's head. Shen Yue was getting older, and even though the countenance of a flower and face like the moon had appeared, her expectations were high and it was a problem to just leave it alone, since by delaying, one would be a spinster. Chen Rou Qiu knew that her daughter adored Prince Ding in her heart, but now even if she had a method to let Shen Yue marry Fu Xiu Yi as a concubine, Shen Yue would not be willing. Because of Shen Yue's marriage, Shen Wan had been angry with Chen Rou Qiu for a few rounds. Chen Rou Qiu loved her daughter dearly, so all the aristocratic disciples and sons that Shen Wan found, Chen Rou Qiu thought of several ways to refuse them.

"The embroidery workshop has come out with new clothing styles." Shen Yue said, "One wanted to let you take a look to see which is better looking."

Looking at her daughter who was like a flower, Chen Rou Qiu had somewhat of a headache, "What is the use of these flowery patterns? You are already very beautiful. If you have the energy to be bothered about these, then go and learn from that person in the Western Courtyard."

"Western Courtyard?" Shen Yue was puzzled, "Is Mǔqīn talking about Chang Zai Qing? What can be learnt from her?"

Chen Rou Qiu shook her head, "There is so much to learn. If you had one-third of her ability, I would feel assured."

What kind of person Luo Xue Yan was? Even though she treated others enthusiastically, she was not one who would send an invitation over after one meeting. To be unable to hold back and request a meetup, it was the first time Chen Rou Qiu had seen this after being sisters-in-law with Luo Xue Yan. Chen Rou Qiu knew that Chang Zai Qing made others feel comfortable and would not raise any hostility, but to be able to get so close with Luo Xue Yan like this, was indeed too much of a surprise for her.

However, this was a good thing for Chen Rou Qiu.

She pointed at Shen Yue's forehead and said with some resentment about iron for not becoming steel, "In short, you should learn from her in the future. It is more useful than you looking at the different styles of clothes."


In the Shen Mansion, Gu Yu was styling Shen Miao's hair as she spoke, "Xiǎojiě, to use Fūrén's name to send an invitation to that Gūniáng of the Chang family, would one be in trouble if Fūrén knows about it?"

"What is the difference in using my Mǔqīn's name or mine?" Shen Miao lightly said, "One is, after all, family."

"But why did Xiǎojiě not used one's own name?" Jing Zhe was cleaning the table and was curious when she heard this. Shen Miao had stolen Luo Xue Yan's seal and sent an invitation over to the Shen Residence, making all the maids in the room so shocked that their jaws dropped. It was alright if she was posing as Luo Xue Yan on other stuff, but to pose as Luo Xue Yan and invite a Young Lady that one was not even remotely close? One felt that it was somewhat a waste of resources.

"I have no relations with her so with no cause and no reason, why does one invite her over for?"

Jing Zhe and Gu Yu glanced at one another, both did not know how to continue with that. Yes, it was correct that Shen Miao and Chang Zai Qing did not have any relations with one another, so when one stole Luo Xue Yan's seal to send an invitation to Chang Zai Qing to visit today, one did not see Shen Miao happy at all.

Shen Miao's eyes hung down. Luo Xue Yan was not in today, so it was ideal to send the invitation earlier. She eventually has to meet up alone with this Young Lady of the Chang family. Luo Tan was drawn away very early in the morning, and there was only Shen Miao in the entire residence that could make the decision.

Just as one was thinking, one heard a young servant coming over to report that the Young Lady from the Chang family had arrived.

"So fast." Jing Zhe was somewhat surprised.

Shen Miao gently smiled. People who had things to request naturally would not be able to hide the ambitiousness in one's heart. One was unable to see it in the past because one was in a situation, and one did not care about all the matters in the Shen family. But the past and present could not be compared. She wanted to see how profound Chang Zai Qing's abilities and skills are.

Chang Zai Qing was led by the young servant to the main hall of the Shen Mansion to wait. The servant brought a cup of hot tea as Chang Zai Qing quietly sized up the Shen Mansion.

The Shen Mansion and the Shen Residence were different. The Shen Residence was the official residence of the Old General, and particular attention was paid to the Feng Shui of the place. Add in Old Shen Fūrén's habits, and it was somewhat extravagant. At the other side perhaps because Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan were martial arts practitioners, the courtyards of the Shen Mansion were spacious and the main hall was also square-shaped, looking very awe-inspiring. Even though the ornaments placed were simple, one did not know why, but there was a dignified feeling. When Chang Zai Qing came over the first time, she did not size up carefully but now upon looking, she felt a layer of fine sweat appearing on her body as if one could not just sit around voluntarily upon coming to this place.

The servants all minded their own cleaning and no one talked to her. Chang Zai Qing's manners had always been good so there was no reason for her to urge. She waited until her tea had gotten cold, but there were no movements from outside. Chang Zai Qing then got hold of a servant to ask why was Luo Xue Yan not coming, and if something had happened.

That servant was all smiles and had a polite attitude. After saying that he will go and ask, he disappeared without a trace, and one did not know what was going on. It continued as such for several times in succession, making Chang Zai Qing somewhat unable to sit still. During the first time meeting with Luo Xue Yan, she was not far off from her expectations of the other person. She was a frank person and was very enthusiastic in treating others, but why would one make things difficult this time?

For the first time, Chang Zai Qing's heart was uncertain. The servants coming and going seemed to be watching her, but yet seemed not to be looking at her. She finally could not sit still and just as she wanted to get up to leave, she heard that someone behind her laughed, "Aunt Qing had waited very long. Really sorry about it. Just now one had gotten the clothes wet and had to re-groom again, thus the delay."

Chang Zai Qing was startled and quickly stood up, and saw Shen Miao walking in from the door with a few servants following.

The young female was wearing a jade green patterned brocade cloak and holding a hand warmer. Most likely she had felt warm upon entering the room, the cloak was taken off, revealing a flower embroidered purple long robe. The rare thing was that she did not look old wearing it but there was an air of nobility. That shade of purple contrasted with the young female's jade-like complexion, delicate but it was as if one was walking in the Palace, each step was taken with a smile on her face, looking very noble.

All of a sudden, Chang Zai Qing's brain was spinning for a moment.

She had met many people and also seen a number of females with elegant and graceful presence and bearing, including Shen Yue who was kept calm and collected by Chen Rou Qiu. But it was only Shen Miao that gave her a feeling of exclaiming in surprise. That day it was still alright beside Luo Xue Yan but now that she appeared alone, she grabbed all of the limelight immediately, and actually gave others a compelling pressure.

"Wǔ xiǎojiě." Chang Zai Qing glanced behind Shen Miao.

"No need to search." Shen Miao gently smiled, "It was me that sent you the invitation, Aunt Qing."