He Came

When Luo Tan was found, she was at an almost abandoned lane on the western part of the city. That alleyway was connected to different smaller roads, and all the messy and complicated alleys made it harder to search. Fortunately, someone in Ah Chi's city guard's group was very familiar with that corner of Ding Capital City, and thus discovered Luo Tan's whereabouts.

Even though one had found Luo Tan, her condition did not make one relax at all. Luo Tan's waist was stabbed deeply, and the wound was extremely deep. Because it took quite some time to locate her, when she returned to Shen mansion, she was already at her dying breath.

Several good doctors came over and would only shake their heads over and over again, before saying that they lack the strength to reverse the desperate situation. Shen Xin was so angry that he almost pulled his sword out. It was Luo Xue Yan that said, "All these people are quacks, take Ah Xin's tally and invite an Imperial Physician from the Palace's Medical Institute. Are not those people from the Medical Institute, all have magical hands that bring the dying back to life? Whoever is able to cure Tan-er, the Shen family would reward handsomely."

Shen Qiu ordered his subordinate to take Shen Xin's tally to invite an Imperial Physician from the Palace. Everyone surrounded in front of Luo Tan's bed and Luo Xue Yan's eyes turned red, "Who did this? So malicious."

Luo Ling's gaze was solemn. Luo Tan was his Tang Younger Sister (aka female cousin of his father's side), and to be in a situation where her life and death was unknown, he was naturally upset. However, the even more disturbing thing was that even though Luo Tan was found, there was still no information about Shen Miao's whereabouts. Upon seeing Luo Tan's current situation, the other party was unmistakably vicious, so no one dared to think about what Shen Miao would encounter.

The Shen family army searched nonstop in Ding Capital City, but there was no slightest clue at all. Those people seemed to have disappeared into thin air. The houses of ordinary people were searched, and all the streets and alleys were searched. One could not go into the residences of officials to search, as they did not have the power to do so even if they wanted to.

A terrible silence fell onto the room.

Whatever that happened outside, Shen Miao was not aware of it. When she woke up, she already did not know what time it was.

Her hands and feet were bound and she was unable to move. Shen Miao slowly opened her eyes. The other party had forgotten to cover her eyes, or perhaps, it was unnecessary to do so.

This was an empty secret chamber and there was only a table, a cupboard and a bed inside. One was unable to know where this was. It looked like this was a secret room within someone's residence. Shen Miao could not even move and could only watch quietly.

There was no sound at all and nothing could be heard. Shen Miao was previously unconscious and was not aware of what happened; thus, she did not know if Luo Tan escaped and passed the message to Xie Jing Xing.

Currently, Shen Xin was a character that everyone in Ding Capital City would have some degree of fear, especially the current situation where the Qin's and Great Liang's envoys had not left. Because Emperor Wen Hui relied on Shen Xin, his position rose steadily and combined with the return of the military power; ordinary people would not be able to touch his head. However, at the moment, some such brainless people did that and to be that bold and plainly disregard of the consequences, Shen Miao need not need to use any brains to guess who that person was. Other than Princess Ming An, no one would use such a simple and crude method.

However, she had not thought that Princess Ming An would have found help in Ding Capital City this quickly. Obviously, Princess Ming An would not do the job herself and even if it were Huangfu Hao, he would also not allow Princess Ming An to use such a ridiculous method. Moreover, the people who kidnapped her could infiltrate the Feng family guards, so they had some understanding of the Feng family and had inquired very clearly of her entire journey with Feng An Ning. Especially how they were able to cast the Feng family's guards off that quickly with the horse carriage, and entered in the deserted alleys. Everything made it clear of the fact that the help that Princess Ming An found was just too familiar with Ding Capital City various routes, and it was apparent that they were natives of Ming Qi.

With Princess Ming An's infallible self-belief, she would not be associated with any lowly character, but those people with official positions would not be willing to risk their lives and gamble with their prospects to work with Princess Ming An to kidnap Shen Miao. One had to know that if Shen Xin found out about it in the future, Shen Xin would certainly not take things lying down. The officials of the Ming Qi tended to avoid trouble and hastened for advantages, thus for such a dangerous task, they would unquestionably not do it.

Therefore, it could only be those who had a certain level of official position and were extremely eager to climb up that they would not even care about their own lives. But among the officials in Ming Qi, who were they? Shen Miao could not determine who these people were for a moment.

However, as the matter got to do with Princess Ming An, it would invite trouble for Shen Xin if he were to take action. One did not know why, but the first thing that Shen Miao thought of was that if Xie Jing Xing took action, he would definitely be able to find her. When one thought about it, it was true. Xie Jing Xing had the Feng Xian Pawnshop and the information from it comes from all directions, so how could the people who kidnapped her be more familiar? The Feng Xian Pawnshop had done so much business in Ming Qi and extended in all directions, so there was no reason for them to lose out.

Shen Miao could only hope in her heart that Xie Jing Xing would find her as soon as possible.

She did her best to pull her hands into her sleeves. The person tied her up with the ropes so very tightly, that Shen Miao's skin tore before she was able to pull her hands to her sleeves.

She deliberately did this because after her rebirth, to prevent accidents from happening, she had a hairpin specially made. The tip of the hairpin was bent to a hook and when one was in imminent peril, one would be able to use this to stab the other person's eyes. This was a method that she learnt in the Palace in her previous lifetime, and at the moment it could be used to wear down the ropes.

Just as she was about to do it, she heard footsteps outside. Shen Miao's heart jumped and she quickly put the hairpin back into her sleeves and closed her eyes as she leaned against the wall to pretend that she had not awakened yet.

The door opened and someone walked in from outside. From the footsteps, it was more than one person.

One of them said, "The Shen family's actions are too big. If this goes on, when can one move the person?"

The other said, "Why are you panicking? The person is in our hands, so it is not late to send her out when the wind dies down."

It was two people. Shen Miao's mind started deliberating. From their tone of voice, they were here temporary to take shelter from the raging winds, and would eventually move her out. Whatever place that Princess Ming An wanted to send her to, it would not be anywhere good. Her heart was a little relieved to hear that Shen Xin's actions were extremely fast, as with so many pairs of eyes watching, it would be difficult for the other party to move her out now. Thus, at least for this short period, she would not be in danger.

It was just that Shen Miao's heart was suspicious. These two persons' voices were so familiar, but she was feigning being asleep and could not open her eyes to look.

She seemed to feel that there were gazes on her and Shen Miao heard one of them speaking hesitantly, "Why is she not waking up? Could it be that one used too much force before?"

"Èrgē, what is the time now? You still have time to care if she is awake or not?" The other person said, "Do not worry. Even if Shen Miao does not wake up, Gōngzhǔ will also be happy. You have already seen Gōngzhǔ's attitude, the worse off Shen Miao is, the better. It does not matter if she lives or dies."

"I am just worried." The person that was called 'Second Older Brother' sounded really worried, "What if Fùqīn finds out about this matter?"

"So what if Fùqīn finds out about it? You and I are Fùqīn's sons. After that little bastard died, Fùqīn can only rely on us xiōngdì in the future." That person continued, "Moreover, the Xie family and the Shen family are already in disagreement. Do you think that Fùqīn will report his own sons over to the Shen family?"

Xie family. Xie family.

The corner of Shen Miao's eyelashes trembled as she was unable to hide the astonishment in her heart.

She had not expected that the people who kidnapped her would be from the Xie family. That person called the other 'Second Older Brother' so it was without a doubt that these two persons were Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao.

Shen Miao could not believe it in her heart. She had never even thought that the people that Princess Ming An allied with would be Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao. One knew that even though the Shu Xie brothers had been dissatisfied with Xie Jing Xing all the while, but based on her previous lifetime, they were, however, like Fu Xiu Yi, adept at enduring silently. So, how could they be so arrogant and conceited this lifetime? They did not hesitate to put themselves in danger and were involved in the shady business of kidnapping others.

The residence of the Marquis of Lin An was a large and influential family of Ming Qi that even as Shu-sons, they outranked many official's Di-sons. Once Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao's doings were exposed, the entire residence of the Marquis of Lin An would be destroyed. Were these two people insane?

Xie Cang Wu drank a sip and said, "Is this place safe?"

"Naturally, it is safe." Xie Chang Chao said proudly, "No one would have thought that the Gūniáng of the Shen family would be hidden in our residence. What is more, in this residence, this secret chamber is only known by the two of us. Even if Shen Xin really managed to get Bìxià's verbal edict and with fortune by his side, come and search in our residence, I can guarantee that he will return in low spirits."

"That is good." Xie Chang Wu sighed in relief and said, "Success and failure of this matter is only just a momentary slip, so there must not be a single mistake. Once the wind outside dies down, one has to move the person away quickly."

Xie Chang Chao nodded his head and took out clean water and rice from the basket, before walking over to Shen Miao and placing the two bowls in front of her.

"Wake her up. One cannot starve her to death." Xie Chang Wu said.

"No need." Xie Chang Chao said, "Keep her tied. It is not like she does not have a mouth. Do you not find that to let a Gūniáng eats like a dog, Gōngzhǔ Diànxià would be happy to hear about it? At that time when Gōngzhǔ is happy, it would be good for us when she speaks a few good words in front of Ding Wáng Diànxià."

Xie Chang Chao said, "Also good. It is Sāndì that is thoughtful. In this case, then, let us go out first so that others would not be suspicious." After both of them finished speaking, they left.

When there were no more sounds, Shen Miao then slowly opened her eyes.

There were two bowls on the floor in front of her. One bowl was filled with clean water and the other with rice. Fortunately, Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao did not give her disgusting things to eat.

Shen Miao sighed.

It is not like she had not eaten such things. In the chilly Cold Palace, even though rotten food was provided, but in order to live, one would be able to put down one's dignity temporarily. As long there was a chance to live another day, there would be a day that one could take revenge.

It was just that Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao's words finally made her knit her eyebrows.

It turned out that this was a secret chamber of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An. If that were true, then it would be difficult for Shen Xin to search till here. First, without Emperor Wen Hui's verbal edict, it was not possible for one to search the residence of an official, unless one was able to produce tangible evidence. However, without any rhyme or reason, the Xie brothers did not have any interactions with Shen Miao, so how would anyone suspect that they were the perpetrators? Second, even if Shen Xin was really able to obtain the verbal edict, just like what the Xie brothers said, this secret chamber was extremely hidden that even Xie Ding was not aware of it, so how would Shen Xin be able to find it?

The Xie family did really take different approaches. The most dangerous place was the safest place. As a result, things became even more thorny.

Shen Miao looked at the clean water in front.

Could Xie Jing Xing find her?

On the other side, in the Shen mansion, the Imperial Physician from the Palace finally came.

The oncoming person was wearing white and holding a folding fan. If he were not carrying a medical box, he would seem like some gentle and warm gentleman of some noble house. He did not seem to be here to save someone but more like coming here to appreciate flowers.

However, this was the young Imperial Physician from the Palace, Gao Yang.

Luo Xue Yan and Shen Xin had looks of doubts on their faces. Even though Gao Yang's medical skills were commendable in the Palace, those who went for treatments were all the consorts and females who often like elegant exterior with no substance. One would not know if it was because Gao Yang looked good that everyone praised him or for his medical skills. As for medical professionals, everyone would have an image in which those that were older would have remarkable medical techniques and those younger ones only had some inconsequential knowledge.

Shen Xin had not expected that the Imperial Physician who was invited from the Palace would be Gao Yang and momentarily was unable to decline him. If they were to invite again, then, there would be a significant delay of time.

This rumoured Imperial Physician Gao understood the affairs of life. Since he was invited by others, he walked exuberantly to the unconscious Luo Tan to take her pulse.

Everyone's gazes were on him. After a while, Gao Yang then shook his head and sighed, "Breathing is weak, the pulse is in disorder, the wound is very deep which impacted the lungs and even lost a lot of blood. Difficult."

Luo Xue Yan immediately said, "Another quack doctor. Qiu-er, go and take your Fùqīn's tally to invite a doctor over."

"Wait." Gao Yang said unhappily, "I am only saying it is difficult and did not say that the condition is serious and cannot be treated. You all had invited me to do a house visit and now look for another doctor. General Shen, what is the meaning of this?"

"You really can save Biǎomèi?" Shen Qiu took a step forward and asked.

"If there is any more delay, there would be no use even if one were to step in." Gao Yang said.

"Alright." Shen Xin said, "Do not suspect people one can use, a suspect cannot be used. I trust you. If Imperial Physician Gao can cure Tan-er, the Shen family will definitely reward handsomely."

Gao Yang laughed and said, "One dare not. One dare not. A healer has the hearts of parents, so, money is not needed. Luo Gūniáng is at death's door and one cannot delay any more. This humble one will first apply acupuncture on Luo Gūniáng. May everyone wait outside."

Luo Xue Yan was still somewhat hesitant but Shen Xin had already headed out. He had travelled extensively and knew that some people with ability would have some weird habits. Moreover, medical skills were something that would not be passed down externally, so he thought that Gao Yang was afraid to be seen by others.

Shen Qiu and Luo Ling also followed closely behind Shen Xin. When Luo Xue Yan saw this, no matter how worried she was, she could only follow out.

When only Gao Yang and the unconscious Luo Tan were left in the room, Gao Yang put his medical box down and mumbled to himself as he opened it up, "What does all this have to do with me? Now I have become the person who needs to put in the effort."

He took out a clothed bag and spread it out, displaying dozens of golden needles of different sizes and shapes.

Gao Yang said, "Never mind fawning over Shen Miao, now you moved one to have to please the family members." He shook his head and reached out to untie Luo Tan's clothes and said resignedly, "Apologies for offending. This one does not wish to do so and if one wants someone to be accountable for it, then go to Rui Wáng's residence and look for that one with the mask."

Time passed very quickly and two days went by in succession.

In two days, that Imperial Physician from the Palace really demonstrated his outstanding medical skills. When all the Physicians were overwhelmed, Gao Yang only inserted two acupuncture needles, and let others feed Luo Tan two bowls of medication, Luo Tan's breathing gradually calmed down and her pulse was much more robust than before. If any other physician took a look, they would at least say that a life was saved.

Changing from being initially sceptical about Gao Yang, Luo Xue Yan honoured Gao Yang as a valuable and honoured guest. Because of fear that Luo Tan's condition would repeat, Gao Yan had to complete the acupuncture treatment twice before it was considered finish. Thus, Luo Xue Yan let Gao Yang stay in the Shen Mansion so that it was more convenient for him to check up on Luo Tan's condition on a daily basis.

Luo Tan's condition was stabilised but at Shen Miao's end, there was no good news at all.

When Emperor Wen Hui knew of the matter, he was furious. Not mentioning the prejudice of Shen Xin, someone dared to kidnap an official's Di-daughter at the feet of the Heaven's Son, especially when the Qin and Great Liang had not left, it was a clear indication that traitors were creating chaos and the common people were unable to work and live in peace. Thus, he was consenting to Shen Xin's great fanfare search for his daughter.

But even digging three feet into Ding Capital City, one was unable to discover Shen Miao's whereabouts.

It was as if those people had disappeared into thin air. All the commoner's households were searched through one by one, and if one were to continue searching, then, one could only search the officials' residences of Ding Capital City. But the relationships between officials were complicated, one carelessness would lead to great chaos, so Emperor Wen Hui was not willing.

Thus, this became a stalemate situation. The soldiers patrolled the streets all day, and even though the public security of Ding Capital City had improved a lot, for the Shen family, it was equivalent to lighting a fire in their hearts and they were even more anxious.

In the study of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An, Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao were chatting.

Xie Chang Wu said, "The Shen family is watching too tightly, we have no ways of moving Shen Miao out. If this carries on, Ming An Gōngzhǔ will start to push the blame down."

In fact, Princess Ming An was already angry. Although the Xie brothers succeeded in kidnapping Shen Miao, Princess Ming An's hatred on Shen Miao had ingrained deep into her bones and she could not wait to see Shen Miao fall into prostitution today, and into a life that she could neither live nor die. Who knew that because of Shen Xin's great fanfare search, Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao dared not act rashly, and kept Shen Miao hidden in the secret chamber of the residence of the Marquis of Lin An. With Princess Ming An's impetuous personality, how would she be patient? Early today morning, she sent someone over to warn Xie Chang Wu that if he did not move Shen Miao out, the deal before would be invalid.

With Shen Xin's subordinates searching and taking stock of each household search in front, and with Princess Ming An pushing without caring of rights and wrongs of the matter, no matter how shrewd Xie Chang Wu was, it was unavoidable to have a headache.

"Èrgē must not be anxious. No matter how much Shen Xin checks, let us first ensure that we are not exposed." Xie Chang Chao said.

"I am not in a hurry but Ming An Gōngzhǔ's side is pressing." When Xie Chang Wu said till that, he could not help but complain, "She did not think that at such a time if there were any flaws, she would also be unable to escape?"

"Alright." Xie Chang Chao said, "Gōngzhǔ only wants to see Shen Miao being humiliated by others. Even if we are unable to move Shen Miao out, one would be able to send people in. For the residence of the Marquis of Lin An to recruit some rough servants, it would not be illegal or suspicious."

Xie Chang Wu was dazed for a moment. It was correct. All Princess Ming An wanted to see was that someone would humiliate Shen Miao and now that the situation outside was tense, one was unable to move Shen Miao out, but it was possible to bring outsiders back and make Shen Miao into an exclusive consumption for others. Could this satisfy Princess Ming An?

"Sāndì." Xie Chang Wu said, "You had already thought about it."

"Today Fùqīn has a gathering with an official of the Ministry of Revenue and if both of us were absent at the same time, it would arouse suspicions in others." Xie Chang Chao said, "Èrgē, you go first, and I will let the Māmā in charge buy some people before reporting it to Gōngzhǔ."

These days because of the matter of confining Shen Miao, both of them had declined many social interactions that Xie Ding had rarely arranged. If this continued, it would be just too abnormal. Xie Chang Chao said, "I understand. Sāndì, you must be even more careful and not leave anything for others to leverage."

Xie Chang Chao complied. After Xie Chang Wu left, Xie Chang Chao took the secret chamber's key out from his sleeves, and a trace of a weird light appeared in his eyes.

Shen Miao had stayed in the secret room for two days and although she did not know how long had passed, from the number of times the meals were sent over, she was able to guess it. Her heart could not help but sink. It had been two days and these people did not even touch her and that meant that Shen Xin's actions were just too huge. But even with such a huge fanfare, no one was able to search till here, that meant that the leverages that the Xie brothers mentioned were correct, it was difficult for anyone to think about this place.

Just as she was thinking, she heard someone coming in from outside who pushed open the doors.

In the dim light, the other person looked straight into Shen Miao's gaze, and was first startled for a moment before smiling, "These few days you were feigning sleep so why are you not faking it today?"

Xie Chang Chao had some similar features as Xie Chang Wu, but upon comparing Xie Chang Wu's ability to endure silently, he was more impatient. At this moment, he walked nearer to Shen Miao and had seen that she already ate half of the clear water and rice before slicking her tongue. He then said very regretfully, "Not only Gōngzhǔ Diànxià, I too really want to see how a Gūniáng would eat like a dog. Why did you not wait for me?"

Shen Miao looked at him coldly.

For a moment, Shen Miao felt that she was able to understand why Xie Jing Xing would hate these two Shu younger brothers, as they were just like Shen Qing and Shen Yue. Shen Qing and Shen Yue still wanted to conceal their evil hearts but Xie Chang Wu and Xie Chang Chao looked just like villains and did not even disguise their malicious words.

Seeming being angered by Shen Miao's gaze, Xie Chang Chao violently held Shen Miao's chin and forced her to look at him. Xie Chang Chao said, "Shen Xiǎojiě still does not know that now General Shen and Shen Fūrén are still searching for your whereabouts in the entire Ding capital city with ten thousand gold taels as a reward but it is unfortunate that no one had claimed it yet. You say, if I send you out, would one be able to get that ten thousand gold taels?"

Shen Miao did not speak.

"It is a pity that I am working for others and naturally cannot let you off so easily." Xie Chang Chao smiled again, "Do not worry, from today onwards, your days would be slightly better. Gōngzhǔ Diànxià planned to sell you to the lowest-ranked brothel, but unfortunately, General Shen is watching tightly; thus, we can only bring the brothel to the Marquis' residence."

Shen Miao's gaze got slightly heavier.

Seeming extremely satisfied with Shen Miao's reaction, Xie Chang Chao got closer to Shen Miao and was almost beside her ears whispering in a weird low voice, "In the morning, I had instructed the Māmā in charge to recruit some rough men, particularly those strong vulgar ones. You say, after tonight, would you have the energy to glare at me?"

Shen Miao's eyes hung down but she was secretly holding onto the hooked hairpin in her hands. These two days she has not been idle and with unimaginable perseverance, she managed to wear off the ropes that bound her hands and feet. She reckoned that at the moment the ropes at her feet were only connected slightly and would have severed after a little struggle. At that time, she would use the hairpin to stab Xie Chang Chao's eyes.

The roads of the world were walked by oneself. The so-called dead-ends were only considered so when one did not have the courage to try.

Xie Chang Chao said, "But I am not willing to hand over such a delicate little beauty to others. A fine and tender Di-daughter of an official." He had emphasised heavily on the two words 'Di-daughter' and smiled, "It would be better for me first to have a taste."

"In the beginning, Xie Jing Xing, that little bastard seemed to treat you differently." Xie Chang Chao's smile became uncouth, "I have been xiōngdì with him for over ten years and understood his character. One fear that the relationship between you and him was not normal. Why? Was Shen Xiǎojiě, Xie Jing Xing's mistress?"

Xie Chang Chao's words had become so horrible to listen to that even Shen Miao displayed a bit of anger. However, this anger seemed to have pleased Xie Chang Chao as he laughed out, "It is alright if you were his mistress. That little bastard had suppressed us xiōngdì in the residence of the Marquis of Lin An for so many years; there would not be any disadvantage when I slept with his woman." He laughed wickedly, "Shen Xiǎojiě should thank me. By having your first time given to a Shàoyé like me is better than with those farmers that are rolling in the mud. After going through with them, you will then know what a beast truly is."

He violently jerked up Shen Miao's head and his thumb caressed Shen Miao's face. The somewhat intoxicated look that appeared on his face, made one feel disgusted.

Shen Miao's gaze was calm but she was scheming when she would stab an eye of Xie Chang Chao and how she would be able to stab the other. Let us see how he could run away after stabbing both his eyes out!

Xie Chang Chao's eyes slightly cleared up. His face suddenly got serious as he looked towards Shen Miao and said, "Why are you not afraid?"

Shen Miao stared at him.

Xie Chang Chao's face was serious and seemed to be unhappy with her unresponsiveness, "Why are you not afraid? Are you waiting for someone to save you?"

Shen Miao said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Xie Chang Chao suddenly leapt and Shen Miao was not in time to avoid him and was thrown onto the ground. This time, she no longer cared about anything as her hands and legs were struggling to break the ropes apart. Before she could have time to pull out the hairpin in her hands, Xie Chang Chao started to bite randomly on her body. It was like he had gotten insane as he started to mouth off randomly, "Who are you waiting for? Could it be that dead Xie Jing Xing?"

Shen Miao felt the hairpin while struggling, and just as Xie Chang Chao turned towards her while burying his face in Shen Miao's neck and was about to tear her clothes apart, Shen Miao's gaze became cold, raised her hands and was about to stab his back.

But when her gaze swept across the door, her hands paused.

"Do you think that Xie Jing Xing will come and save you?!" Xie Chang Chao roared, "That little bastard was already skinned and beheaded that there were not even any bones leftover."

A calm and majestic voice with a slight irritation lightly sounded in the empty secret chambers.
