Returning Back

The residence of the General in the Ding capital city was originally decorated with bright colours and from the outsiders' view, it was admirable. Whenever the residence of the General was brought up, everyone would first recall about the sweat and blood contributions, and the bravery of the Formidable Great General.

However, ever since the separation of the Eldest household and the Shen family, and being removed from the Shen's clan records, the General residence quickly declined. Even though Shen Gui and Shen Wan tried to support the formal glory of the General residence with their careers, unfortunately, the route of civil and military officials was different. Civil officials depended on their brains and mouth, and if one wanted to achieve meritorious services, it would take a much longer time. It was however different from military officials, after fighting a battle and cutting off a few enemy heads, one would be admired by ten thousands of people.

After the decline of the General residence, even though there was still a name, people do not pay as close attention as before. However, these days it easily caught others' attention, but good things did not get out of the door but instead, bad things spread out to thousands of Li (1 Li = 500m). The matter that made others discuss the most was this matter. One did not know when, but there was a rumour that was spreading in the marketplace, it was that the Master of the Third Household of the Shen family was planning to divorce his wife.

Among the three sons of the Shen family, besides Shen Xin, even though Shen Gui was smooth and evasive, he was too lustful, thus he did things unclearly. Shen Wan was however different from his Second Older Brother, he had a clean record and was not considered lustful towards females. Even though he would play along with his colleagues, he would not make a mess of things. He was one who very much cherished his feathers thus in the eyes of the people, he was one who had reached a high level of emotional maturity and was capable. If one were to wait a couple of years, most likely his position would be even higher.

The women of the official families had a good impression of Shen Wan. It was not because of anything else, but because Shen Wan was one that favoured and dotted his wife and daughter, and that there was not a single female in the inner courtyard. Those Fūréns of official families would all have some frustrating matters in their courtyard, and would always be envious of Chen Rou Qiu since it was not easy to encounter a husband who would only treat one person well.

Who knew that at this period, when Shen Yue was married, there would be a matter of divorcing between Shen Wan and Chen Rou Qiu.

Those who spread out in the marketplace all had eyes and ears, "Is not it so? One heard that it was because Shen Sān Fūrén does not have a son. You see, now there is no grandson in the Shen Residence, and one cannot just let the family line be cut off. Not mentioning that Shen Èr Lǎoyé had been bringing in concubines after concubines, after all, he once had two sons. However, the Third Household had never had a son before, thus it is no wonder they got anxious.

"Speaking of that, Shen Sān Lǎoyé is doing well in his career and with such a big family, it would be indeed a pity if there is no heir to inherit it."

"That Madam Chen's tummy failed to live up to expectations and had not given birth to sons for so many years. She still does not let her husband bring in concubines. This is really ill-mannered. There would not be such a thing in a commoner's family. If I am Shen Sān Lǎoyé, I will not be able to accept it too."

"To not even let one bring in a concubine. Ze. Such a jealous woman with no virtue and still not having a son, this can be one and only. Shen Sān Lǎoyé is pitiful."

The rumours in the entire Ding capital city were all standing at Shen Wan's side. Chen Rou Qiu was originally a talented lady from the Ding capital city and was extremely popular among the noble female's circle. But this time, no matter if it were the commoners or those women who once flattered or were close to her, they all inadvertently now accused her of wrongs. Perhaps because Chen Rou Qiu had been living too fortunately in the past that made people jealous, when the happiness was shattered, it would make others rejoice in her misfortune and throw stones.

In the Shen Residence, Chen Rou Qiu smashed the porcelain vase in front of her, and the vase became small debris and dregs that filled the entire floor. Chen Rou Qiu was unable to disperse the hate and smashed all the cups on the table onto the floor. Shi Qing and Hua Yi dared not even breathe loudly and let Chen Rou Qiu continue to make a fuss.

"Shameless! Shameless!" Chen Rou Qiu screamed, "That pair of adulterous couple had forced me into such a situation and it is my fault? Ridiculous! Stupid!"

The rumours outside were all disadvantages for Chen Rou Qiu, and since she was one who cared about her face so how would she be willing to let herself, a daughter of a scholarly family be called a shrew by others?

"It must have been that slut who said this nonsense outside." Chen Rou Qiu clenched her teeth and said. It was a moment of pique when she said to Shen Wan about the divorce letter and it was only to scare him. Who knew that this information was now known and spread out in the marketplace, and had pushed her and Shen Wan to the point where things could not be mitigated. The thing that made one's heart chill the most, was that Shen Wan had never taken a look at her till now.

"It must be that slut that urged Lǎoyé!" Chen Rou Qiu's nails were deeply dug into her palm. Old Shen Fūrén was currently deliberately promoting Chang Zai Qing to go against her. Currently, one did not know where Shen Yue went and Shen Wan was confused by Chang Zai Qing. The Shen Residence was so big, but there was no one that stood by her. One fear that in the entire Ding capital city, the person that was in the wrong was her. Chen Rou Qiu felt as though she was a lone general fighting a battle.

"Fūrén, currently, Old Fūrén has passed on the order, so what can we do next?" Hua Yi finally asked.

Either let Chang Zai Qing come in like this or let Shen Wan write a divorce letter. No matter which one it was, Chen Rou Qiu would not be able to accept it. But she was indeed powerless in the Shen Residence.

The love that she had for Shen Wan had turned into hate at this moment. She suddenly stood up and laughed coldly, "How would there be such an easy thing in the world? The Shen family is insulting me so I would still need to take it? Pack up, I want to return to the Chen family!"


Chen Rou Qiu had returned to her maiden family.

The Old Master of the Chen family was a document official of the administrative division, who was in charge of repairing all the big and small books in Ming Qi's Palace. Because it was a civil role and one had to read widely, Chen Rou Qiu, thus, was able to grow up with books. Moreover, when Old Master Chen was young, he was then a JieYuan (first place candidate in the provincial Imperial examinations) and had some capabilities.

There were some meanings of an alliance between the Chen and Shen families when Chen Rou Qiu married Shen Wan. Of course, in the beginning, it was Shen Wan that selected Chen Rou Qiu. Even though Old Master Chen was not one who shielded his shortcomings, he paid great attention to family reputation, especially, putting off a lofty and arrogant appearance was the same with Chen Rou Qiu. Thus, if Chen Rou Qiu was divorced, it would destroy their reputation, making Old Master Chen very unhappy. The Chen and Shen family were destined to have an unclear lawsuit.

When Shen Miao heard all these from Jing Zhe, she was reading under the lamp. Jing Zhe said, "Currently, Sān Fūrén has returned to her maiden family, and definitely will not let the matter rest. If they found out that the rumours were released by Xiǎojiě… What will happen?"

The rumours that were flowing around the marketplace were not spread by Chang Zai Qing, nor Shen Wan and definitely not Old Shen Fūrén. It was Shen Miao.

Shen Miao had lived together with the Third Household for an entire life, and knew that even though Chen Rou Qiu was pretentious, arrogant and loved Shen Wan deeply, she was not stupid. Upon discovering Shen Wan's and Chang Zai Qing's adulterous affair, she would definitely be furious and difficult to calm down and would do impulsive things but afterwards, after much thought, she would put up a grievance appearance in front of Shen Wan. Shen Wan would think about the long relationship with Chen Rou Qiu and would soften. At that time, when Chang Zai Qin entered the household, it would not be known if Chen Rou Qiu or Chang Zai Qing would die in the fight. After all, Chen Rou Qiu would not be defeated that easily.

It would be better to let some rumours out and cause the anger in Chen Rou Qiu's heart to grow and add more fuel to the fire with regards to Shen Wan's relationship, and it would then reach an irreconcilable stage. A female's heart of vengeance was scary and it would be much more interesting when events were provoked. Chen Rou Qiu indeed became so anxious that she returned to her maiden family.

To take this step, it would be very difficult to return. There would be a rift in the other person's heart and only a novel would only be able to put back a shattered mirror. Shen Miao felt that during her past life she was unable to see things clearly when she was in the Inner Palace, but now after changing a perspective and watching as an outsider, it was very clear in a glance. To play with others in the palm of your hands, even if the person was one's enemy, her mood was not that good. Perhaps, it was because she would have thought that when Mei Fūrén looked at her, was it the same as the way she was looking at Chen Rou Qiu?

"Do not worry." She then responded after pausing for a while, "It is not that easy to detect." She handed the matter over to Feng Xian Pawnshop to do it and since money was accepted, Ji Yu Shu would definitely organise things properly. Feng Xian Pawnshop had done so many years of business in the Ding capital, thus they would understand this small thing.

Thus, Jing Zhe did not speak more. Seeing that the windows were not closed, she stood up to close them and said as she walked over, "Why does Gu Yu keep forgetting to close the windows all day? The weather is so cold and the cold wind will blow in. What if Xiǎojiě catches a cold?"

"Wait." Shen Miao stopped her and glanced at the window, "Let the air ventilate first since the room is stuffy. I will close them myself a while later."

The room was bright so how was it stuffy? Even though Jing Zhe was a little suspicious in her heart when she saw Shen Miao's resolute appearance, she did not speak. She then helped Shen Miao cut the wick of the lamp before saying, "May Xiǎojiě rest early."

Jing Zhe retreated out.

Shen Miao was staring at the slightly wavering candlelight and was about to get up and walk towards the couch. Halfway there, the candlelight flickered violently.

A familiar voice sounded and it had the indolent banter that one had not heard for a long time, "Deliberately opened the door for me so why go to sleep?"

Shen Miao turned back and the youth propped himself against the window as one hand was supporting his chin and the pair of peach blossoms eyes looked over inattentively. It was indolent yet charming that even the dark night was unable to let others ignore his brilliance. He saw Shen Miao being slightly startled and in a flash, entered the room and naturally took the lamp from Shen Miao hands and walked over to the stools to sit down.

Such smooth actions, as if one had entered one's own room.

"You returned?" Shen Miao asked.

"Oh?" Xie Jing Xing stared at her and said with a smile but not a smile, "Why? Miss me?"

Shen Miao was already accustomed to his contemptuous words thus she simply ignored him. Xie Jing Xing went to sit down on the stool by himself and raised his eyebrows, "You did well on Chen Rou Qiu's matter."

Shen Miao rolled her eyes, "And you know it again." Xie Jing Xing's informants spread throughout the Ding capital city, moreover, Ji Shu Yu of the Feng Xian Pawnshop has some relations with Xie Jing Xing. Shen Miao instructed Ji Yu Shu to spread rumours at this end, and one fear that at the other end Ji Yu Shu would have told Xie Jing Xing. Now Shen Miao did not even care about it.

"No wonder when Chang Zai Qing came to Ding capital city initially, you put up such an attitude." Xie Jing Xing spoke to himself before glancing at Shen Miao again. It was unclear if his voice was in admiration or sighing as he said in half-truths, "Truly vicious."

Shen Miao declined to comment. Xie Jing Xing seemed to have thought of something and took out a box from somewhere one did not know of and threw it onto Shen Miao's arms.

Shen Miao was almost crushed by the little box. She only felt that the little box was rather heavy and took a good look at it. She saw that there was a large tiger carving on the surface of the box. The tiger head looked alive and was somewhat charmingly naive, however, the baring of fangs and brandishing of claws were rather fierce. She remembered the white tiger, 'Jiao Jiao', that Xie Jing Xing was raising and she endured the anger in her heart and opened the little box.

As soon as it was opened, one was almost blinded by the brilliant colours of the things inside the box. The heavy box was filled to the brim with exquisite and luxurious jewellery. Not to mention that it was a full box of jewellery, just one of it was worth a lot of money. Why was Xie Jing Xing gifting her jewellery without any rhyme or reason? Shen Miao then looked at him and shook her head, "I do not need jewellery."

Xie Jing Xing said, "These are all valuable and hard to come by. You are in any case a lady, what is wrong in buying jewellery?"

Shen Miao thought about it, "Perhaps one can pawn them at the Feng Xian Pawnshop."

Xie Jing Xing choked on her words and raised his brows and asked, "You are short on money?"

"It is always a good thing to have more money. There are so many places where money is required to put things in order. As time passes, it would be difficult to be tight with it." Shen Miao said frankly. Now, in front of Xie Jing Xing, she was not as vigilant as before, thus she said it as it was. Anyways, Xie Jing Xing's means and methods extend across Heavens and even if she did not tell him some matter, he would be able to find it out, so why the trouble of hiding and concealing?

When Xie Jing Xing heard this, he took out a square rounded jade tally from his sleeves, "This is the tally for Jin Yu Private Bank. With this, one can withdraw however much money one wants." He casually threw it to Shen Miao and said with some displeasure, "Do not keep being so bad in foresight."

Shen Miao, "…" In any case, she was a person who had been an Empress and seen a lot of gold and treasures, even when she was young she had cultivated that vulgar taste for shiny things by the Second and Third households to afterwards in the Palace or in the Qin country. She, after all, had a lot of insights but now Xie Jing Xing said that she had 'no foresight', this was really somewhat uncomfortable. However… She held the jade tally up. One did not know what kind of jade was used for this jade tally that is so translucent and upon touching, the coldness seeps into one's bones. Shen Miao knew that Xie Jing Xing would not lie and that this jade tally really could withdraw money from Jin Yu Private Bank. It was just that Jin Yu Private Bank was the biggest bank in the Ming Qi, that even the Imperial family would even have some dealings there. Currently, Xie Jing Xing was a person of Great Liang and could even have such a thing in his possession. He was really too deep.

Shen Miao returned the jade tally to Xie Jing Xing, "No reward if it is not deserved."

Xie Jing Xing stared at her interested, "Really has a backbone." He nodded his head as a gesture to Shen Miao to look at that small box, "That is not a piece of ordinary jewellery. Take a look again."

Shen Miao was somewhat sceptical and picked up a pair of rings. The jade used was of a good grade that would be one of a good item if placed in a jewellery shop. Shen Miao took a look and seemed to feel the pair of rings was somewhat strange and touched it. There was actually a hidden button. She lifted her head and looked towards Xie Jing Xing, "What is this?"

Xie Jing Xing smiled, "Concealed weapon."

"Concealed weapon?" Shen Miao fiddled with the hidden button and unconsciously wanted to press it but she was suddenly stopped by Xie Jing Xing. Immediately afterwards, Xie Jing Xing stood up and stood behind her. His arms went around her shoulders as he taught her how to use the pair of jade rings.

"There are needles placed here and one fear that poison needles would harm one's own people, thus when normal people are shot, they will only be unconscious for a while. It is only effective within three Cun (modern: inch) so do not release it arbitrarily."

"There is powdered poison in the hairpin which would blind when the hairpin is pulled out. This can be used when one encounters a bandit."

"A blade is hidden in the bracelet, pull it apart and it is a small knife. If others tie you up in ropes, this knife can be used to cut the ropes."

"The treasure earrings are a whistle. In case of an emergency, use it to whistle. My people are all over in the Ding capital city, thus, if there is danger, they will rush over to save you…"

He elaborated and explained each one to Shen Miao, and there was not the usually indolent or frivolous manner of speaking. His gaze was especially serious and his long lashes were enough to make others feel moved. His hands were long and fair and with his peach blossoms eyes that looked at Shen Miao as if they were as invigorating as spring water.

Shen Miao felt somewhat warm.

The windows were clearly opened but there was some stuffiness in the room. When he leaned and looked over with his head lowered, Shen Miao was almost leaning against his chest and there was a fine layer of sweat on her back. She looked over to the side and her eyes met with Xie Jing Xing's slightly upturned beautiful lips that seemed to be always smiling. Shen Miao seemed to have become scalded by them and turned away.

Xie Jing Xing discovered that she was slightly distracted and he became somewhat dissatisfied. He knocked her head, "Concentrate."

Shen Miao moved a little forward in her seat, slightly further away from him and pretended to be calm, "Had already seen it and I remembered. I will just practice in the future."

The corner of Xie Jing Xing's lips curved up, "Did not you say you do not want?"

Shen Miao turned her head, "You remembered wrongly."

This turn of her head almost made her bump onto Xie Jing Xing because he was initially looking down at her. Shen Miao was slightly startled and her cheeks became red instantly.

This youth's brows were so handsome that it was ridiculous (Zaza: You are ridiculous for writing that). Usually, there was some frivolous air, but when he used that part of beautiful eyes to look at you, the entire world had become springtime and blooming red flowers filled the entire city, making it unbelievably romantic.

Xie Jing Xing chuckled, his voice was as mellow as wine and made one feel a little intoxicated. He reached his hands out and pushed aside some loose hair on Shen Miao's face, as he carefully stared into Shen Miao's eyes before half innocently and half curiously asked, "Why are you blushing?"

Shen Miao stood up suddenly and took two steps before speaking with her back towards Xie Jing Xing, "The room is too stuffy."

"Because one feels there should be no reward if it is not deserved?" Xie Jing Xing said without a care, "Easy. Then make some pastries." After finishing he remembered something, "I have done so much but cannot exchange for it and someone did not do anything but could get it. This is really frustrating."

"What?" Shen Miao did not understand what Xie Jing Xing's words meant but she saw that Xie Jing Xing had already stood up, "Nevermind. Today, one only came to gift you concealed weapons. These things are all suitable for killing people and one thinks that it is suitable to your liking."

Shen Miao really wanted to object but afterwards felt that Xie Jing Xing's words were indeed right. She was living on the pointed side of the blade, and everything that she did was extremely dangerous. If there was a day where the Shen family could not protect her, she could only protect herself.

This entire box of concealed weapons that looked like jewellery was considered precious to her. Xie Jing Xing was indeed one who knew her well. Thinking that one had treated Xie Jing Xing as an adversary before, what Pei Lang said in the previous lifetime was correct, the opponent was the one that understood oneself the most.

Xie Jing Xing suddenly thought about something and said, "Do you know the whereabouts of Shen Yue?"

Shen Yue? Shen Miao shook her head. She had informants in the Shen Residence and knew that Shen Yue had run away and her whereabouts were currently unknown. Chen Rou Qiu's people were unable to find Shen Yu till now, and Shen Miao herself also sent people out to look for the whereabouts of Shen Yue, but all of them returned without any achievements. Shen Miao was also suspicious. Even though the Ding capital city is big, how could one be unable to find a person? Moreover, Shen Yue was a delicate female, so how could she survive outside for a few days?

"You know where Shen Yue is?" Shen Miao asked.

Xie Jing Xing said, "She is in the residence of the Qin's Tàizǐ."

After Xie Jing Xing left, Shen Miao pressed her forehead before sitting back on the couch. The few candles were almost burned out.

Shen Yue actually went to the residence of the Qin's Prince and built a connection with Huangfu Hao. In this lifetime, in the unseen world, she had changed the direction of a lot of things. For example, Shen Yue's fate, now that Shen Yue had entered the residence of the Qin's Prince, no one was able to expect what kind of changes there would be in the future.

Shen Miao rubbed her chest and caught sight of that small box. When she stretched her hand out to bring it over and picked a pair of jade rings out. The greenness of the rings made her wrist look so fair like a painting. It was originally a piece of ice-cold jewellery but Shen Miao felt that it was somewhat hot, just like the youth's gaze.

She frantically kneaded her hair and closed the little box but inadvertently saw that there laid a jade tally beside the box.

Tally for Jin Yu Private Bank…

She had returned it to Xie Jing Xing, but one did not know when he threw it there. It seemed that he deliberately did it. One had not seen anyone just hand over such a large amount of money to others, and Shen Miao felt sympathetic for Emperor Yong Le of Great Liang.

After keeping the jade tally properly, Shen Miao shook her head and thought that it was better for her to return this thing to Xie Jing Xing when she encountered him.


In the residence of the Qin's Crown Prince, it was late in the evening and there was a female sitting in front of the mirror.

That female was at her most wondrous age and was considered a delicate beauty, especially the air of a scholar that oozed out of her body. At the moment, she was wearing snow-white mid-clothes and facing the mirror. She was clearly a flowerlike beauty, but her expression was somewhat hidden and dark.

This person was not someone else but Shen Yue, who was missing from the Shen Residence for many days.

Shen Yue had never thought that there would be a day, where she would have some relationship with the Crown Prince of the Qin country. Initially, she had planned to run away and go to the residence of Prince Ding. Fu Xiu Yi was warm and a gentleman, and she was the Di-daughter of the Third Household of the Shen family, thus, because of a colleague's relations, Fu Xiu Yi would not sit back and ignore her. Moreover, she was beautiful and naturally friendly with talents in poetry and painting, even if one was made of stone, they would also be moved. At that time, she only needed to speak about her grievances in front of Prince Ding and gain his love and pity, she would be able to win over Prince Ding's heart.

However, she had never gone out of the residence alone and did not know the location of the residence of Prince Ding. She asked others for the location but because she feared that the servants of the Shen family would catch up, she had no choice but to run and hide as she moved along. There were always such people like this in the Ding capital city. They were either escaping from marriage or running away from home due to some mistakes they committed, but it was easy to be targeted when a female was alone. Shen Yue was also targeted.

The person that was onto her was a local gangster. Before she could find the residence of Prince Ding, something happened in a remote alley nearby. Those gangsters snatched her baggage and still wanted to dishonour her innocence. In desperation, she could only shout out that she was the niece of the Formidable Great General.

Even though she was not resigned, Shen Yue knew it clearly in her heart. Her father's name was not as resounding as Shen Xin's. Especially after Shen Xin's return to the Ding capital city and that he gained a heavy responsibility from Emperor Wen Hui, that did not fall short from those previous. Compared to shouting Shen Wan, it would be more deterring to shout out Shen Xin's name.

As a result, someone walked by and heard her shouting and took action to save her. It was only later when Shen Wan then knew that that person was from the residence of the Qin's Prince.

Afterwards, Shen Yue saw Huangfu Hao.

Shen Yue only saw Huangfu Hao once during the tribute banquet, and as the other person's identity was much higher ranked and nobility, she did not dare to overstep the bounds of what was proper. This time, she thought that Huangfu Hao helped out while passing, but so Shen Yue went over to say her thanks. Who knew that Huangfu Hao was not the least interested in her. To be exact, he was interested in Shen Miao and asked Shen Yue a lot of things about Shen Miao.

Shen Yue thought that Huangfu Hao probably took a liking to Shen Miao and her heart was very jealous. No matter what, Huangfu Hao was a Crown Prince of the Qin country and would be the Emperor one day. If Shen Miao and Huangfu Hao were together and if Shen Miao became the Crown Prince's consort, then she would be the Empress of the Qin country. Even if Shen Miao was a Cèfēi (aka Secondary Consort), she would become a Guìfēi (Noble Concubine). No matter the case, she would be noble and there would be endless wealth.

Therefore, Shen Yue said a lot of bad things about Shen Miao. She slowly and faintly discernibly revealed how talentless and scheming Shen Miao was. Indeed, after Shen Yue finish speaking, she then saw that Huangfu Hao's expression was not good. This made Shen Yue delighted.

Huangfu Hao had intended to send Shen Yue back, but she heard about the fact that Shen Wan wanted to divorce Chen Rou Qiu and in a rage, Chen Rou Qiu returned to her maiden family. When Shen Yue first heard this, she was unable to restrain her anger for a moment and intended to return to the residence to seek justice for her mother. However when she was about to leave she thought about it again. If she were to return like this, she would definitely be married to Wang Bi as a Píngqī by Shen Wan. Currently, Shen Wan and Old Shen Fūrén were still angry about the matter of the exchanging of brides between Shen Yue and Shen Dong Ling, she would definitely suffer.

No matter how Shen Yue thought, she was unable to find a better idea and was also not willing to just watch as Chen Rou Qiu was at a disadvantage. One had to know that once Chen Rou Qiu was divorced, even her position as a Di-daughter would be implicated and one feared that there would not be a foothold for her in the Shen Residence. Shen Yue has lots of resentment with Shen Wan and Old Shen Fūrén, so now, she is not reconcilable.

At the very end, she thought of a method.

Huangfu Hao was the Crown Prince of the Qin Country and held great powers, thus, if Huangfu Hao took action, perhaps everything would be much simpler.

And she just needed to fawn over Huangfu Hao.

She must stay in the residence of the Qin's Prince to avoid being found and made use of by the Shen family.