
The little red birthmark on Chang Zai Qing's hidden place was something that a normal person would not be able to see. But what kind of person was Shen Wan? If he believed these unfounded words that easily then he would not have been able to survive so many years in court as an official. He swept a look at the letter that had indicated that the father and son had entered Ding Capital City and were living in a commoner's place in the Eastern part of the city. The letter even indicated the address. Shen Wan shredded the letter quickly and said to the servant beside him, "Prepare the horse."

Shen Wan would not believe a stranger's letter but also could not believe Chang Zai Qing without reservations. It would be better for him to see it for himself.

When the horse carriage reached the house at the Eastern part of the city as was indicated on the letter, Shen Wan did not get down of the carriage but rather hid in it before instructing his servants to knock on the doors.

The one that opened the doors was a young boy. Because the boy was too thin, there was a little less childlike innocence in his eyes and more maturity so that he looked like a young male. When Shen Wan saw the boy's face, he drew in a sudden breath of cold air.

At that moment, Shen Wan knew that what was said in the letter was real. There was no other reason except that this boy looked very much like Chang Zai Qing. Even the space between the brows was very similar. However, compared to Chang Zai Qing's bright and frank semblance, this child was weak and inferior. No matter what, he also had similar facial features.

The Chang family had no other grandchild, thus, it was not possible for this to be Chang Zai Qing's younger brother. Shen Wan's servant also jumped in shock when he saw this boy's appearance but he still followed Shen Wan's instruction and asked, "Xiǎo xiōngdì, do you know where Chang Zai Qing is?"

That boy gave him a wary look, "What do you want to do with my Niáng?"

Shen Wan closed his eyes.

Without a doubt, what the letter mentioned was the truth. Chang Zai Qing indeed had a husband and son in Liu Province. It was just that one did not know why this was concealed so well. That servant exchanged a few more sentences with the boy before returning to Shen Wan and asking Shen Wan carefully, "Lǎoyé?"

"Investigate." Shen Wan said with a gasping breath, "Send people to Liu Province to investigate the ins and outs of Chang Zai Qing. It is compulsory to investigate everything very clearly."

The reason why Shen Wan appreciated Chang Zai Qing was because Chang Zai Qing had a gentle temperament and was talented, moreover, she was now pregnant with his child. But if Chang Zai Qing really had a husband and child in Liu Province, then this would become a joke. He had fed other's wife and was still immeasurably satisfied with it; and since Chang Zai Qing had abandoned her husband and child, she was not as gentle as she seemed on the surface. Shen Wan was actually very picky on certain aspects; on one side, he hoped that his wife was able to manage the household well, and on the other side, hoped that the other party would maintain a fairy-like air. As for everything that happened today, it was as if Chang Zai Qing had become a different person at that moment and made Shen Wan feel disgusted.

In the following few days, Shen Wan seemed to be busy. Every day he would be out and even if he returned to the Shen Residence, he would head straight to the study. Thus, Chang Zai Qing did not get a chance to see him. Occasionally, when she would send some snacks to Shen Wan, he was not as intimate as before. Initially, Shen Wan's attitude made Chang Zai Qing restless but Shen Wan's personal servant told Chang Zai Qing that Shen Wan had accepted a task these days and was very busy, hence, he had no time for anything else. Only then was Chang Zai Qing relieved.

However, in actual fact, Shen Wan had received the letter he awaited for from Liu Province.

The content of this letter was exactly the same as the letter from the stranger. Chang Zai Qing had a husband originally and was considered an anecdote in the beginning. When Shen Wan finished reading the letter, he became so angry that he almost flipped the table. The Guì Qiè that he brought in was another's wife and now the other party's husband and child were in the Ding Capital City. Once this was discovered, one feared that one would become a joke for the entire Ding Capital City; not to mention the censors who would take the opportunity to criticise him.

It would be alright if this was only the case but because he divorced Chen Rou Qiu due to taking in Chang Zai Qing, he had made enemies with the Chen family. Now, when it spread out, one would say that he had treated a fish's eye as a pearl. Feelings of regret started to faintly appear in Shen Wan's heart. Admittedly, it was true that Chang Zai Qing was carrying his child but he had also buried his future career because of Chang Zai Qing. Between love and power, he, in the end, would value power more. Moreover, how would Shen Wan forget that the female sleeping by his side was another's wife,

His gaze became solemn for a moment and just as he was about to give out instructions, he saw one of his servants rush in and yelled, "Lǎoyé, something happened."

Shen Wan frowned and scolded, "What kind of propriety is such hurriedness?"

That servant tremblingly passed Shen Wan a letter and one did not know what had occurred but his eyes were somewhat evading.

Shen Wan looked suspiciously at that servant. This servant was one who often passed messages between his colleagues.

After reading two lines, Shen Wan's expression suddenly became extremely green. If one were to look seriously, one could discover it also consisted of some fear.

In the Imperial Study, Emperor Wen Hui was furious.

He violently threw the report in his hands onto the ground. Emperor Wen Hui coldly sneered and the eunuchs by the side dared not even breathe loudly. Millions became corpses when an Emperor was angered. It was especially so that at this moment that one dared not bump to Emperor Wen Hui.

In the report, there were a series of items that indicated all the things that Shen Wan had done for the past few years and overall it seemed that it was nothing serious. After all, Emperor Wen Hui was one who fought in rain and blood with his brothers for power. But the report was written cleverly as each line highlighted the unusual relationship between Shen Wan and Fu Xiu Yi.

Amongst Emperor Wen Hui's nine sons, the more assuring ones were the Crown Prince and Prince Ding. The Crown Prince was legitimately born and he had weak health thus Emperor Wen Hui would unconsciously be relaxed with him. However, for Prince Ding, even though he was outstanding, he did not ask about court matters and in addition with Consort Dong Shu as a mother who was not one to fight or snatch, it made Emperor Wen Hui feel comfortable. All the hidden fights between the Princes were being watched by the Emperor and as long they were not overly excessive, he was one who enjoyed the situation where there were numerous mutual checks and balances. After one gained power, one would not be willing to put it down thus watching as his sons grew up and reached the fiercest age, Emperor Wen Hui also became vigilant.

What he hated most was the closeness between the Princes and officials. Although this was an unavoidable fact, as each of his sons had their own supporters. But when this was Prince Ding, a Prince who normally did not fight or snatch, Emperor Wen Hui found it somewhat unacceptable. On the contrary, his anger became worse than it had been in the past.

Fu Xiu Yi's previous attitude of doing as he liked and his uncaring of the affairs of the world had now become one word for Emperor Wen Hui. Pretence.

"Kill the chicken to warn the monkey." Emperor Wen Hui said solemnly, "Each and every one of you are treating Zhèn as a fool. Since this is the cause, then Zhèn will satisfy their wishes."

It was always a turmoil and temperamental during court as the Heavenly One pressed down on the government. If one had committed a crime, it would be lucky if one was demoted but most often many would implicate nine generations of the family in imprisonment and beheading.

Shen Wan was such a person.

A few days back, when the Shen and Chen families were fighting, one had thought that things would gradually smoothen down. However, who knew that suddenly a group of officials were sent to the Shen Residence for an arrest. The curious commoners enquired and heard that Shen Wan performed poorly and implicated the entire Shen Residence but the exact nature of the crime was not clear. However, the commoners were easy to coax as they believed it when it was said that he performed poorly. However, smart people could see that this matter was unusual. One had to know that even if performance was truly lacking, it would not implicate the entire residence. This was obviously the actions of a crime that would implicate nine generations of the family.

Those commoners who were passing by would look at the Shen Residence differently. Not only did they point and talk, but the conversation would also lead towards the Formidable Great General, Shen Xin. Two years ago, the Shen family wanted to split up with Shen Xin when he was in a desolate situation and afterwards, Shen Xin was struck off from the Shen family. One did not think that Shen Xin had gained blessing out of this misfortune and escaped from this calamity.

When these words were spread into Shen Miao's ears, Shen Miao only smiled without any care. Luo Tan clenched her fist tightly and said angrily, "This is the saying that 'it is not that things are not known but it is that the time has yet to arrive'. In the beginning, they tread all over Gūfū and Gūmǔ, and if they knew that they would end up like this, one fears that they would be so furious." (HidAnas: both author and Zaza actually used 大伯 Dà Bó and 伯母 Bómǔ but it did not make sense because Luo Tan is Shen Miao's maternal cousin. So, I changed it accordingly to the correct terms of Father's sister and Father's sister's wife (◕ᴥ◕) to keep the storyline correct...)

Luo Ling thought for a moment before shaking his head, "What crime did the Shen Sān Lǎoyé commit that warrants such great fanfare?"

Shen Miao said, "Since Bìxià mobilised so greatly, he must have behaved atrociously. This matter has nothing to do with us."

Luo Tan nodded her head, "Indeed. Let just wait and watch a good show."

Shen Qiu looked at Shen Miao in a melancholy mood and did not say anything. After Luo Ling and Luo Tan left, Shen Qiu did not leave and pulled Shen Miao into the room. Seeing that the doors were locked, he then asked Shen Miao, "Mèimèi, is the Shen family's matter your doing?"

Shen Miao did not know whether to laugh or cry, "Dàgē, why do you always hold me responsible for everything? Bìxià is the one dealing with ineffective people. I do not have the ability to interfere with Sānshū's work."

Shen Qiu's head somewhat ached and he pressed his forehead and said, "Mèimèi, Dàgē knows that you have some matters that you are unwilling to tell others. But the matters of the court are not as easy as you think. Sometimes, it looks like you are winning but perhaps there would be changes in the variables in the future and would implicate you instead."

He babbled on before Shen Miao said helplessly, "Dàgē, to tell you the truth, this matter has nothing to do with me. Shen Wan is imprisoned because Chen Rou Qiu stabbed him in the back. When Chen Rou Qiu and Shen Wan fought endlessly, did you think Chen Rou Qiu would take it lying down?"

This time it was Shen Qiu that was surprised as he asked, "Chen Rou Qiu?"

"Chen Rou Qiu, after all, lived with Shen Wan for so many years and knew about Shen Wan's matter like the back of her hand. If she were to really stab him at the back, it would be much easier than ordinary people." Shen Miao continued, "Shen Wan was harmed by the person by his pillow side and implicated the entire residence. What has it got to do with me?"

When Shen Qiu heard it, he first pondered about it carefully before looking at Shen Miao suspiciously, "How do you know of the matter so clearly?"

"I have been hoping all the time for them to be in misfortune, naturally one had sent people over to watch their every move." Shen Miao had mixed with Xie Jing Xing for too long that her words also consist of some sense of fearing nothing in Heavens or Earth.

Normally Shen Qiu would see Shen Miao with a dignified appearance; this was the first time seeing her being like this. One did not know why but he felt that this was somewhat familiar. He then shook his head and interrupted his wild imagination, "Even if one monitored them, this matter is too much of a coincidence." His eyes widened and he looked ridiculous, "Mèimèi, could it be that you are the one pushing the waves and adding to the billows behind the scenes?"

Shen Miao laughed, "It is whatever Dàgē thinks then. Anyways, I did not have a hand in those matters at all."

Shen Qiu's face crumbled, "Why is your courage this big? This is a matter that pierces through the skies."

Shen Miao interrupted him, "Why has Dàgē become so womanishly fussy? It is just a small matter. The Shen family deserves to fall to such a state. If Shen Wan had done his job well, how would others be able to catch his weakness? If he was in perfect harmony with Chen Rou Qiu, then how would one be provoked successfully? One first has to think of what one does wrong before pointing at others, correct?"

Shen Miao's words made Shen Qiu dumbstruck. It was not until he was sent out from the courtyard before Shen Qiu recovered himself. He smacked his head and recovered. Shen Miao was obviously twisting words and forcing on the logic. One did not know where she learned all these things, as it was just too daring of her to play with the Monarch and Officials on the palms of her hand, but she said as though she was innocent. Shen Qiu was surprised. When did Shen Miao learn all this confident nonsense? Moreover, one seemed to have seen these kinds of gestures and attitudes before.

In the room, after Shen Miao sent Shen Qiu off, she sat at the table with a sigh of relief.

Just now, the topic was broached. Emperor Wen Hui had a character of passing like the thunder and moving like the wind. Most likely, he was unable to tolerate the closeness of the Prince and officials and with all those instances started from a few years ago.

From the beginning, one must not forget who one was dealing with. After the rebirth, one had become indifferent to many matters, just like this household of the Shen family, even if she did not do anything, they would still cause their own death. However, it was different from Fu Xiu Yi.

Fu Xiu Yi was like the most vicious snake that was hidden in the dark. It looked harmless but one would be caught off-guard and bitten by it. Just like the last time when he got Shen Wan to matchmake herself and Prince Zhou. Even if Shen Miao hid from Fu Xiu Yi as much as possible, Fu Xiu Yi still fixed his attention on her.

It was no longer appropriate to endure silently and work out a strategy. Instead, it was better to tear off one's mask and start playing a game with evenly matched adversaries.

What was Fu Xiu Yi most afraid of? He feared that his ambition would be unveiled to everyone.

With regards to Shen Wan's matter, even though this would make Emperor Wen Hui's heart suspicious, with Fu Xiu Yi's methods, it would not be so easy for him to be knocked down. He would definitely think of a method of rebuttal.

However, how could Shen Miao be able to miss this opportunity? Even if one was unable to knock him down this time, she must definitely remove a layer of skin from Fu Xiu Yi.

Just one Shen Wan was not enough. This round of chess must be even more exciting. Shen Miao called Jing Zhe to get Mo Qing in and instructed Mo Qing with a few words.

From the splendid residence to imprisonment, it only took one night.

Shen Wan felt that in these two years the Shen Residence was very unlucky. It was just like one had offended someone or something so that nothing went smoothly. First, it was the Second Household that had mishaps then after that, it was the Third Household's turn. Now, the entire Shen Residence was imprisoned, other than the Eldest Household. Currently, the Eldest Household was valued again by Emperor Wen Hui and regardless of how the future would be, it was at least more impressive than them.

Speaking of which, the continuous misfortune that the Shen Residence met with seemed to have started after the separation from the Eldest Household. However, to be more precise, it started two years ago when Shen Xin returned to the capital. Could it be that someone put a curse onto the Shen Residence?

In the prison cell next door, it contained all the females in the Shen family. Old Shen Furen and Chang Zai Qing were both locked up there. When Shen Wan heard the moaning and complaining from Old Shen Furen, his heart started to feel irritation.

Thinking back two years ago, people who came to visit the residence of the Formidable Great General were abundant even though most of them did it for Shen Xin's reputation. However, Shen Xin was not in the capital all year and the Shen Residence was not short of money, thus, one had an imposing manner when walking about. Although Shen Gui and he were civil officials, they would be promoted each passing year and both of their daughters were elegant and their marriages could be a great help. Shen Yuan Bo and Shen Yuan were still alive and Ren Wan Yun was astute, and Chen Rou Qiu was gentle. It was a good image of a happy and harmonious family. (Editor: I love how he doesn't mention SM at all… it's all rosy glasses for this one. Doesn't remember how the astute and gentle aunts and the elegant cousins bullied her. HidAnas: That's because he was thinking about Old Shen Fūrén's side only…)

However, in just two short years, things had remained the same but the people had changed and they landed in such a situation.

Shen Gui asked dispiritedly, "Sāndì, what crime did you actually commit that Bìxià actually captured our entire residence?"

"I committed some crime?" Shen Wan laughed coldly, "Èrgē is also a person who worked in court and knows that if Bìxià wants to arrest anyone, just any casual excuse will be enough for it. This is Bìxià's excuse to arrest me." If it was true that one's performance was poor then the entire residence of people would not be arrested. This is clearly intending to attack with condemnations."

When Chang Zai Qing, in the adjoining cell, heard it, she exclaimed in shock and her words contained some anxieties, "It is unexpectedly Bìxià's doing on purpose. Why would Bìxià do this on purpose? Could it be that Lǎoyé had angered Bìxià in some ways?"

If it was on normal days, Shen Wan would surely say some words to relieve her anxiety, but once he thought of the information that he received from Liu province that Chang Zai Qing already had a husband and child, he felt very disgusted. Chang Zai Qing wholeheartedly chased for a wealthy future so she concealed her true appearance but now that the wealth has become bubbles and shadows, one feared that it was too late for regrets.

He waved his hands and said impatiently, "One does not know."

However, his heart was thinking about the letter that he received.

The letter that his servant gave was from his private and considerably close personal friend in the official circle. One did not know where that official heard that Shen Wan's arch-enemy had submitted a report. That report did not indicate other things but the evidence of the exchanges between Shen Wan and Fu Xiu Yi over these years.

Even though Shen Wan did not really work for Fu Xiu Yi these years but because he was indecisive in the early years and did not want to give up Prince Ding as a chess piece, his attitude was rather warm. From the eyes of others, it looked like he had an alliance with Prince Ding very early on. When Emperor Wen Hui saw the pile of evidence, it was conceivable that Emperor Wen Hui would be furious thus one feared that it would be difficult for the matter to be settled well.

As to how his arch-enemy would be able to suddenly gain all the information, Shen Wan could vaguely think of a person. Chen Rou Qiu had been his wife for so many years and because Chen Rou Qiu did not know about court matters, Shen Wan would not deliberately guard against Chen Rou Qiu. Some of the matters were very secretive, thus, if Chen Rou Qiu stabbed him in the back then everything would be plausible.

Thinking that how Chen Rou Qiu treated him with graceful tenderness in the beginning and now it was a matter of 'either the fish dies or the net splits', Shen Wan's gaze landed on Chang Zai Qing and his expression got solemn. If there was no Chang Zai Qing, Chen Rou Qiu and he would not be a separated couple and things would not be like this. Thinking like that, Shen Wan also felt indifferent even to the child that Chang Zai Qing was carrying.

On the surface, the imprisonment of Shen Wan and family was due to poor performance but those who were aware of the situation knew that this was Emperor Wen Hui's wrath for Shen Wan being close with Fu Xiu Yi in secret. This matter implicated the entire Shen Residence and of course, Prince Ding, Fu Xiu Yi, was also inevitably affected.

Fu Xiu Yi had a network of numerous spies and informants, thus, he quickly learnt about the truth of the matter. Fu Xiu Yi had never thought that Shen Wan's and Chen Rou Qiu's family affairs could involve him. Currently, the crucial thing was to never let Emperor Wen Hui be suspicious of him at this time.

At the same time, Fu Xiu Yi was also very puzzled. This year, Emperor Wen Hui's health was not as good as it was previously so he was very sensitive towards the relations between the Princes and the officials. Just at this sensitive period, it was spread that he was close with Shen Wan, he felt that it was indeed too much of a coincidence. Even though Shen Wan was in the pits, in actual fact, what he lost was not necessarily lesser than Shen Wan. The more he thought about it, the more irritated he felt. Fu Xiu Yi said coldly, "Not good enough to accomplish anything but more than enough to spoil everything."

Pei Lang said after thinking, "It is best for Diànxià to indicate early that there is no relation to the matter. No matter what method is used, one has to prove one's innocence."

"Naturally I know that." Fu Xiu Yi said, "What does Xiānshēng think?"

"The evidence is undeniable so by denying it, it would look like it is deliberate. Diànxià can admit to it and push all of it onto Shen Wan. Even though it is Bìxià's taboo for Princes to form fractions, if it was Shen Wan who took the initiative to defect to you and Diànxià could not withstand the annoyance, perhaps Bìxià would feel better."

Fu Xiu Yi nodded his head, "Xiānshēng's analysis is exactly the same as mine. Shen Wan, this chess piece, can only be sacrificed. However, it would be more troublesome to leave this chess piece alone therefore it is better to get rid of it." The meaning of these words was to sacrifice Shen Wan. There was no choice but to admit to the incidences in the report as there were plenty of evidence threads in each one and those who were interested could discover it if they dig. However, all these were Shen Wan's desires. It was Shen Wan who wanted to climb and attached himself onto Fu Xiu Yi and it was Fu Xiu Yi who remained unmoved. All these would be pardonable and Shen Wan would be the one who would be implicated.

It's just that with this method, the crimes that were placed on Shen Wan would be much heavier and with Emperor Wen Hui's wrath, the punishment for Shen Wan would be even more severe. However, Fu Xiu Yi would definitely not care of the ending of Shen Wan. Fu Xiu Yi would not be troubled by those who brought trouble to him.

"I am really fated with the Shen family." Fu Xiu Yi had an aloof expression on, "Again and again, matters were ruined in the hands of the Shen family. One did not know why but even though this time it started from Chen Rou Qiu, I still feel that it is not that simple. It is like someone is manipulating from behind the scenes."

Pei Lang's heart jumped but his face remained as calm as it was previously, "The top priority now is still for Diànxià to testify personally. The longer this is dragged on, the worse Bìxià's anger would be and it would even implicate Diànxià."

Fu Xiu Yi smiled, "Even though it is a little more troublesome, it is not a deadlock situation. However, one asks Xiānshēng if the Shen family should remain or not?"

Pei Lang replied warmly, "Since they have hindered Diànxià's great cause, then, of course, they cannot remain."

Fu Xiu Yi grinned and stared at Pei Lang, "Xiānshēng's words are exactly to my thoughts. I still have some matters so Xiānshēng can withdraw first. If there is a matter, I will then discuss it with Xiānshēng."

Pei Lang nodded his head in compliance and turned around to withdraw.

However, he did not see that Fu Xiu Yi was starting at Pei Lang's back as he left with a clouded look in his eyes.

The matter of Shen Wan and family being imprisoned was well known to everyone, thus, it was also naturally spread into the residence of Prince of Qin. In front of the stone table in the gardens, Shen Yue was stunned when she heard the news and it was Huangfu Hao who gave a look to the scout and asked, "Oh? Really the entire residence is imprisoned?"

"It is absolutely true." That scout said, "One heard that Emperor Wen Hui is very furious and wanted to give a death sentence."

Huangfu Hao turned around to look at Shen Yue's expression. Apart from being overwhelmed and finding it incomprehensible, there was no sadness or heartbroken expression. Involuntarily, Chen Rou Qiu's words from that day floated up in her mind. At that time, Shen Yue felt that there was an additional meaning behind Chen Rou Qiu's words. Could it be that the current situation of the Shen family was due to Chen Rou Qiu's handiwork? Shen Yue dared not let Huangfu Hao discover her emotions and lowered her head to display a look of grief, "How could this be?"

"With only the reason of poor performance, how could Emperor Wen Hui seize the residence? One fear that it is not just this reason." Huangfu Hao said, "There should be another reason." After he finished saying, he then looked at Shen Yue and asked, "Does Yue-er want to take a look at Shen Dàrén?"

Shen Yue jumped in shocked and stammered, ���One fears that if one were to go now, it would only make Fùqīn sad and bring trouble to Diànxià, so it is not needed."

The Shen family was being seized and she was a female who had 'married' into the Wang family thus she was not implicated. However, if someone discovered that Shen Yue was still here, who knew if she would also be locked up. In face of a great calamity at hand, each one would fly in different directions. The Shen family was merciless to Shen Yue so Shen Yue did not have any morality towards the Shen family. One feared that it would implicate oneself and was looking at hiding herself so why would one approach it?

Hearing this, Huangfu Hao did not get tangled with this issue and only laughed before dropping the subject. Shen Yue sighed with relief in her heart. After Huangfu Hao left, Shen Yue thought of writing a letter to Chen Rou Qiu to ask if this matter was related to Chen Rou Qiu.

Even though there was still some fear in her heart, seeing that the entire Shen family was imprisoned, Shen Yue felt that there was some joy in the calamity. This was especially so for Chang Zai Qing as she was the woman who took her mother's position and now had to suffer with Shen Wan. Thinking of that, Shen Yue did not find that it was lowly for her to be Huangfu Hao's concubine and even felt complacent. If she had remained in the Shen Residence, now she would also be imprisoned.

Shen Yue had thought so but on the very next day, there was a secret which was spread in Ding Capital City. This secret was just like a stone that was thrown into the water and set off thousands of waves. The people who stood outside to watch the commotion found another interesting thing to talk about and the entire streets kept on constantly talking about it.

This also made the Shen family become a joke for others to talk about after meals and tea.