
On the morning of the next day, there was a special guest that came to the Shen Mansion.

The person who came was none other than Feng An Ning.

After the previous incident where Shen Miao and Luo Tan was kidnapped, Feng An Ning really took the initiative to come over to apologize after everything. Shen Xin and wife were forthright people and moreover, Feng An Ning could not be blamed for the incident and one could only blame those kidnappers for having superior methods. Even though Shen Xin and wife mentioned that it was not a serious issue and both Shen Miao and Luo Tan did not put it to heart, Feng An Ning, however, seemed to be very regretful about it. Other than sending people over every three to five days to gift some small playthings, she no longer came over. Most likely she felt that she did not know how to face Shen Miao and Luo Tan that even when Luo Tan sent an invite to Feng An Ning, she would refuse it.

One did not expect that she would take the initiative to come over.

Once Luo Tan heard that Feng An Ning came, she was very happy and pulled Shen Miao before running to the front hall. In the Ding Capital City, other than Shen Miao, Feng An Ning was Luo Tan's only friend. One of them was shrewish but straightforward, the other was bold and unconstrained, both were similar to the other. Because of the previous matter, Luo Tan had not seen Feng An Ning for a long time and was somewhat impatient.

Upon arriving in the main hall, one really saw Luo Xue Yan talking to Feng An Ning. Feng An Ning was wearing a white short jacket dress with her hair up in a ponytail and wearing pearl earrings and ceramic glazed hairpin, looking much quieter than her usual self. Luo Tan took the lead and called out, "Feng An Ning," and ran over.

Shen Miao, however, had noticed that beside where Feng An Ning was standing, there sat a young person in the early twenties. This youth's brows were beautiful and he wore blue fitting robes with a gentle and well-mannered look. When he noticed that Shen Miao was looking at him, he nodded his head to Shen Miao lightly. His etiquettes were very detailed.

There were some similarities with Feng An Ning with his eyes.

Luo Tan only then noticed that there was another person and said, "This is…"

Luo Xue Yan was somewhat embarrassed. It was not appropriate to let two young females see a male outsider without any rhyme or reason but thinking of the reason for Feng An Ning's visit, she felt somewhat of difficulty and could not say if she was happy or guilty.

It was Feng An Ning who took the initiative to speak, "This is my Dàgē."

Shen Miao suddenly understood. There were only Feng An Ning and her Dàgē, Feng Zi Xian, who were the Feng family's Di born. This person would be her Dàgē, Feng Zi Xian.

Feng Zi Xian stood up and cupped his hands to greet Shen Miao and Luo Tan. Shen Miao and Luo Tan quickly returned the gesture. Luo Tan looked at Feng Zi Xian somewhat doubtfully at Feng Zi Xian before looking at Feng An Ning again and asked, "An Ning, are you not here today to look for us to play?"

If Feng An Ning came over to look for Shen Miao and Luo Tan, she would not bring Feng Zi Xian over. However, this made one astonished as one did not know what Feng An Ning's intention was.

Feng An Ning did not speak and only looked towards Feng Zi Xian. Feng Zi Xian looked a little embarrassed but still spoke first, "Today one came over because one had heard Shen Qiu's xiōngdì in the Military Department mentioning that honoured residence was seeking a son-in-law… This one... This one is so bold as to recommend oneself. May Gūniáng and Fūrén overlook the aspect of the abruptness." Finishing, his face turned reddish and avoided Luo Tan's gaze.

Luo Xue Yan was somewhat embarrassed but there was joy in her eyes. Luo Tan's mouth dropped as if she had not expected that the other party came over for this reason. Shen Miao was startled but she could not pinpoint what her feeling was.

This Feng Zi Xian's words were considered very daring. Anyone who came over to matchmake would always get another to lobby for them. Either it was their parents who would come over to probe, there would be extremely little that they themselves would come over to speak about it. However, even if the younger generation comes over, the older generation would be invited so that etiquette would still be followed. When this spreads out, others would speak much about Shen Miao's innocence. He was indeed a very well-mannered person.

Shen Miao did not speak but Feng An Ning actively spoke. She looked at Shen Miao, the usual Feng An Ning who was always so proud, had reduced her arrogance so much, most likely because she still felt guilty about the matter before and her tone of voice was somewhat tempting to please her, "We have all heard about the rumours. Now all the officials' families are all avoiding but it is not your best choice to marry into the Eastern Palace. It is better… It is better to marry my Dàgē. My Dàgē is good at both literary and military matters and is dependable. If you marry to our residence, I will also help you and there will always be one to take care."

Feng An Ning had always been one who did not know how to make turns thus she spoke very straightforwardly and honestly but was thinking of Shen Miao in all aspects. Luo Xue Yan's face became much softer and warmer than before. Shen Miao asked, "Does Feng Fūrén and Feng Lǎoyé know about it?"

Feng An Ning hesitated for a moment before saying, "Initially, Diē did not agree but afterwards after our persuasion, he went along with us. My Diē is one who has a quick sharp mouth but a tofu heart. He is very vocal but he definitely would not block this matter."

Shen Miao did not doubt this point at all. She knew that Feng An Ning was one who was not calculating and guessed that Master Feng was also one who was above it.

She then looked at Feng Zi Xian again and asked, "Does Feng Gōngzǐ think that I am pitiful so one then lend a helping hand and marry me?"

When these words were out, everyone was startled.

Luo Xue Yan was in a daze that Shen Miao did not have a trace of shyness or any emotions in her lifetime event. It was indeed strange to treat it so calmly. Feng Zi Xian did not expect that Shen Miao would ask such a question that straightforwardly.

He quickly recovered to his senses, "This one's Mèimèi had mentioned gūniáng numerous times and Zi Xian admires gūniáng's artistic talents and temperament… This time, it was also a coincidence opportunity, else, one dare not take assistive measures." After finishing, his face became redder.

When Luo Tan heard it, she laughed out. Shen Miao was somewhat weak all over. She really did not know how Feng An Ning described herself normally that 'artistic talents and temperament' were used.

Feng An Ning looked at Shen Miao anxiously, "My Dàgē is definitely better than Tàizǐ Diànxià."

Shen Miao almost laughed out. If these words fell into the ears of others, one would say Feng An Ning as being disrespectful. However, for Feng An Ning to be able to say these words, it meant that she had sincerely placed Shen Miao in her heart. Shen Miao looked at Feng Zi Xian, who looked similar to Feng An Ning, with magnanimous facial features. He should be an honest and straight person.

Shen Miao smiled, "One cannot settle my marriage in just a few short words. This would not be fair to me and also to Feng Gōngzǐ."

Luo Xue Yan heard Shen Miao's words and had other thoughts in her heart. Shen Miao clearly had different thoughts on her marriage. However, as a mother, one did not know what exactly Shen Miao was intending to do. Shen Miao was not willing to marry to the Eastern Palace and was not interested in these young talented characters. Luo Xue Yan was somewhat anxious.

One had thought that no one dared to go against the Imperial family and come over to the Shen Mansion to propose marriage. Unexpectedly, there came three, Luo Ling, Su Ming Feng and Feng Zi Xian. Either one of them would make one satisfied but Shen Miao, unfortunately, did not see anything special about all of them.

Feng An Ning said, "But aren't you anxious? There is almost no time left."

These words were not false as no one knew when the Imperial edict would be passed down. If it was previous, naturally there would be a lot of time for Shen Miao to think clearly but now if the Imperial edict was passed down then there would be no room for change at all.

Shen Miao waved his hands and just as she was about to speak, suddenly she saw Jing Zhe run over in a rush, "Xiǎojiě, someone from the Palace has arrived."

Luo Xue Yan's face turned white in an instance.

Not daring to let others discover that the siblings of the Feng family were here, Luo Xue Yan brought Shen Miao to the front hall to receive the message. Once the young eunuch who came to speak was done, they then knew that it was not that an Imperial edict was passed and it was just to let Shen Miao enter the Palace alone tomorrow as the Empress had some things to say to Shen Miao.

After the young eunuch left, Luo Xue Yan's face became extremely ugly. Even though there was no Imperial edict, it was not much better than that. Tomorrow Shen Miao would enter the Palace alone and if at that time the Imperial edict was brought up, Shen Miao would not be able to refuse by herself. Even if it was not mentioned, one did not know what kind of intimidating words the Empress would say. It was a sinister motive to let Shen Miao meet with the Empress alone.

Feng An Ning and Feng Zi Xian were somewhat worried and conversely, it was Shen Miao that advised them not to place it in their hearts. After the Feng siblings left, Luo Tan then asked, "Biǎomèi, what can be done now? Could it be that the marriage will be settled these days?"

"The marriage cannot be settled overnight. Eight characters need to be exchanged, the necessary people have to be invited to speak and there are many other matters to settle. It would not be in time for tomorrow." Shen Miao said.

Luo Tan stared blankly, "So there are still so many things." She then continued, "Biǎomèi does know it clearly."

Shen Miao paused a while. Of course, she was clear with it, it was because in her previous life she was filled with joy as she watched each of these things be completed and could not wait to marry into the residence of her loved one early.

But she did not know that it was a tomb that did not even spit out one's bone after it had eaten cleanly.

Luo Xue Yan looked towards Shen Miao seriously, "Jiao Jiao, tell Mǔqīn, of these people, who do you like?"

"It is not considered as like." Shen Miao smiled gently, "Just pick the one most suitable. Mǔqīn does not need to be overly anxious. It is not too late for me to decide after returning from the Palace tomorrow. Maybe, there would be even more suitable people appearing."

Luo Xue Yan was startled. Shen Miao always looked at her marriage without care and seemed not to have any expectation for her future husband which made Luo Xue Yan panic in her heart. It was until when Shen Miao left before she muttered to herself, "Could it be that… Jiao Jiao still has feelings for Ding Wáng Diànxià…"

Shen Miao did not know these thoughts from Luo Xue Yan at all. She had already made plans for the worst-case scenario and it was none other than to burn both jade and the common stone with the Imperial family. She had a strong determination but did not know if the Fu family people have plans to abandon their reputation.

Even in the worst-case scenario, she could not lose one's hope since one had to continue living.

As she thought like this, she looked over at the windows and finally felt a bit annoyed before instructing Gu Yu, "Close the windows tighter. I want to rest."


The Crown Prince had the intention to marry Shen Miao as a Secondary Consort which made the current situation of official families not daring to engage with the Shen family at all. The matter was in such an abuzz that it naturally also spread into the ears of the Princes.

In the residence of Prince Zhou, the two brothers, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing, were sitting in front of the table discussing the matter.

"After fighting with Lǎoliù for so long, one did not expect that Tàizǐ would exploit a loophole." Prince Zhou drank the wine indignantly, "Tàizǐ looked honest usually and is now smart."

(Lǎojiǔ - Lǎojiǔ/Prince Ding. Lǎoliù - Number Six/Prince Li)

Prince Jing was calmer than his older brother and shook his head, "The way I see it, this matter is not only Tàizǐ's idea and also Fù Huáng's incitement. Fù Huáng is not satisfied with us and Li Wáng's clique since Tàizǐ was still the rightful one. Fù Huáng helped Tàizǐ in bias, thus wanted to gift the Shen family army's power to Tàizǐ."

"Fù Huáng is also old and confused." Prince Zhou sneered, "It is always said that abler people do more work. That invalid and sickly Tàizǐ did not think that even if the military power of the Shen family fall into his hands, how many years can he use it? It might be possible that one does not need to wait for it to warm up when one breathe one's last and then it would have given others a cheap advantage." These words were very vicious, as it had the meaning of almost cursing the Crown Prince to die early. Even as such, Prince Zhou's tone was filled with jealousy as one had to know what if the Crown Prince gained the military power of the Shen family, not only his power and influence would grow, not only could he fight with him and Prince Li as equals, he might be able to exceed them.

The Crown Prince had the unique advantage of being the rightful successor and in addition to the Shen family's military power. With such odds, how could Prince Zhou not be anxious?

"So as to speak, at the beginning one might as well let that little girl of the Shen family marry to Lǎojiǔ. It is better than Tàizǐ." Prince Zhou said solemnly.

"Lǎojiǔ?" Prince Jing's smile was profound, "Sì gē, Lǎojiǔ is not as simple as you and I think."

"You are speaking about Shen Wan and Qīnwáng's matter?" Prince Zhou had a sense of uncertainty, "No matter how one looks, there was someone behind inciting the matter. Even if it is true, then it only indicates that he has that ambition. Speaking the truth, between us nine Xiōngdì, which one does not have any ambitions to that throne? Lǎojiǔ did not take any sides as he wants to stand alone. With such ambitions, one has to have that ability first. One doesn't even participate much in the court matter on usual days so which official was willing to follow him?"

Fu Xiu Yi and Shen Wan were very close in secret and there was also an unclear relationship with the Crown Prince of Qin country. When this was heard by the other Princes, they were wary of Fu Xiu Yi but did not place him in the first position. There was no other reason except that Fu Xiu Yi did not participate in court matters for many years so even if he had that ambition, he did not have the strength. It was just one who had the heart higher than the Heavens and life as thin as paper. Compared with him, the arch-enemy was more important.

Prince Jing shook his head, "Sì gē should not underestimate Lǎojiǔ. I always felt that he hid deeply."

Prince Zhou waved his hands impatiently, "Without any rhyme or reason, why keep on mentioning Lǎojiǔ? Today, I called you over as there is a matter to be discussed."

Prince Zhou lowered his voice, "We cannot just watch as the military power of the Shen family lands in the hands of Tàizǐ. If Tàizǐ gains the military power and the Imperial Grandson is born now, Fù Huáng would have the intention to support and our chances would become even smaller. I have fought with Li Wáng for so many years and do not want Tàizǐ to gain such a cheap advantage."

"Sì gē's meaning is?"

"This marriage cannot be tied together." Prince Zhou smiled cruelly, "The best to become enemies instead."

"There are thousands of methods to create enmity, which one does Sì gē pick?" Prince Jing asked.

"Naturally, it is a blood feud." Prince Zhou placed his wine cup down, "That little girl of the Shen family previously thought about Lǎojiǔ wholeheartedly and definitely not willing to marry Tàizǐ. In this case, our Imperial family would not force someone to do anything, so why not free her instead."

"It is not easy to take action on Shen Miao." Prince Jing said, "After the last time Shen Miao was kidnapped by others, Shen Xin had double the number of guards she had and now she is heavily-guarded so how can action be taken?"

Prince Zhou smiled, "It is not possible outside but it is possible in the Palace." He was immensely proud of himself, "After entering the Palace, no matter what kind of guard they are, they all have to wait outside. Upon entering the Palace, it will be our world. I had inquired and know that the little girl of the Shen family would be coming into the Palace alone tomorrow. After she had entered and seen Huánghòu, it would be our opportunity and it would be the easiest thing to do at that time."

Prince Jing said, "It is easy to take action in the Palace but it is easy to be suspected upon investigation.

"So this is a matter where one can strike two eagles down with one arrow." Prince Zhou smiled, "You say, why not make it look like it is from Lǎoliù's hands?"

Prince Jing eyes lit up.

Both brothers and Prince Li's clique had been fighting for so many years and none of them came up on top. If this time Shen Miao met with an accident in the Palace, with Shen Xin's love for Shen Miao, he would place the blame onto the Crown Prince. If it was not the Crown Prince's intention of marrying Shen Miao, Shen Miao would not encounter the accident, thus, it could be considered as the Shen family and the Crown Prince became enemies. At the end, when Prince Li was discovered as the mastermind, Prince Li would not benefit from it.

Without utilising one soldier or striking a single blow, to clear up two rivals, what was there against it?

Prince Jing smiled, "Sì gē's idea is not bad but one has to carefully arrange it and remove all the flaws. Someone come and invite my aides in."


Coincidentally when the residence of Prince Zhou was discussing the assassination of Shen Miao tomorrow, the residence of Prince Li was also wracking their minds over the matter.

Prince Li smiled at the two brothers in front of him, "What do you all think?"

Prince Xiang had a cautious and timid character and as he was looking at Prince Li's appearance, he could not help but shudder. Prince Li had always been a smiling face tiger, on the surface, he would have an amiable appearance but there were a lot of vicious things that he had done over the years. He said, "Would it be too risky?"

Prince Chen heard it and said, "What risk is there? One could not really let the Crown Prince marry the Xiǎojiě of the Shen family and for no rhyme or reason gain the military power of the Shen family. Liù gē and Zhou Wáng had been fighting for so many years and there was still no result to it and that Tàizǐ is sickly, he is not afraid that he had the life to obtain it but none to enjoy."

Prince Chen had always talked straightforwardly and did not care about the consequences. These words were very impudent but it was obviously in line with Prince Li's heart, "Bā dì did not say incorrectly. It was not my wish to see Tàizǐ gaining the military power of the Shen family. If this marriage is successful, not only me but us Xiōngdì would also be implicated. This cannot happen. I proposed to assassinate the Xiǎojiě of the Shen family so that one can spare all later troubles. Even though the Xiǎojiě of the Shen family is innocent, it can be said that she was also implicated by Tàizǐ."

(Liù gē - Sixth Older Brother/Prince Li, Bā dì - Eighth Younger Brother/Prince Chen)

Prince Li talked about the assassination in all smiles. Even though his words were very sympathetic towards innocent Shen Miao, there were no traces of mercy in the tone used.

"But how does one push this matter to Zhou Wáng?" Prince Xiang asked softly.

"Zhou Wáng's usual actions are arrogant and it is reasonable that he would do things on impulse and Fù Huáng had been very vocal about him. Moreover, when supporting the Tàizǐ, Fù Huáng would only blame him if one lost the Shen family military power because of Zhou Wáng." Prince Li muttered on.

"One arrow, two eagles. It is a good idea." Prince Chen said with wide grins, "I support Liù gē."

Prince Xiang did not speak but it did not matter if he did not speak. Both he and Prince Chen were following Prince Li so Prince Li's decision also represented both of them. If it was successful, naturally, one would be raised to Heavens but if it failed then all of them would fall into misfortune. This was the 'shared delights and common hardships' that was agreed upon in the beginning.

His heart sighed slightly and he could only hope that during the assassination of Shen Miao tomorrow, everything would be carried out smoothly.


The night was as dark as ink and when the winter wind blew onto one's face, it was so chilling and sharp, as if someone was shaving one's face. The water that was drawn during the day had become ice at night and just like the buckets that were placed outside the room, on the second day, it would be stuck on the ground and unmovable.

Up in the inn, in front of the windows, the purple-clad youth was standing with his hands at the back. His brows were tightly locked and one did not know what he was thinking about. A snow-white dove flew in from outside and landed on the window sill in front. There was a layer of thin ice on its body and perhaps was surprised to be flying in such cold weather.

Xie Jing Xing took the little silver tube from the pigeon's leg before throwing the pigeon behind him. The charcoal was burning in the room, making it warm. The pigeon flew onto the study table in the room and stuffed its head into the little bowl of corn kernels.

Xie Jing Xing took out the small piece of paper from the silver tube and started reading. Afterwards, he then threw it into the stove to be destroyed. Tie Yi walked in from outside and greeted Xie Jing Xin's back, "Zhǔzi, the carriage is ready to return to the capital tomorrow."

Xie Jing Xing replied with an 'mmm' sound.

Tie Yi, however, did not retreat and looked at Xie Jing Xing's back view, as if hesitating to speak about something.

"Speak if there is something to be said." Xie Jing Xing said without turning around.

Tie Yi quaked and quickly said, "Zhǔzi, there is news from the Ding Capital City. These days, Shen Xin is searching for a suitable young talent for Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě, seemingly having an intention for marriage."

Xie Jing Xing did not turn back. Tie Yi looked at the straight back view of the other party and he did not know why but he felt that his head was becoming numb. He did not know if he should say these things and he complained in his heart. Ji Yu Shu and Gao Yang of the Ding Capital City side did not mention this matter in the letter that was sent over. Tie Yi mentioned it now, in the future, Xie Jing Xing would blame both of them and it would look like Tie Yi was the one who provoked it.

However, if one does not speak of it, this issue mattered a lot so if Xie Jing Xing knew of it by himself, the matter would have become big and he did not need to work a personal bodyguard and it was likely that he would have lost his life too.

Between loyalty and life, Tie Yi would choose the latter decisively.

He said, "Su Ming Feng of the Su family, Luo Ling of the Luo family and Feng Zi Xian, the eldest son of the Feng family, had all paid a visit to the Shen Mansion."

"Feng Zi Xian?" The youth turned around and stared into Tie Yi's eyes before asking, "Why did Feng Zi Xian pay a visit?"

Tie Yi's entire back was cold but he thickened his skin and said, "Because Shen Xin is anxious to marry Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě off due to the news that was spread from the Palace that Tàizǐ has the intention to marry Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě as a Cèfēi. Then, the Shen family did not wish for Wǔ xiǎojiě to marry into the Eastern Palace and wanted to marry Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě before the Imperial edict arrives. The Xiǎojiě of the Feng family and Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě are good friends, thus, she had especially look for her Dàgē to solve the issue…"

"When did the news spread from the Palace?" Xie Jing Xing asked slowly but the voice seemed to be coated with a layer of ice.

Tie Yi did not even dare to look at Xie Jing Xing's eyes as he lowered his head all the way to the ground, "Five days ago."

"The news five days ago only reaches now?" Xie Jing Xing did get furious but instead laughed. The beautiful pair of peach blossoms eyes seemed to have anger, "Běnwǎng does not know when did one start raising a bunch of useless things."

The air in the room got cold and seemed to be even colder than outside. Even with the warm charcoal burning, the pigeon on the table lightly cooed and hid its head under its feathers.

Tie Yi felt like weeping but had no tears and still had to finish the words that he had not spoken, "Today, the Palace sent a message to the Shen family for Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě to enter the Palace alone tomorrow as Běnwǎng has something to discuss."

Before the voice landed, one saw a flash of the handsome purple-clad youth's figure and he was already at the doorway as he draped the fox fur cloak over before saying coldly, "Prepare the horse."

Xie Yi was startled, "Zhǔzi, isn't the setoff tomorrow morning…"

Xie Jing Xing glanced at him indifferently and Tie Yi shuddered, not daring to say anything more.

On this night, the wind and snow accompanied each other, making the cold air enter one's bones. Some people were on the bed turning over, unable to sleep, some people were in a luxurious residence planning an assassination conspiracy. There were also some people who were taking for granted as they were living in the Imperial Palace and there were people riding on a prestigious breed of horses galloping in the oncoming wind and snow thousands of Lis (1 li = 500m) away.

Some people were happy, some people were in sorrow, some people were restless, some people were as pleased as a punch. In the vast country of Ming Qi that looked like a painting, the dance and music in the Ding Capital City rose and laughter was heard everywhere as the year was closing but no one could see the turbulent times under the clam lake.

In the residence of Prince Ding, in a certain room, there was someone who was playing against oneself.

The male's green robe was natural and graceful and there was a disorder chess game on the table. The white and black pieces were intertwined on the board and looked extremely complicated. For every step that was taken, he had to think for a long time that it seemed that it was down to the bottleneck but he could not place the black pieces in his hands down.

The light slightly moved and seemed to be almost extinguished when he got up and poured in more oil and the room brightened. The male's brows were as light as a breeze and as clear as the moon and were of air of a modest gentleman. There was also arrogance in his heart but between his eyes, there seemed to be some sorrow.

This person was Pei Lang.

Pei Lang looked at the windy and snowy night scene and sighed deeply.

Fu Xiu Yi's chess piece move was indeed a good one. Redirecting the waters of calamity to the East. No matter if it was successful or a failure, there would not be any trace of relationship with Fu Xiu Yi. No matter what the result was, the Crown Prince would be in misfortune, Prince Zhou and Prince Li in bad luck, or the Shen family, to Fu Xiu Yi, it was a good thing.

With such a move, Shen Miao almost did not have any other routes to go. Even there was, it would only be an inferior move. To sum it up, for this round, Fu Xiu Yi would not lose.

Pei Lang was somewhat worried for Shen Miao.

He also did not know why he was worried about Shen Miao. If Shen Miao died, then he could follow Fu Xiu Yi rightfully and properly. Fu Xiu Yi relied on him heavily and if he did not read it incorrectly, this person had the abilities of a monarch and in the future, fowls and dogs like him would turn into immortals. There would be endless riches and glory and it would also be better to protect Liu Ying.

However, he was still reluctant to see Shen Miao lose.

These days, Fu Xiu Yi suspected that there is a traitor in the residence and had doubled the guards in the residence of Prince Ding that even a housefly could not fly in, much less sending information out. He did not have any way to communicate with Shen Miao and could only be secretly anxious.

Hearing that Shen Miao would be going to the Palace alone, coincidentally, he was also going to the Palace tomorrow. Even though he was going as the aide of Fu Xiu Yi, he was still a low-ranked official.

Shen Miao did not have any route left but at the end of the road, will there be any other alternatives of survival?

After a moment, Pei Lang looked at the chess game in front of him and it was in a predicament and there was no necessity to continue playing. One of his hands grabbed one of the legs of the board and suddenly turned his hand over.

Just a light lift made the board filled with chess pieces fall onto the floor with crisp sound.

The ground was in a mess.

Nothing of the original game could be seen.